Autos Done Carty's Way

Would love to see a pic of that

Hope you have a great night bud :metal:


Ack! That kind of bite can get nasty fast, hope it’s feeling better in the morning. Don’t hesitate to get it looked at by a doctor.

I do agree with you, gloves are really annoying, but they’re also really nice to have sometimes!


I’ve done a ton of research on autos this last year, and the one common thing is how deep your soil bed is, as soon as the tap root is established on the bottom most will flower. Check my thread I’ve got trained and untrained inside and out. The next few months are gonna be incredible.


Well, funny thing is, I took some photos just for this reason… to esplaine… lol


Oh awesome, thanks!! That absolutely helps, beauty :grin:

I’m very lucky when it comes to spider bites… last year it was a Brown Recluse…
still have a scar on my left pinky where the blister was. saved myself on that one by popping the blister and dropping Iodine directly into it and killing the poison I reckon…
The Black Widow bite swelled my thumb, formed a big red spot but no blister… swelling crept down to my wrist and was unable to bend my thumb until today… bite was Tuesday morning.

Weird part is I pointed at my wife earlier this evening and a spider web shot out from beneath my fingernail… LMAO


Do this at 2wks old and watch them take off… it does 2 things. Helps strengthen the stem as it heals and creates a tougher outside bark…
2… gets the plant to concentrate it’s energy on upward growth and on the upper part of the plant… those branches will form and take off… what your looking for is the main cola and 4-6 branches above the cradle area…
at a month old, you Supercrop them all… basically pinching every growing stem at mid branch… show ya that again later on…

13 days old last night
White Widow #1



After trimming the leaf material, to really get these Autos to stretch you need to raise your light back up to 24" so they reach for it more… after they sex, my next trick is switching my lights to14/10 to activate the photo period stretch hidden within… most respond quite well to this…


Flowering Tent… oldest plant Strawberry is on day 40


It sounds like you need a wicked pair of gloves my friend, lol… And, put em on :wink::grin:

That looks like it hurt like hell

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I believe this too, and I don’t understand how it works in hydro!

I have been considering messing with coco as a substrate. I should so I can do a triple side by side of DWC (which is about 3 gallon) 3 gallon coco pot tall and three gallon not-tall.


i can confirm that autos seem to stretch when put into natural light.
took my male out the 20/4 tent and put it on the windowboard, and in a few days it had like doubled in size, not necessarily useful size, stems just got longer mostly.

4 days difference

i put it on plants stretching more the less light they get. but who knows. maybe youre onto something,

according to wikipedia ehm ehm, ruderalis is just another sativa type, which makes some sense to me. before i started to look into autos i always thought sativas are how you make them, since they just grow and flower constantly, not bothering for light cycles much. They flower “automaticly”, just taking forever to finish, rudis dont have that time, winter is coming soon. So maybe the experience of 12/12 light overwrites the auto trait and kickstarts them back into ancestral sativa land.

anyone ever test if a pure sativa might start to flower eventually under an 18/6 cycle? mmmh… rubbing chin


How many days are the flowering time for Double Grape?

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Yea I had one plant outside in full sun and it ended up looking like corn, one stock giant nug at top. The indoor I trained out and on 18/6 was way denser and prolly 2 ounces heavier. Both finished exactly 90 days from seed. I wish I had a dwc setup it would be really cool to try a trained and untrained and see the differences. Ill post the drying pix so y’all can see the differences I came across.


Same strain autos. Sour devil kush, one outdoor untrained, one indoor and trained


I never train autos. I train photos within an inch of their life :joy: Autos are my au naturel wild children.

I have an indoor and outdoor Grape Ice cream. The indoor is done and smoked, the outdoor is on day 55. There are 3 plants in the pot, they dont seem to mind each other, but they all three favor a center cola outside.


I’ll tell ya what will be interesting to see, is the little ZEs that just now have true leaves. Will late summer and fall sunlight make as fat a cola?


These are only 17 days above soil so I’m aiming for a later run also. 4 maphisto auto fems


That would be a very cool side-by-side comparison :metal:


im like “why is that photo upside down, dude from australia?”
now it makes sense ha :upside_down_face:
good comparision.

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