Autos Done Carty's Way

yup! that ought to do it to it~!


Holy shit auto seeds everywhere! Card landed today thank you much @carty!


I gotta take care of my homie… hey bro, you send me all kinds of fem’d seeds so no worries… enjoy
Sitting here waiting for the Amazon truck to pull up… they keep backing the time up… now it’s before 10pm… how do they know when my lights come on… hahaha.

Perlite and more cards for shipping seeds.

Oh. if you need perlite, shop carefully… 2oz for $9.98… I found 10oz in a plain box wrapped up in a baggie, twist tied… no fancy bag… for $14… I believe people are working from home, buying bulk items and repackaging them for the lazy shopper who buys first perlite they see… rip off… be careful at Amazon and shop around… same with the greeting cards… $15 for 10… I found 50 for $12…

Seeds going out to MainerJ and a few others… thanks for being patient…


GDP X Beastmode “following Carty’s way”!
It’s late and I am wiped out, but many thanks @Carty and I better pinch off the cotlydon leaves before its too late as I forgot and Carty mentioned prevously in the few threads back!
I am trying to follow Autos done Carty’s way verbatim. I did stray from the “Way” in two areas, I must confess but only in sourcing, cash flow and time restrictions. They are:
I have had a hard tie finding 1 gal Orchid pots, I went with what I could find at the time which look to be 1/3 gallon orchid pots. And the other was the soil. I started seedlings in Coast of Maine, Sprout Island blend. The other mistake I made was I forgot to mark the date of start, which may have negative results due to getting rid of early sex plants which aqccording to this thread mark a plant as troublesome, and forgot to cu off the cotlydons which I will do tomorrow.
Here is where I am so far. Please feel free to blast me or offer guidance, the key to inteeligence is an open mind! Here you go! These are the "Stars or the Show’, compliments to @Carty, the man, who’s recipe I shall try to follow~!
Testers GDP X Beast Mode|281x500](upload://yHVnZ0AVlRG6HmtjFzrSg9IoBuw.jpeg)

Here is my deviation, Coast of Maine, Sprout Island Blend (I doubt this is actually an Island, and more of a “marketing Gimmick” but then again.

Not sure if this is a “sleeper deviation”. But from a previous failure trying to grow Caty’s Gabagoo, one element that may have led to demise perhaps was the addition of too much water on a cold concrete floor so Jah spoke to me and said to try this!

As Carty mentions in his recipe I bought s bag of Oganic Perlite. Not sure if this is dialed in in his knowlegebase thread here, but what I did was a 1/3 perlite to soil mix.

Here the Orchid pot I found on Amazon. The description lent me to believe these were 1 gallon. When I received, I learned they were not, and sending them back was a waste of valuable time, so I will give them a try, and add to this knowledge base, if nothing else.

Lighting, trying my best to follow Caty’s lead, I bought this:

They should double as good Photo reg clone lights too, time will tell!

Here they are. My best guess is I have two weeks in and I what I
do know is I did not water them the first week like Carty says.

And here they are guessing two weeks old.

Thats it for now, I am done for the day, beat up from the feet up! Have at it and feel free to chime in, I am a rank beginner so open for suggestions. Blessings to all! Argyle


Only advice I can lend, start a grow log on here… I don’t know how many times I’ve gone back to my own to figure out what date I did something, lol

Looks good otherwise :ok_hand:


Ya know, your right, I’m bad about not labeling things and since tonight was a watering night, decided to share things and be more clear…

A friend, MariJan, sends me a lot of fem’d Autos…

Strawberry x Gorilla Squatch is incredible here at day 50


Very, very nice! The trichs on that last pic look like she might almost be ready to come down :grin::metal:


No doubt, she’s close… never grown either and wondering if it’s the Strawberry side or the Samsquatch that makes it so fat…
Iced Latte’ is another one I loved after running her… so decided to add her to the next grow so I could hit her with pollen…and I did… so should have seeds to test here soon


Watching the Olympics I recorded earlier and packing up seeds for friends tonight… be back tomorrow … and did I just see Snoop Dog in a pool with Micheal Phelps… I think they share a common love… not swimming either… hehe



Tag me in your grow log @argyle


I do not know this MariJan of which you speak but I’m nearly positive you got these from me.

Strawberry Pie X Gorilla Squatch auto fems.

Also, I wanted to thank @Carty for sending me a nice seed package which I received today. Thank you kindly my friend!


@argyle killing it dig your set up.@carty knows a thing or 2 lol.
@carty got your package already went to post office and they were out of flat rate shipping boxes :rofl:🤦. Got a box now so will have tracking # tomorrow and plants look amazing!

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Ah right on, thanks for chiming in… she wasn’t sure as she had them also, but most likely these are from you good sir. and omg is it a wicked plant LDA. never ever had an auto fatten up and be ready on day 54. Glad I have 3 more fem’d seeds to grow out and hit with more pollen… not sure this was hit soon enough.


No worries, always best to use a box… getting a nice selection put together for you bro…
LDA so glad your goodies arrived safely… Did I forget anything, I promise things and when shipping time comes I’m like, now what did we talk about… find myself reading old PM’s trying to figure it out… hahaha.

Ok everyone… I think I’ve mailed out everyone’s goods.

@MainerJ I mailed yours out today ok… cheers


Well now @Carty if your girl Jan has Strawberry Pie X Gorilla Squatch maybe they weren’t from me. If hers is Strawberry x Gorilla Squatch with the Pie like you listed it above they are probably hers.

I haven’t gotten your seeds together yet so let me ask you would you like a flip each of my Strawberry Pie auto fem strains? I was holding pollen from the Strawberry Pie plant I reversed about 3 years ago and pollinated four strains to make auto fem crosses. Those four strains are:

Purple Punch auto from FastBuds
Gorilla Cookies auto also from FastBuds
Gorilla Squatch reg auto from Fitzy
Sour Livers auto from Mephisto


I need to use a bigger envelope because I’d need to send the Strawberry Pie S1s and the Strawberry Pie x Bruce Banner auto fems


Bruce banner auto :thinking: does this come close to bb photo do you know? Bb#3 was the first mother I kept. Just curious.


did someone say gorilla and strawberry in one sentence? awwwww… drools slightly
only seen one commercially from fast buds, but no clue what they rly do lol,
gogogo, more monkeyberries!

Monkey Arse Dingleberry Haze
Donkey Kongs Bollocks Kush

mmmh… so many possibilities!


Hey carty just checked my auto plants. There full of fem seeds. Should be ready to send to you in 5 or so weeks. I crossed banana purple punch over zamadelica express to bulk up the potency and bud size. Should be a cross . Also done it over itself and strawberry banana . Hope all is well matey


You guys making me drool over here. I gotta get some better autos.