Autos Done Carty's Way

Hey, please keep me in mind when your beans are dried and ready to go. If you produced enough to share / trade I would like to see about some.


Fem auto seeds make me I love a good hunt but when space restrictions limit the amount of plants to keep jars full . I’ll get there though.


Yeah no worries should have enough for you guys as well :smiley:


Here are @Carty GDP x Beast Mode, about 3 weeks in, got a slow start. I fertized with 1/3 strength organic fertilizer which picked them up, as well as I cut the cotlydon leaves off.


Must be the pkg enroute to me now… gotta love having Informed Delivery…
Bro, I appreciate anything you send.

I did recheck the way it’s written and I have 2 strains and of course, my old arse got them mixed up. I have Strawberry Pie S1, did not plant any.
I planted Strawberry x Gorilla Squatch because I was going to have a squatch off… most didn’t show… but that one did. And finished like a 60 day Auto…


I so appreciate you trying these out, but I do not like what I’m seeing here… at week 3 these should be over a foot tall… I’m wondering if the foods you used burned the roots a bit like when I tried FoxFarm’s Ocean Forrest straight…

The reason I’m worried is, if this is at 3wks old your plants are going to harvest a 1/4oz… some may already be trying to sex on ya.

Bro, let me send you some more seeds and we’ll see if we cannot get you a more successful start. I’d be glad to help you…Carty


I just realized something… no updates recently…

Iced Latte’ Auto day #49

F*ck Around and Find Out Auto day #41

Top Gun Auto Day #42


That FAFO is looking awesome!!!


Might be the very small pots combined with not watering the first week. Not watering is right if there’s plenty of moisture in the soil, but little pots could get dry really fast. Also possible the roots have hit the bottom and stunted them. Soil seems fine from the earlier post.
@argyle I agree with Carty, if you’re up for it and want to end up with some larger plants let him send you some more seeds. I suggest starting a grow log and posting a photo every day or two. Tag me and I’ll happily follow along sharing my 2c. Grow log is the first thing that ever got me a good record of my dates of planting, etc :slight_smile:


Now the veg tent

White Widow Autos

The one on the left needs cleaning up and tied up

Ice Princess a photo period strain from Jan…


Ice Princess I ripped out of a double potted plant… need to get rid of it but not giving the idiot across the street anything else…

Forged x Samsquatch Auto


Pretty cool how everyone is willing to help you get things going bro… I’m going to get off here and I have 5 cards to put together… Argyle, one is for you bro…
we’ve ALL of us been here so no worries… I have some Gabagoo we’ll add also

Hey Rain my friend… your another buddy who deserves to have me stop in and view what your up to… busy is no excuse, it’s just been me ok…


Flower sent me these stickers… just by chance where he works makes these for a company that sells archery bolts… hehehe. epic


All good Carty! Not much going on here i’n the greenhouse at the moment, I’m way overdone by the rest of life and still waiting on the electrician. Should have a little box headed your way on Monday.
Thanks for the awesome seeds and stickers! My mom agrees one of them belongs on our car :rofl:


Draig made the Double Grape Daddy by crossing the Mephisto strain of Double Grape with the GDP I used to cross to Beast Mode and why it says Purple above the Beast Mode sticker… it’s crossed to GDP…
The bottom 2 are photo periods…AK48 is megalithic, Ice I know little about to be honest…

Gotta love that sticker… I have a strain from a friend called that so Flower sent me stickers his company makes for an archery company… for the arrows I guess… get it. F*ck Around and Find Out…
She’s gonna be a big girl too. lets hope she lives up to her name.


That’s awesome! Thanks for all the info, I do like to keep notes on who is whose daddy :wink:

Archery makes great sense for that sticker :rofl: and is good fun too! I shot bows a handful of times. Very fun, impressively good exercise, but my hands can’t do much more than I already do with them. I got a little hand crossbow for fun, want to take it somewhere legal and have some fun trying it out. :slight_smile:


Those things look so fun… we used to get blow dart guns at the flea market, go home in Vegas and leave the door open so a few flies could enter the death trap… started out playing darts, got bored and went hunting. We got so good we could hit flies… hahaha.


Wow :laughing: most fun I’ve had killing flies is a table salt air gun my dad has for them. It gets salt everywhere though. :rofl: At home we mostly rely on our one cat who is obsessed with hunting and eating​:nauseated_face: flies. If he doesn’t stay on top of it I’ve got an electric racket. Bought the highest voltage one I could find, and then took off the safety net so I could get large yellow jackets with it.


strawberry banana auto pollinated week 3 of flowering . Full of banana purple punch X strawberry banana seeds. So glad I sacrificed this girl for seeds


theres an Ice thats skunk and white widow, and one thats afghan skunk NL, afaik.
only seen the white widow one, ages ago. but still got a photo of the bud.


Good morning @luxton, @Carty and @RainToday you guys rock, thank you for your support! I am all in on Autoflowers and on Temu I was able to find colored orchid pots in a pack with different sizing in white which was somewhat pricey, but like anything else, if you’re serious about anything you need the tools of the trade! The deal was 3 one gallon pots, 2 one point five,s, two 2 gallon and 2, three gallon pots.

I am also have the 12 little green pots, cal mag, silica- everything Carly lists and along with the coast of Maine sprout island soil, I finally found the strawberry fox farm soil he recommends at the git go to this thread.

Now as it stands all I know so far is Autoflowers in my little corner of the world are harder than photo refs to grow. So, if I hang tough and carry on, I will learn how to run em. And that my friends is what I will do, ecspecilly with the help of you, together we can@!