Autos Done Carty's Way

One thing that really helped me when I first started, I didn’t have a clue and ended up with a male and a female… Not knowing what I was looking at, I ended up with a few extra seeds, lol. With all of those extra seeds, I practiced starting sooooo many plants.

So, my point, if you get a chance to pollenate so you have a TON of seeds yourself, it’s wicked practice (plus, being on here, it’d give you lots to trade with :grin:).


@luxton is right about practice, I’ve sent out not-special seeds to lots of folks so they could experiment and figure out what works for them. Latest odd batch is (pineapple auto x Zamaldelica Express) x Miss Piggy. Talk about an odd couple! :rofl: @LoveDaAutos pointed out I may have a bit of an addiction to making seeds with every plant I like. :rofl: and its true, this was a silly cross, I was just testing the ZE seeds, and these two girls were so nice… and the pollen was flying around the tent anyway,
so all I had to do was not kill them…:rofl:

You picked very well starting with @Carty 's seeds, they’re good hardy plants. If you were trying to start with the often touchier and expensive name brand seeds I’d be counseling you to put them aside and get some from Carty, or any of the other fine crosses made by folks on here. Hybrid vigor is most definitely a thing in cannabis.

If you want some seeds from me to mess around with on the side and not care if they all end up in the compost, just pm me your address. And if any of them did make it to harvest, I bet @Carty would have as much fun as me seeing what grew from that silly cross. :slight_smile:


Man, this place is awesome!!

Also, I can’t wait to see what my 2 Z plants grow for me :grin::grin::grin:

Love these they are called a-salt-rifle :rofl::rofl:.


I have one of those, they rock!! There’s something absolutely hilarious about being really baked and shooting flies out of the air from the couch :joy::rofl:


Luxton is gonna fit in here just fine huh? Now, try it on mushrooms, in the dark while wearing a headlamp… but, the headlamp is set on motion detection so when your arm goes up once it come on, back by again it goes off… omg. sat in my living room last year laughing my butt off just watching tv doing that.

ah oh… gave away my wild side. this is your fault Noob so stop laughing


@Carty, this sounds like we are akin. Everyone should give in to the MUSHROOM


Billybob… Looking good man… Clean up them bottoms a wee bit, get that energy going to the upper plant and buds. especially if running LED lighting as they just do not have the penetration. You could get away with this running the old 1000w hps lights… LED’s to better cleaning up the bottoms so plant can concentrate on the areas needed

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I love the sharing here… I do get that sometimes I tend to over send. so many strains, so little time huh? hey, if I have to choose between hundreds,so should all of you… hahahaha. jk. It’s just who I am. Argo had to start a box just for the seeds I’ve sent him over 10yrs… LOL>

So breed away and share away… it’s all about the hunt and hopefully one day, one day… we’ll create a mix of something Oldsog and I have looked for for the past 5yrs now… “The Brown Note Strain” … you know, the one that makes ya crap yourself it’s so potent. Glad to say, and unfortunate to, we are still looking.


Had to share this. In the last few days this thing has put on so much weight and snow.


Really appreciate you taking the time to share this with us… info is important.
I figured with the word ICE it would be a white strain for sure. lol

Actually have some of that Auto Lemon Haze and non Auto BB is some originals by D. J. Short, plus his Glazed Berries… been sitting on these over 10yrs now…


Well then share away… what is she man, very pretty indeed… turn off lighting and use a flash in darkness, see how she looks then… and don’t hold camera to close, flash will wash out colors… then crop it when you adjust and see how she comes to life… and what is she…


3.-Sailors delight auto fem
exotic genetics
(Mango smile) x (lowrider x ultraviolet)


Oh man, back in the day I was eating a 1/4oz or shrooms 4-5 times a week, I loooove them, hahaha… I recently picked up a couple grams to try microdosing for pain… But, I have as much patience as that owl did when trying to find out how many licks it takes to get to the center of a tootsie pop, lol… 2 days of microdosing and the third morning I just ate the rest, hahaha.


Love Mango Smile and that has gotta be the Ultraviolet coming thru in her colors. great job bro… thanks for sharing her.

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You and me both bro… took me 4 licks, then crunch. hehe. especially the bubblegum ones.

I’ve recently just gotten back into dosing a wee bit. sister is coming for a visit, been long time and she’s already a giggle box so should be fun. Last year it was dosing and floating in the pool… ah man is that relaxing…

Out west I’d get them freeze dried and eat them right out of the bag… Florida you get these big wet lids you still need to clean cow poop outta… but omg are they strong.
This batch is dried and then ground up really fine. choking down a Tablespoon and chasing it with grape koolaid is still blecht… man, this hits you in 10min… but 2hrs later you start mellowing out… I think it’s called Penis Envy…


Ahh, I read about that strain, nice!!

I ate them straight outta the bag… As they say, some things are an acquired taste, well lemme tell ya, it takes a DAMN long time to acquire the taste for shrooms!! Hahaha

Floating in a pool, oh man, that’d be amazing!!

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Yeah matey I would clean up the bottom branches but they have seeds in them so trying to save as many seeds as I can .heres a pic of my fem berryfreak from @middleman that I’m going to make seeds with .I’ll got a male one as well so I’ll make seeds and also cross it over @THCeed female freakshow. And spread some seeds here on cartys grow diary


Hear! Hear! ::beers::mushroom::mushroom:

@billybob that freakshow is pretty
@Sintax that is a pretty bud right there got me jealous! One day my buds will look like that my friend!:wink:


My bad, not paying attention again Carty. Do you like that Freakshow strain bro?
It’s not anything I sent is it. because I do have some, called White Pheno… dang seeds are huge and pale looking. Be cool to see someone who loves this strain run them…

Storm rolling thru here all night tonight… calm atm but picks back up and when lightening starts, laptop gets closed so… should be done by Monday if it will pick up speed… grrr Luckily it’s going way north of me