Autos Done Carty's Way

Really been enjoying watching the Olympics… anybody else. I’ve watched them since I was a kid staying awake in Germany at age 8 because they came on at 3am live there just like the Superbowl did… no recording it back then… lol

And soon… FOOTBALL.


Nah matey got the berry freak from middleman. It’s a really cool strain to grow. Yeah it’s storming here as well. Watched alot of the Olympics because Australia has some very hot smimmers lol and there pretty good athletes in the team. Will pop some of your beast mode soon matey. Hope all is well over there


Oh matey, we are for sure brotherin… I was watching Australia in Beach Volley Ball yesterday…recorded. omg between them and whoever they were playing in green suits was unreal… battle of the Butts and it was close… however, the tall blonde for the Aussies was by far the bubble butt champ… muwahahaha.

USA been kicking butt too…


Haha gotta love pervi g on the girls at the Olympics. Female pole vaulters have nice bums as well. Soaked a few of your seeds last night going to plant them tonight :smiley::smiley:


.Nothing wrong with a little Volleyball right… lol


Now, lets tickle that with some plants… lol


Your letter arrived matey greatly appreciate it :smiley::smiley:


Excellent to know that shipping method works and gets to you just fine… we shall continue our madness eh? hehe. good luck buddy

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2 White Widow Autos that couldn’t be anymore different… not going to hit either with pollen this grow…

Forged x Samsquatch


Those auto are looking phenomenal carty !! Just puttin it out there i might need some in my pots next run buddy how do i twist ones leg lol


Lol, I was just about to ask what kind of pollen @Carty uses and if there might be any trading that might happen, haha :grin:

late reply hehe,
i dunno how ICE looks alive, that bud had been cured for 1yr+… in a steel drum… buried remotely… hence it might look a bit earthy lol, no clue as to how it might be fresh from the bush, probably a bit more vibrant and shiny id presume :wink:

Try the “penis envy” strain, they are the strongest strain I have found. If anyone tries them, whatever “dosage” you find to be your sweet spot, take 50% off the weight of the penis envy" to match, what you consider a dose for you should be.


Well shit, that’s a hell of a recommendation!

I’ve yet to find the “just right” dose, but I was getting close with a 1/4oz, lol.

Cheers :metal::ok_hand:

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@RainToday ,@Carty and @luxton
I apologize for the late reply email, I have a hard time sitting in one place for too long, and have a million different projects going on at once, seriously (almost:).

The GDPXNl x Beastmode that Carty gave me are smaller than what is expected AND I do not believe it’s the seeds, but myself the reason why because I have been overly minimal in watering and may be the variable for cause…

I took 3/4" sprouts and put them in my little green orchid pots that are maybe 1/3 gallon. When I ordered them I thought they were gallon pots. I learned there isnt any “standard” pot size chart, only pot size carts geared to a manufacturer’s particular pot. That has been a struggle for me, finding the “elusive” 1 gallon orchid pot (which is all Carty’s fault, btw)

I then waited a week before watering 1st time, following Carty’s directions, (good man that he is). Then after a week with no water, I watered them with an eye dropper like Carty’s does and used the dropper method to do drops about 1’ away in a circle with distilled water. Following common “photoperiod” watering practice somewhat, watering 1" away would force the roots to expand out away from the stem, sending roots looking for water. Here they are 3 weeks in.

So, I have grown autoflowers twice before and the first time, I planted autoflowers, they were 6 inches tall and in a 3 gallon fabric pot. I had an odd number, 5-7 and all died after a brief mini rainstorm which led me to believe these plants are water sensitive, as well as through reading-Auotflowers are water sensitive.

. The second time I worked with autoflowers, my growing buddy received as clones, thinking they were photo, and then they started to bud, early June. My friend grows for volume, so he gave the autos to me.This time I watered sparingly on one side of the pot, using my well water (in the 6.5-7pH range). I also did not fertilize the soil at all during the grow and used Fox Farm Happy Frog as it is. And since my friend and I were not 100% sure they were autos, I used light deprivation (old outhouse), and grew them to finish. I got a kick out of smoking little buds, and it was about a 5, on a 1-10 scale in terms of potency, which is what I grow for. (Here is a picture of them for scale.)

So, back to “following autos Carty;'s way” where I veered off course fucking them up perhaps, they never got a “decent” watering until you guys saw my pictures thinking it was the plants. However, after you guys called it, I fed them a “decent” watering on one side of the little orchid pot this time, and used aerated tea using Alaska fish fertilizer, molasses, a few pinches of soil,cal/mag, silica and “photosynthesis plus” sized for 1 gallon, then cut it with water for a 50% solution. This seemed to make the little fuckers “grow”. Here is a picture 2 days after I fed them (August 8th).

So there you have it folks. Also, thanks again to Carty for the beans! In the meantime, I found TEMU had a selection of Orchid pots 1g, 1.5g, 2g, and 3g. which I ordered for $34 and change. I also bought the full spectrum lights Carty had written a piece about using them, doing a Mcgiver with bamboo to make a rack. I am currently using two of the 4 pack I bought to grow these out.

lastly, please feel free to offer suggestions, recipes, give me hell or whatever comes! I am commited to learning how to run this style of plant which will make me a better gardener in the long run that way I see it.

Not sure if I pm’d Raintoday with an address, happy to do so if I didn’t.

Luxtion, I will tag you for sure.

Carty, not sure if you were sending beans at one point I think you said you were going to. I still have half of the ones you sent.And also happy to stay with these that you so kindly gave me, whatever works!

MY one question is if I can grow autoflowers using the lights you, Carty suggested previously, or if I need to ruN them under an LED 440 WATTS?

Thanks also to OG, and everyone on here, I enjoy learning and will never graduate from this school thats for damn sure~!

Blessings to all,


Hey Argyle… I start mine under a Spider Farmer SF1000… not very strong and 8yrs old or more… I actually miss my 2ft full spectrum LED strip lights… actually out perform this SF…
Flowering I use Mars Hydro TSW-2000 they sponsored me with a few years ago and plants do fine. dimmer switch, upon up potting and transferring to the bigger light, start half power and slowly up to full… they can take anything you throw at them…
18/6 all thru your grow, after sex’d and up potting, 12/12 for 2wks… back to 18/6 until the last 2wks then go to 20/4… Always needs a little darkness to create oils and gooey stuff… lol.


Sorry brudda… my leg has been bothering me and Dr’s cannot figure out what it is or why it hurts so bad when I stand and put pressure on it… they did get me in for an Ultrasound and said it’s not a blood clot. some say spider bite but my Dr seen it so… hurts like heck, red…swollen. grrrr. if not better by Tuesday it’s back to Dr to ger a referral for a specialist… but what kind… hahaha


Gah! That’s no good @Carty ! I got your back on the seeds. @argyle don’t have your pm yet with an address :slight_smile: do send it, and I’ve got extra of some of @Carty 's beans that I can include too.


Shows it should be here next week… wife has all the tracking apps… lol.

Guys… I’ve been blessed recently by a friend many of you know… loaded me
up and a lot are fem’s… some with enough to share a few.

I’ve also been going thru my collection… as in Carty’s Collective Crosses…
and have been putting strains together for possible breeding projects… I listed all my Diesels together, then all my Kush strains, next is all Berries…
I’m filing up entire pages with each… 24 Kush strains, 22 Diesel so far.

Then I’m going to share them as projects to cross for those interested… keeping in mind these are all photo periods and I just want to see grown out…
so stay tuned… hehe.


Just a little update

Old technique I used to do, bending the main stem over and removing the 2 large fan leaf’s… once they repair the bend and start to raise back up, I tie them over…