Back in the day (think 2004) overgrow changed my entire life, I want to help

Interesting, thanks @Heritagefarms :v:


Preach @Heritagefarms !
Every word is spot on.
Rooting gel also rots your stem sometimes, nasty shit…
I don’t use nothing and cut in no angle, I leave enough stem for roots to come out and plenty of leaves, spray the dome not the plants, boom ! Roots in 6-8 days ! 99.9 succes rate.


To much rooting gel equals to much auxin in the plant to much auxin causes other reactions that become toxic and cause it to turn yellow and rot.


And this is how the people with actual knowledge on how to grow better pot get chased off OG…again. :face_with_raised_eyebrow:


Huh ?
Better pot ?
Simple… The right seed, some water and ewc, put out in sun, done.


If your referencing the how to get more fem plants from seed it has been said for a long time one can increase the likelihood of one sex or another during the first 2 weeks of life as a growing seedling. To promote your seedlings to be female; increase Nitrogen (for males increase potassium), higher humidity and moisture in the air and soil for females (males lower humidity and dryer soil), fewer daylight hours 14 versus 16/18 hours (for males the reverse) and using blue light in the vegetative state. Red light during the seedling stage promotes males. Red spectrum light is always used to shift the female plants into reproductive growth at the same time changing the day/night hours 12/12.
Should be self evident but if not this only works for dioecious plants, also I don’t necessarily commit to this belief but those are the methods most use who believe sex can b


I love regular seeds and do 95% of all grows with them but I can admit the shit @blowdout2269 and @Going2fast and even my boy @Orbitalnutria420 do with autos and seeds is artistic and only help bring some fantastic shit to the masses… Would still love to hear any technique your willing to share. Your experience and knowledge are always welcomed and I d love to hear what u do


If you use an ez cloner for cloning I don’t see the reason for any rooting hormone. Maybe I’m wrong. Chime in here folks


But Ruderalis is so cuuutee, you bring up a lot of fair points, however there are a lot of benefits that come from autoflowering in my opinion. As long as gene pools can be kept separate that is.



Hello brother,

I love your vibe and attitude

The thing is like you said, there’s many ways to skin a cat

This website has lots of people, the community also

So share your experiences and knowledge, but don’t forget others have experience also

You like regular seed, don’t worry, lots of people on overgrow only grow regular seed

But others participate in modern breeding with feminized seed for efficiency and bottlenecking, no need to look down on this. Instead, read and see the results.

Welcome back, appreciate your help! I need an aloe Vera plant honestly


Myth: “feminized seed cause intersex”

Reality: you start with awesome plant with intersex tendencies, then double down by bottlenecking, then you’re surprised at prolific intersex trait. It’s not the method, it’s the selection


well said, leet. i’m on the fence here, too, but this is a fair approach


I’d rather welcome someone with different knowledge, and try and encourage them to see the new things we’ve learned

If someone acts nice, then it worked out

If they didn’t, then at least I tried, move on


Also, I’ve heard multiple times about the benefits of aloe Vera. It’s a really helpful tip just hard to follow up on if you don’t know where to get a plant easily.


For example, I’ve heard you can ship cuttings inserted into an aloe leaf

Example, sorry for potato image

images (2)


Damn i’m becoming hipster, terrible envy to grow some aloe vera now ^^


Right? It’s funny to see the new tips proving useful

Or old, looking new


You started off strong, we’re all hooked on aloe vera now. I know the old heads love aloe for anything that ails you, but I’m allergic so no reason to keep one. I might get me one anyway just to root clones.

Then you lost me, because I love how stupid easy an auto fem is.


I can’t wait to see the write up for getting 100% females from regular seeds!….:wink:


Aloe vera in and of itself is susceptible to a NUMBER of diseases and bacteria, so yeah, nah, I ain’t using that on my cuttings. I have tons of it growing out back, most of it rust-spotted or mottled in some way but generally healthy, but still, I rub it on my skin and that’s about it. You do you, but I’m not using a rooting base made from a plant that itself can easily catch stuff.