Back in the day (think 2004) overgrow changed my entire life, I want to help

Exactly. You have regular pollen and you get males and females. You make a female create pollen and you get female seeds. The chromosome the pollen carries determines sex.


I don’t agree with those methods of deduction but I see why you think that , I see it as more removing the option. Interesting that a female has the ability to produce pollen isent it :thinking:
Has somebody done a study to show that cannabis sex is solely determined by what chromosomes are present ?
Have you noticed labs that test for sex want the plants to be of a certain age and almost none can identify a hermaphrodite.


I am by no means an expert on this subject but This is how I understand it as well.

I definitely remember reading about being able to influence the sex of a seedling with environmental factors. It was even in some of the popular cannabis grow books (like the grow Bible). But I think that info is incorrect.

As far as I understand it, sex of a seedling is determined by its chromosomes.

It would seem that the newly developed seedling sex tests back this up.

We can find out the sex of a seedling by taking a leaf sample as soon as 7 days after germination now.


But I have seen a study on the proximity of other male and female plants possibly influencing the male/female sex ratios a dioecious plant produced.


I don’t see the difference. If you separated out 10 X grains of pollen from a male and applied them to a female, would that not be the same thing? I believe you would get 10 female seeds.

Considering this plant can be hermaphroditic could a seedling just be expressing one way or another based on environment?

This plant can do weird things.

Great point!


Trust me, that definently works, but I’m trying to up survival rates. I figure weed makes me paranoid, so if I’m vague enough in my threats, maybe they will get paranoid and try to root their way out of it, similar to turning off the lights and crawling under the blankets when I take too big of a hit.


Cannabis Plants can express hermaphroditic traits due to environmental factors for sure. As far as it determining the sex or completely reversing it, I don’t know. I would think probably not, at least without chemicals.

The way I understand it, the sex is determined by the chromosomes of the seed, which would be why we can reliably produce all female seeds by reversing a female plant (no male chromosome to be passed onto seeds), and why regular seeds are always a mix of males and female plants (both male and female chromosomes passed onto seeds).

Someone could do an experiment though…

  • Send off leaf snips for testing when seedlings are 7(+) days old.

  • identify the males and then use every trick in the book on them: colder temps, 14hr photo period, blue light, higher N (or whichever nutrient is supposed to produce more females), keep the soil more moist, put banana peels in the room, etc.

  • Then see if any of the males end up being female once they show pre-flowers in 5+ weeks (after the sex test).


It’s still possible to get a male out of fem seeds. It’s rare but I’ve seen it!

So I guess the question is that because of pollen contamination or an extreme hermaphrodite?

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Why 7 days after and not immediately if it’s already determined, just curious.

This is from this link…

Unisexual species have sex determination mechanisms ranging from genetic to environmental, but genetic factors play far greater roles. Genetic mechanisms range from a single locus on an autosome to heteromorphic sex chromosomes containing multiple genes involved in sex determination. In some unisexual species, such as hemp, cucumber, and maize, male or female sterility is influenced by environmental factors such as light intensity, day length, temperature, mineral nutrition, and plant hormones ([Frankel and Galun, 1977]


Because the tests usually specify a true leaf, not a cotyledon. You need that long for the true leaves to develop, and to ensure there would be enough leaf and new growth remaining to take a leaf sample without killing the plant.


You seem like you have good intentions… @Nekhu although, you come in almost negatively, I’m confused, are you here to help? Or make fun of everyone?
I’ve seen plenty on germination with aloe… and rooting in aloe, it’s pretty cool, I’ve also seen certain conditions will help reg seeds turn to female… and certain for male…
Welcome back man… I agree with Gene pool carefulness and consideration, but it’s the commercial industry destroying that on a higher level than overgrow… yet I agree still… and I am too new to growing to speak on overgrows preservation and breeding teams…
But if you really want to help I’d say just start making posts out of what you remember or have saved from the original OG from back in the day before shutdown and drama…
Nice to meet you man… I’d love to see what you offer up… clearly you must have alot to teach by how you came in initially


Well said @Terpsnpurps


To build on strengths and capabilities is uplifting and encouraging, to concentrate on weaknesses and inability is frustrating and stultifying.


I kind of miss the blue trim on the old overgrow. Remember? It kind of had the vibe of a dank basement, but I guess we’re mostly legal ish now so I guess the green can see the light of day. Lol. Just an observation.


I should also mention that bog was the dude that kept me methodically coming back for more. And as I did, I kept seeing amazing things in every direction I turned. High brow discussions, low brow bud porn, people simply celebrating in the only way we could at the time, anonymously open.

The fact that it’s back shows how the people hold the key, and that the door never even had a lock.

Smoke em up folks.


Pass that.

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I’m still waiting of grow logs …
I can root a clone in a jiffy pellet sitting on a widow sill in 5 days or so.
Why use aloe?
I mean cloning COULD not be easier
I never struggled with clones.
Use it if you want, sounds like training wheels to me.