Back In The Saddle Again

March 15th, 2021:

Decided to give them a haircut. Had the scissors and blades out for cuttings, so what the hell!

March 16th, 2021:

One day later and they haven’t skipped a beat.
Aloe, Aloe, Aloe!!!


March 17, 2021:

After a long day of St. Pat’s celebration, I arrived home to find a care package. Thanks Buddy!!!


Nice St. Paddy’s gift!
:four_leaf_clover: :four_leaf_clover: :four_leaf_clover:


@G-paS oh yeah!!!


So I am a little late to the game when it comes to sowing the seed for the next run. I am only out a week so we can make this work. :sunglasses:

As promised we are germinating the following:

3 Chems 2.0 from Top Dawg Seeds

JJ over at Top Dawg puts out some amazing work with his Chem lines. He also has some killer Piff stuff if any of you are into getting high as opposed to stoned. Ha

I always soak my seeds until I see the start of a tap root beginning to emerge. They will then go into containers of living soil.
For the soak I use RO water and a pinch of aloe flakes.

Well that’s that for now. I will be back later tonight with an update on the Brothers Grimm grow.



Looked in on the Brothers Grimm ladies tonight (Males have all been separated) right at lights on.
They are a bit under the weather from their transplant last night, but should perk up nicely tomorrow with one more day of recovery and a drink of tea.


I have the veg space dialed in for the Top Dawg run.
I was having a bit of a problem keeping temp down, but finally figured it out.
The AC infinity fans CAN NOT pull through their own carbon filter with the pre filter on. Not sure who would have signed off on that, but whatever. I will be shooting them an email in the morning.
Anyhow, things are coming together nicely.


That is very strange. I’m not using their brand of filter, but my T6 is working fine with the filter I am using. Pre filter on.


I guess I should have said that the T4 fan that I have cannot pull through the ac infinity 4 inch filter I have with the pre filter on.
I emailed them last night so hopefully I hear back soon as having no pre filter in a grow is No Bueno.


thanks for that info, will wait and see what thye say, been thinking of tryinbg t6’s


March 22, 2021:

The girls were bouncing back nicely from their transplant shock. Their containers were watered with an enzyme tea consisting of 1/8 cup ground malted barley per gallon water bubbled for 4 hours. To this I added 1/2 teaspoon 200x aloe vera powder, 1/2 teaspoon Recharge, 1/4 teaspoon silica, and 20ml Ful Power per gallon.

March 23, 2021:

I was able to sneak in a little more than an hour before lights on and give the girls a once over.
They responded beautifully and will be ready to flip in a few more days.

As for the Top Dawg 3 Chems, we have germination.
5 of the 7 beans have cracked, so into their new homes they go.

I started by mixing some seed starting mix with my living soil mix at a 60/40 ratio. I did 6 of the pots in that ratio and one pot with my straight mix.

For years I always went straight into my mix, however with this being a fresh batch of soil, and sourcing inputs from a new source, I want to test that my mix is not to “hot” so to speak. I highly doubt it, but I like facts. :sunglasses:

Each pot gets a 1/4 inch deep hole sprinkled with some Wallace Organic Wonder Mycorrhizal Inoculant.

I have done numerous side by sides over the years with this product and the results are undeniable.

Well that’s all for today. Stay tuned as we should have lift off in the coming weeks.
Thanks for following along.



The first of the 3 Chems has emerged. We are official :sunglasses:


March 25, 2021:

Day 49 from germination on the Brothers Grimm girls.
They are really close to flipping and super dank.
I gave them each 1/2 gallon of water with 1/4 tsp aloe vera powder, and 1/4 tsp silica per gallon.
I went ahead and staked the shit out of the pots.
I plan to tie them down just a little tomorrow to let the middles fill in and get as flat and even of a canopy as I can without trellising.

Meanwhile the cuttings are all throwing roots, so we are good to flip whenever we are ready.

Over in the veg space the Top Dawg 3 Chems have all but germinated. 6 of the 7 are above soil.

Things are moving along nicely.
I hope everyone sticks around, as the bud porn is not far off. :sunglasses:
That’s all for now.



Amen. I use the mykos, and their DS-80 Humic/Fulvic powder.


Following along and so far looking great!


Mmmmmm, bud porn!


March 26th, 2021:

Day 50 from germination. What a difference a day makes! They have broke in their new shoes, and it is game time. They are getting a IPM spray and the flip on Sunday. Lets Go!!!


Sure will! I just have to grab a :chair:


March 29th, 2021:

Day 53 from germination. They were watered with a half gallon each + 1/4 tsp per gallon aloe.

Their clones are all rooted and got placed into soil tonight. They were dusted with mycorrhizae and given a drink of h20 + 7.5 ml of fresh coconut water from a fresh young coconut.

The 3 Chems got the same cocktail.

On another note, today I inherited a seed collection from an old hippy that passed away a few years ago.
There are thousands of seeds. All bagged separately with grow / breeding notes with them.
One particular caught my eye, so I reckon I will see if a few of them will germ.



Nice grow and setup. Bookmarked your soil recipe as well.
Seems you got things dialed in nicely.

Very nice of them to pass down the collection, so those genetics don’t go to waste.

What was it that caught your eye??