Back In The Saddle Again

Update on the AC Infinity fan situation. I know some of you were interested such as @Who

I emailed them explaining the situation and we determined within 2 email exchanges that the fan I received was defective.
They immediately sent out a replacement that day and I had it within 2 days.
Since installing the replacement, the fan pulls perfectly through the filter now and is maintaining temp and rh beautifully.
Based on the product and the service I received, I am very happy.
I say go ahead and give that T6 a go!!!


@HaRdRoC thanks for tagging along. Glad I could be of some help.
What caught my eye was “Xmas 95”.
There was an afghani that use to make its way around near Christmas time. Haven’t experienced piney terps or such a unique high like that since those days, and nobody I have found has it.
After talking to Matt Riot, he informed me that CSI Humboldt works some hybrids with it but they are almost never available.
Judging by who the grower was, and the time frame, which is verified by the date stamp on the bottle, I am going into it with high hopes and fingers crossed.


April 1, 2021:

Day 1 of 12/12. Gave each container 1/2 gallon of Alfalfa Seed Sprout Tea.
Everyone is happy.


The 3 Chem seedlings and Cinderella 99 cuttings are all happy as well.


I never seen seed packs before. Lol looks great


Very nice grow. Nice and tight.


@anon62804309 back in my day we used to document everything then burn. Ha. Besides, who doesn’t love seed packs? :sunglasses:


I know about back in the day. You didn’t have this problem that has been created. Seeds where different then. Not like they are now. I get seeds but they don’t come looking like that. I think it’s cool. I’m over a halfway. Lol 50 plus


Looks like you got it down to an art. Looks great. I had stopped for a few years. Mainly outside when I was younger. Last year when everything was shutting down. I had to do something. People will sell everything when they know that the need is in need. I you know what I mean. I really re-educating myself again I have a got a lot of stuff my first couple rooms this year we’re bad because of things that I have forgotten about. I never knew seeds were like this. I’ve never had a problem getting clones. It’s a new ball game now and I’m glad to see the growers have kept up with it. I’ve seen some amazing stuff here. I think you want to be very proud of yourself because I know you just sit and start doing that yesterday. It takes patience. But it is fun. That wasn’t the only reason I started back my mom got real sick needed help would something to help her eat so I started this. So far I’ve helped out a few old ladies in the neighborhood they love my butter


April 5th, 2021:

Day 5 of 12/12. Had to get in and do a little tying down to even out the canopy. Things are looking good.

Things are looking good in the maternity ward as well.


April 9, 2021:

Day 9 of 12/12 for the Brothers Grimm gear.
Everything is looking good. They started throwing pistils today.

I have encountered some issues. One of the Cindy 99 is true hermaphrodite. 10 days into flower started throwing male and female preflowers. A second Cindy 99 is showing what could be male preflowers as well. Still need another day or two on this one.
Secondly, all but one Cindy look completely different from the Cindy I have grown in the past.
I am not going to say it is genetic, but it is leaning that way.

As for the Top Dawg Seeds gear, the 3 Chems 2.0 are chuggin along. Day 15 from germination.
All but the one runt are on their 5th node.
Time to get them some bigger shoes.

Not much kickin other than that.
See ya next week.



Sounds like bad news on the C99. I never heard of or had any hermie issues with the original Bros Grimm stock. At least your Chems are looking great! :smiley:


@Floyd , I haven’t ever experienced any issues with the C99 either and I have grown her for quite some time. Imagine my surprise when I seen this. To be completely honest, I have been a little worried from the beginning as only 2 of the plants looked like Cindy. The others are far more broad leafed than any C99 I have seen.
Disappointing for sure, but I hope to find out what happened here. :disappointed:


April 15, 2021:

Quick end of week 2 update. The Brothers Grimm girls are pumping pistils now. Stretch has slowed down. It is starting to look like #5 will be going outside. We shall see. Forgive the lighting. I just can’t seem to use all these Horti HPS bulbs up. Lol.

Over in the veg tent, the 3 Chem 2.0’s are chugging along. 21 days from germination and I am really digging them. All but the runt. Transplanted last night. Went a tad bit too heavy on the water, but they will bounce back quick.


April 19, 2021:

Quick day 19 update on the Brothers Grimm girls.
Got in and did the final defoliation.
We are down to four plants now, as one of the 88.75’s went full blown hermie on me as well.
I went through everything and it is definitely nothing environmental.
No light leaks whatsoever. Temps are running steady at 75 lights on, 68 lights off. RH is running 50-53 percent.
Timers have been verified as working properly. Everything is dialed in, so it is what it is.
They are running full steam ahead now after thinning it out some in there.

I also got my outdoor containers top dressed and ready to rock, so I am ready to give the outdoor a go. I grew guerilla style twice back in the 90’s and did some auto’s outside last year for head stash, but those genetics were garbage. Fuck Autos!
Looking forward to growing some large bushes this time around.

I will be back on Fridays from here out with the updates. Nothing much to look at from here out that often anyway. Haha


Forgot to include the 3 Chems 2.0 in the last update.
28 days from germination. Just starting to show sex.
Hoping for enough females to fill the flowering tent when the Brothers Grimm stuff is done, and still have one left to go outside as a hail mary. We shall see. Wishful thinking perhaps.

The plants in the bottom right and bottom left are cuttings just to clear up any confusion.

Here is a size reference. They are in 3 gallon pots.
For 28 days, they are gettin it!!!


Ok, as promised, it is Friday so here we go.

Day 23 of 12/12 The Brothers Grimm girls in flower got their final top dress tonight. They are starting to fill out nicely.
The canopy is nowhere near perfect, but acceptable given the 2 herms that got the axe.

The one 88.75 that is left (front right) is not impressing me, so the two 88.75 cuts got tossed.

All three C-99 are nice. However #5 (back right) is completely caked in pineapple, Hawaiian Punch, pungent cheese resin, all the way to the tips of the fans. I think she is the one I was looking for.

As for the Top Dawg 3 Chems 2.0’s, at 30 days from seed, they are looking awesome. Loving life for sure.
They received an alfalfa sst last night.

They are all just starting to show preflowers. Nothing definite, but I am about 97% on all but 1 that are showing, but 2 of them are showing nothing yet.





Well, that wraps it up for this week. See ya’ll next friday.



Well howdy Ya’ll, how’s your Mammy an 'nem? :grin:

It’s Friday again, so here we go.

We are at day 30 of 12/12 on the Brothers Grimm gear in the flowering tent.
We have done our final top dress, and we are on cruise control the rest of the way out with only aloe, silica, Labs, oyster shel flour and molasses being added at waterings.
Now we just sit back and watch these girls plump up. :sunglasses:

The C99 @ the back right (#5) has me convinced she is almost identical to my old C99 mom. A few more weeks and we will know for sure. I was poking around IG and found an old photo of that last mom.

In the veg space, the 3 Chems 2.0 by Top Dawg Seeds at 37 days from germ are about as vigorous as it gets.
I took cuts off the tops, so we will see how they do in terms of rooting time.

Preflowers on these are pretty tough to call yet. I do have one confirmed female, which has been my favorite for quite some time now. (#5) She will be going outdoors in a 65 gallon Grassroots bag as well as run indoor once the Brother Grimm stuff finishes up. She is a beast!

I got worms in all the outdoor containers as well as my 200 gallon worm bin.

Well, that’s a wrap for this week. See ya next Friday.



Great update. Thanks!
:seedling: :green_heart: :seedling:


Thanks @G-paS !!! I am doing my best.


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