Back In The Saddle Again

I have been sitting the bench for the last few years and the time has come to get back in the saddle and do what I love.
I am going to be rocking a couple of old tents and some old gear I had lying around until I get my sealed build out complete. I started off rocking an old 315 CMH in a 4x4. I will be switching over to an air cooled 600 HPS for flower and sticking the 315 in a 3x3 for veg.

I am a few weeks in but better late than never.

I started off by mixing up a fresh batch of soil.

My mix is pretty common these days. I got this mix from Coot years back, and after a couple of runs and a couple of tweaks, I never looked back.
It consists of the following:

  • Base Soil:

  • 2 CuFt Sphagnum moss

  • 1 CuFt Pumice

  • 1 CuFt Rice Hulls

  • 2 CuFt Humus - 1/3 composted zoo manure, 2/3 quality vermicompost.

  • Amendments: Per CuFt of base soil

  • 1/2 cup Neem cake

  • 1/2 cup Karanja cake

  • 1 cup Crustacean meal

  • 1 cup Alfalfa Meal

  • 1 cup Kelp Meal

  • 1/4 cup of fish bone meal

  • 1 cup Oyster Shell Flour

  • 1 cup Gypsum

  • 1 cup Basalt

  • 1 cup Malted Barley (pulverized)

I use aloe vera in my water and Recharge at 1tsp per gallon and spray the base soil down real well before adding the amendments. Then mix it up really well and we are off to the races.

I did a little digging into my seed stash and I decided to pop some stuff i was gifted a few years ago.

Soul gifted me a pack of Cindy 99 along with a pack he wanted me to play with.
It is labeled 88.75 which was a BX project on the 88G13HP from what I understand.

Feb 1st 2021:
I soaked six Cindy and 4 of the 88.75.
I soaked the beans in distilled water with aloe, ful power, and a tiny bit of recharge.

Feb 2nd 2021:
Beans were planted in solo cups with jiffy seed starting mix. It was lying around so what the hell.

Feb 4th 2021:

All seedlings have emerged. I kept them under a 2 ft T5 for 2 weeks and watered with kelp and barley tea.

Feb 20th 2021:
Transplanted 9 of the 10 seedlings. One of the Cindy’s was weak and dampened off halfway through the first week.

The seedlings had a rough first week in their new home. We had a massive cold front come in and the first 6 days or so was hell keeping environmental conditions ideal, as well as getting over watered while I was away by a family member that doesn’t follow directions even after admitting they always over water everything. Haha
Environment is dialed in now that the temps have come above zero F.
Running consistently at 77F and 50% RH lights on and 68F and 50% lights off.
Light cycle is 18/6

Feb 28th 2021:

They are throwing good roots now and have overcome their over watered conditions. New growth is looking good.

The plants will get watered twice per week until they are transplanted into their fabric pots.
One watering will consist of an alfalfa, kelp and EWC tea with ful power and recharge. The second watering will consist of silica via AgSil 16, aloe and malted barley tea.
Each plant will get top dressed 1 Tbsp of malted barley each week.

March 6th 2021:

So we can see what we are dealing with now.
We ended up with 2 runts. One Cindy and one 88.75.
Neither runt has shown sex.
The Cindy has given us 3 females, 1 male and the runt still undetermined.
The 88.75 has given us 2 females, and 2 undetermined, one being the runt.

Two of the Cindy appear to be the pheno I am looking for and smell right. I have alot of experience with the C99 over the years and I know what I am looking for.
One of the 88.75 females has the loudest stanky ass just YUCK aroma oozing from her. I love YUCK. Thats my thing. The nastier the better. :sunglasses:

They are ready for their final pots. I will get that done in the next few days. Normally I would top at this stage, however I am thinking about flowering them un-topped so that I can really see how this 88.75 grows. I am still undecided. Maybe just top the C99 and let the 88.75 go. Decisions decisions.

Anyhow, thanks for stopping by and checking me out. Until next time.



Welcome to OG man, it’s good to see you. :slight_smile: Those plants look really nice. I’ll be pulling up a chair.


hey Welcome to OG @SubSoilSelections awesome first post!


I gonna pull up a chair and watch also.
@subsoilselections Have fun! :woman_technologist:


Welcome to OG @SubSoilSelections. Going to follow your thread for sure. I grew C99 for a few years back in the day. Lost her because of an ugly divorce. Look forward to seeing yours grow out. :smiley:


Hi @SubSoilSelections welcome to Overgrow!!

This looks interesting, I’ll plop down and load a bong. :sunglasses:



@Floyd Glad to have you here! I as well am a big fan of the C99. Got turned on to it on the OG Overgrow back in 2000. I lost that mom in a raid back in 2010.
I scored a pack from Soul when he re released them back in 2015-2016 somewhere in there and I found that same mom in the first pack.
Needless to say I lost that mom when I left Colorado. Some jerk off was holding my cuts for me until I made my move and got set up. Needless to say, he got tied up with a few unsavory characters that ended up breaking in, and stealing 13 different moms. Or so I’m told. That C99 mom being one of them.
So here we are. What is it they say, Third Time Is A Charm.


Happy to be here. Thats around the time I started growing C99. I bought a pack and was lucky enough to get 8 or 9 females out of it. I picked my favorite out of them even though the differences between them wasn’t that much. I kept a mother for about 4 years. Then had to let her go and shut down completely. :anguished:


I have only tried c99 from a dispo, its on my list, and a member here sent me TD x c99 Thanks Again!


@Who I would recommend it, especially if you dont have the time or space for a full blown hunt.
You will end up with very uniform plants. You will get 2 phenos to choose from basically.
You will however find different chemotypes in these phenos. They are all good, but look for the pineapple. That is where the magic happens. :wink:

This is assuming you get the Brothers Grimm C99. I can’t speak on anyone elses attempts at it or any of the hybrids out there.


I was in the mood for a short Matinee, but damn, you went right to the Main Feature. For someone staging a “comeback”, you picked up right where you left off!!! CONGRATS, W-E-L-C-O-M-E, I’m gonna nudge that guy out of my corner (he must be new…lol). Continued success, stay safe, take special care and, you will learn how I am, be well…mister :honeybee: :100: :pray: :heart_eyes:


@misterbee good to see you here and thanks for the warm welcome. I look forward to kindling some new relationships here as well as enjoying the conversation.


Glad you found your way back. You will be someone to follow with your knowledge.
:seedling: :green_heart: :four_leaf_clover:


Welcome back, great start to your return!

C99 is on my list in the near future for a fun grow, it’s been calling my name for ages after seeing people grow it for years with dedication.


Peeked in on the garden. They sure respond well to their tea. :grin:


I just started germinating a tangerine c99 cross. And I currently have blue cindy which is a blueberry c99 cross. Never grown the original though


Hey SubSoilSelections, looking good! I had C99 mother going until I started to shut things down. But with mothers of over 50 strains I had to decide what to cull in order to get down to the legal limit…she was one I let go. Good Luck with her! I’m in for the ride too lol


Well, I am ready to start playing around some more. This one has been on my radar for a while, so what the hell, We’re Doin’ It Live!!! :sunglasses:

I’m thinking March 15th should be about right.


March 14th 2021:

Gave the garden an Alfalfa/Kelp/EWC tea.
They are around 14 inches tall on average.
Will be taking cuttings in the morning, and once they root we are off to the races. I considered topping them, however I would like to see how they flower and finish without being cut to see if anything catches my eye for any breeding projects moving forward.


Beautiful plants and welcome back to OG2.0