Back In The Saddle Again

Shouldn’t be long now and this #3chems2.0 from @topdawgseeds will start packing on some mass. This clone was 3 nodes high and put out on June 5th. She has had 2 kelp & alfalfa teas and nothing more. What a vigorous girl!

I will try and get some photos of the big girls when I get to the other spot next.



@Stevie1durr , the “Xmas” seeds didn’t germ. I tried a couple different methods. I have one last method to try that Bob Hemphill recommended I try. I will get back into them this winter. Too much going on right now and no available space

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Better bring a truck come harvest your gonna need the box to haul it all home .

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Tag me if you remember

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Thats the plan my man!!!

Good morning OG!!! I felt as if I owed an update to whoever is following this thread.
The 3 chems lady from top dawg is finally transitioning. Probably should have gone a little higher with her cage. I will see what the next 2 weeks brings and possibly extend it a bit.

All the outdoor just got a generous dosing of Alfalfa seed sprout tea this morning and ready to start praying to the heavens.

I haven’t been able to get any good photos of the bigger gals at the other spot due to being forced to do my work there before sunrise. I will get some very soon.



Thanks for the update and sharing your grow with us.
:green_heart: :seedling:


Update on the outdoor girls. The 3 large ladies that were going strong at my shop are no longer with us. Some piece of shit decided it would be a good idea to steal a bunch of tiny unripened buds. He ended up using bolt cutters to chop up my cages to get to them and took the entire plants 6 inches above the surface. I thought for sure when I checked the security footage it would be a bunch of dumb kids, so needless to say I was pretty shocked to see it was a senior citizen. :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl: What a fucking moron.


So, I am left with one outdoor lady this year, 3 Chems from Top Dawg Genetics, at the house. Hopefully we can pull something come October if I can keep the thieves off this one.
She just finished up her stretch and is starting to stack nicely. She ended up being 6 ft wide and 7 ft tall. Not too shabby for a 40 gallon bag. :sunglasses:

Well, that’s all for now.



That’s nuts glad I don’t have wandering plant thieves creeping about at night .
Old guy got quite the score there there’s dumb then dumber I think he falls under the second category.


looks like my neighbor…

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I am glad you don’t as well. Haha
I am still at a loss for words honestly. I mean, I have been ripped in the past, but never 3 weeks into bloom.

@Who if your friend offers you a hooter in the next week or two, ya might wanna pass. :rofl::rofl::rofl:


lol not a friend we clash lol,just a neighbor

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I meant to type neighbor. Bong hits for breakfast require proof reads that I forgot to perform. Lol

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lol im probably not thinking right yet as i havent yet this morning smoked

As your attorney, I advise you pack a bowl, or roll a hooter, and smoke immediately, before you turn into a wild animal



I shall follow your legal advice! bbl