Back In The Saddle Again

was thinking of where i am used to , and how on the wrong year(most) they would have to be moved indoors at end of flower, kinda figured you had the pallets to get them up off the ground.

I was thinking of making a pallet fork attachment for my mitsubishi tractor, for the future.


Not much to report here at the moment.
We ended up taking the Brothers Grimm stuff all at 71 days. The 88’ G13 bx was ready right at 70 days. The Cinderella 99 #5 was also ready at 70. All of the rest of the Cinderella 99’s could have gone 80-90 days I bet. Environment or genetics? Something is different. :thinking:

Anyhow, I was forced to take them all at 71 due to having to dry in the flowering tent on this first run. So everything is chopped, hung and in a low and slow dry/cure as close to 60 degrees and 60% RH as we can get. They are 5 days in, so another week or more to go.

I will be back in 7-10 days with some bud shots and a smoke report or 2.



The original C99 was very fast as you know. I’m thinking something different in the genetics. Hope the C99 I’m growing from Peakseedsbc is fast like the original. Im getting close to flipping them, so will find out soon enough. Your buds look great by the way. :smiley: :+1:


Thanks @Floyd , I did my best this first run back, which I feel turned out pretty well given all of the hiccups we encountered throughout.

I will be looking forward to seeing how your version of the C99 turns out.
I think this will be the last run of her for me for a while. I will hang on to the couple of packs I have for preservation, but I wasn’t impressed to the point of keeping her going right now. I have too many other things to look at.



Ok guys and gals. So we have been hanging at 59-62 degrees and 58-60% RH for 16 days.
All but the 88.75 are ready to go, so I am starting trimming tonight.
The C99 # 5 turned out being pretty flavorful. I was a little worried as she seemed to lose alot of her “fuel” smell through the drying process.
She smells slightly gassy now with a fruit behind it that I can’t put my finger on now.
The flavor is floral and red lifesaver on the inhale, with a very heavy anise and burnt rubbery taste and smell on the exhale that paints your mouth and stays around for a while. Strange but interesting.
She will be the lowest yielder and she gave us 3.2 oz’s.

Well, with that said, I better get back to work. Going to be a long night.



I feel for ya man trimming sucks!

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Meanwhile the Outdoor stuff is going ape shit. They pretty much shut down growth for the last 2 weeks as we had temps at or above 100 everyday. We have had rain and temps in the 70’s the last 2 days and they are really coming to life now.


Look at those monsters go.
:green_heart: :seedling:

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Well the results are in. The 4 plants netted us 13.2 oz’s of clean smokeable bud. The C99 #3 actually ended up being the heaviest at 3.7 oz’s. Not that bad under the ole 600 hps given all the things that went wrong this grow, and no real training.

Next run is Biscotti, GMO, and Royal Kush.
Not sure if I will have the time to keep this updated much over the next couple of months. Life is getting crazy busy and finding the time to sit down and relax is pretty difficult.

With that said, I will leave you with the Outdoor girls as they are today, and will promise to give a few more updates on them between now and October.


Looking great man. Hope mine get that bushy outside. It’s been so wet the last week I worry.

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It has been extremely wet here as well. That yard has received 13 inches of rain in the last 4 days. They have been loving it though coupled with temps in the 70’s after all those 100 degree days.

I am pulling for ya man! Positive vibes your way.



Thanks man. Mine are in ground, so I just have to rely on the water infiltration to shed the excess. I haven’t gone to see them in 2 days because they are a 5 min walk from my back door, and it’s been pouring so hard. I haven’t made myself go out there yet. Tomorrow. But yeah that past rain and 70s is perfect for them.


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What’s the C99 smoke like? taste, high etc @SubSoilSelections

So the flavors are definitely not old school C99.
One of them smells and taste like crunchberries cereal and sour cream. The #2 has a heavy pine with a little fuel on the back end, hashy on the inhale and astringent on the exhale. The #5 is a floral and red lifesaver on the inhale, with a very heavy anise and burnt rubbery taste and smell on the exhale that paints your mouth and stays around for a while. Strange but interesting.
Not bad smoke, but nothing to write home about in my opinion.


Thanks for the response. Sorry to say it doesn’t sound like its what you were looking for.

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Definitely not what I was looking for. It happens, but honestly it shouldn’t have in this case.
I am convinced that ship has sailed.
Thanks for following along though!!!



We are roughly 4 weeks in the jar at this point. I figured I would give everyone an update on the finished product.
All but the C-99 ended up pretty mediocre.
The #2 has a fuely as fuck terp profile. The fuel is what draws me to that jar. The smoke however doesn’t impress.
I may be extremely picky, as everyone who peeps her out raves. They all do the same with the others.
So I guess my opinion is worthless. Bahahahhaa
Either way, no keepers for me this round.
Stay tuned, as I have some shit in the works. :sunglasses:



Good update!
:green_heart: :seedling:


Just ran across your grow log tonight and took some time to read through it, very nice looking plants

Just wondering what happened with the “Xmas 95” seeds, did they pop? How did they make out?

Will be sticking around to learn what else I can from you which is lots and waiting to see how those monsters outside finish up

Happy growing :heart::heart::heart:

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looking awesome!