Baked Beanz - what I'm working on now

looking very nice @SamwellBB
I just had my seed vault/fridge open the other day pulling selections for germination and as I was rifling thru the tony green stash, a small clear baggie slipped out onto the floor. I picked it up and lo and behold!!! It was the original baggie of Darlin’s Net beans @SmokinJoeMGF sent me several years back… 6 years ago now?? I dunno but boy was I happy to see those. They should have been in the Ninefold Genetics/Motherless Goat Farms section of the fridge. I knew I had more of those originals but haven’t seen that baggie in a couple years. Still 8 or 10 seeds in that baggie plus lunchpale sent me back some original darlins net that I think I sent him right around the same time I misplaced that baggie LOL

Not hard to find a stud male in the darlin’s net. Look for serrated leaves … I used a male I called ‘Ripsaw’ as his leaves were heavily double serrated all over the plant. The leaf edges looked like a ripsaw blade so explains the name I gave him. Made some F’2 with him and a couple crosses. Did the darlin’s net BX1 as well but those seem to be sitting idle at GLG.

did you keep any Darlin’s unseeded for the full smoking experience? Still may favorite among the GG4 crosses I have sifted thru.


PPC f2 #6


That is frosty, nice job!


Thanks! @Tejas I really didn’t do them justice. I had a bunch of problems this grow that were mostly my own fault


Can’t tell at all from the pic! :fire::fire:


Lol thanks! @HolyAngel I’m growing organic in small pots with the same soil I’ve used for the last 3 runs. All different strains. I’m asking for trouble :joy:


But they ended up nice. People are sleeping on those Purple Poison Cookies. Many who have grown them have found some top phenos and kept them around. Not your typical cookie strain. Thanks for showing us your work. :fire:


what’s up now ?? :fire:
I’m shucking beanz from the Darlin’s Net (f2s) and the MAC f1 stinky pheno x Darlin’s Net these days
sorry I didn’t take any final photos because the plants were not in shape for a fashion shoot
3 weeks without my care showed in the end - the beanz made it thru but the flowers are all going directly into making THC oil
the next round is going to be Dosido and the Purple Dreams - I think I may have a Purple Dream girl and a boy - hopefully - would love to have lots of Dosido # 9 x Purple Dream beanz and some Purple Dream f2s
stay tuned for more…


Oooh those should be fire too! Nice, and honestly I’ve not seen a single less than stellar looking grow of the PPC yet, not a single one and I’ve seen at least 7/8 probably more like 10/12 tbh. Awesome


The first time I grew PPC it was only one plant and outside, started a little late. Since I didn’t grab a clone in time, you know I’d find a special pheno and she was. It ws such a tasty smoke and just absolute yummy. A good mix of Chem and Cookies flavors that were heavenly.

I have only one going atm and hoping for another good one. I gotta look to see if I have more beans in my stash but I think I shared my beans with someone else. If so I’ll find a way to buy a pack if any remain. Believe it or not, it’s still my favorite smoke of all that I’ve grown since moving here 7 1/2 years ago. It was really special.

I love that one above! What a pretty plant! Is it giving up any aromas by now?

Thanks agin for the cool plants you turn out @SamwellBB. I sure hope your health continues to improve. :pray: :v:


Good to hear you’re still “Two Steppin’” around the Tent, Bro. “SLOW” is the new Norm!! Your “Xmas Card” leaves in a coupla days. Continued success in your improvement. As always, SS/BW…mister :honeybee: :100: :pray: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


You need/want more of that PPCs? Say da word, Bro, it’s yours!! Your Recovery still on track? SS/BW…mister :honeybee: :100: :pray: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


doing just fine - stronger and stronger day by day :fire:


Few more days until this PPC girl gets the axe


… I’m sleeping on a pack of your Frosted Cobra but I wanna F2 them so the sleeping is more of a meditation! :rofl:


Actually, yeah, the leg is finally feeling close to normal. I also developed rheumatoid arthritis which has thrown a wrench into things. It’s finally easing off a little. Got a dang virus bug the last few days from a Thanksgiving dinner that everyone else got, too, sheesh. Thanks for asking. I’ll hit you up if I don’t find more PPC seeds. :wink: :v:


Heya @SamwellBB
:fire: You da Man bromingo :boom:

In box today
Peace out
take Care


enjoy !! :fire:


I’m sure i will :pray:


Chopped down this PPC girl today! Thanks for the :fire: @SamwellBB