Balcony with a view and Fatty's Live Vinegar House

@Greasy you should definitely come visit mate, all day offshores is always a deal sealer for me. You would love it. I hope you’re getting some winter swells up there, feel free to post any surfing pics here too bra

Me and my toys in the old front yard

Surf check in the front yard with my best mate Huey

Little single fin soul arching in the front yard

Secret reef, trying to find shade

View from my old office

Popyo outer reef on the cook

@TopShelfTrees1 thank you ghee, much love to you and yours too. I’ll definitely stay in touch and you do the sane. Living vicariously is exactly what I’m doing with everyone’s grows haha

@Bud_Weiser Aloha hermano, maaan pipe has been absolutely firing. I think the final will run today. Would love to see a Kelly V JJF final. It’s a shame your boy Medina pulled out, I was looking forward to the JJ V Medina rivalry. I’m down for a OG fantasy league, I won last year so just a warning haha.

@CADMAN thanks man good to hear from you. I hope you are having a good winter bro. How are those WOW starter packs working out for you?

@Oldtimerunderground thanks for the kind words big homie. It’s definitely a bummer having to put the growing on hold but it won’t be for ever. Ironically Costa Rica just legalised medical… as soon as we leave, typical haha. Maybe set up a grow at the mother in laws and monitor it from here. Looking forward to your outdoor show again this year.


hangs the hammock up and climbs in for nap
Soooo good to see your doing well, Thank you for the outstanding pictures.



Aloha & glad you’re here

Somethin tells me you a have a special kind of golf course— what about mower noise!? :crazy_face:

I was at a Hilton that adjoined a golf course & 6am… BWAAAAAAAAH!!! :gear: :tractor: & Im thinking F*ck You! :confounded: I paid over 200 a night for this shit!?! :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:



Hi mate mahalo, how’s Hawaii? What island are you on?

Surprisingly we don’t hear anything from the golf course except the occasional cheer from a long putt being sunk. They use these super quiet mowers that almost sound electric. The round-up being sprayed is my main concern, not a fan at all.

Any waves close to where you are living?


Big Island, middle of Puna district. :call_me_hand:

5-6 miles away maybe but Big Island is very rocky & geologically “young” so I don’t know the good safe places.

I hear ya on the roundup drift… :unamused: :biohazard: glyphosate was originally developed as a rust inhibitor for the inside of pipes… :thinking:

Mmmmm :stew:



I put on some FAA today, which is basically a 1:1 sugar to fish ferment that is really rich in nitrogen and amino acids. Chris Trump does his in a bucket but I figured having it on tap and not having to strain it would be a better design so I rigged up a strainer inside the base of a drink cooler above the tap, that way I’m able to start extracting at 3 months without having to open it. You can use just the scraps of fish, it’s really cheap where I live so I got a $7 mix bag of pargo(red snapper) and the head of a corbina. Add a few bags of brown sugar and you have a good gallon of genius juice after a few months.

The work station

Fully coat the fish in sugar

Filled the head with sugar

My MacGyver rig up, I just cut the handle off a strainer… fit like a glove!

I added some LAB on top to help speed it up but it’s not necessary

Finish with a sugar cap, which is about an inch of sugar on the top… this helps with osmosis

Seal the lid, then scrub it and hose it off

Store in a cool dark spot, in 3 months I’ll start using it but it’s better after 6

If done right this won’t smell at all and if it does you need to add more sugar. Most extracted fish products in agriculture have the expensive oils skimmed off the top before they bottle it which makes this finished product better than anything you’ll buy at the grow shop.

Use at a ratio of 1:1000 :v:t4:


:nauseated_face:I think I will stick to fish shit in a bottle.
:green_heart: :seedling:


1 to 1000… that’s gonna last a bit. Very innovative on the in cooler strainer.


Do you ever eat at Thai restaurants or use fish sauce at home? The process of making that is way more gnarly, fish dried in the sun covered in bird shit and flies… that’s the salty element added in most Thai food so if you eat that this is not gross at all compared…


Garum is the classic Mediterranean/ Italian equivalent, or the more modern colatira di alici. Same process though.

"What is called liquamen is thus made: the intestines of fish are thrown into a vessel, and are salted; and small fish, especially atherinae, or small mullets, or maenae, or lycostomi, or any small fish, are all salted in the same manner; and they are seasoned in the sun, and frequently turned; and when they have been seasoned in the heat, the garum is thus taken from them. A small basket of close texture is laid in the vessel filled with the small fish already mentioned, and the garum will flow into the basket; and they take up what has been percolated through the basket, which is called liquamen; and the remainder of the feculence is made into allec.

– from the 10th century Byzantine manual Geōponika: Agricultural pursuits, Vol. II, pp. 299–300; translated from the Greek by Thomas Owen; London 1806."

Mmmmm. Fish guts seasoned in the heat…


Fish ferments like this will help to produce some very fine bud.

The best bud I ever smoked came from a friend in humboldt who fertilized his crops with fish ferment made from the rejected catch of local fishermen. He had a deal with like 3 fisherman and got leftover chum, fish parts, and any fish that were rejected from sale to the local restaurants.

This grow produced the best bud I have ever smoked.

As a warning to you all, I will never forget the look of disgust and exasperation on his girlfriend’s face when he was telling me about fish ferments.


That’s what you want, he was on to something good there

I guess it is pretty full on but that’s if you are smelling or seeing the fish during the process, that’s why I thought the drink vessel was a good option. I’ll hopefully never have to open it again just use the tap


Yes mate depending on how big your set up is it will potentially last years


Nice - I like how you did this! I’ve considered trying to make the FAA but remember Chris saying that it gets pretty nasty and stinky and that your neighbors may not approve lol.

Are you worried about the container trying to blow up from the fermentation process and being sealed?

Maybe I can get it together to try this method!

Love me some Korean Natural Farming and Jadam


Yeah, I’d put some kind of airlock, like for brewing, in the lid.


No, Not at all. I took Micro and don’t any of that stuff :joy: :rofl:
:green_heart: :seedling:


@twistedinfinity @anon93244739

I forgot to show the MacGyver airlock set up

Stuffed with cotton wool


Pretty sure he’s referring to the Jadam fish ferment which is done in water and smells like death, as long as the fish is fully coated in sugar it shouldn’t smell at all


Gotcha thanks for the info. I need to look into it more obviously!

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The LABS should also cut down on the smell.