Balcony with a view and Fatty's Live Vinegar House

Never had In n out… east coast here. My wife is Filipino but I’m very stubborn and half the food she puts in front of me… I’m more likely to make a nasty face and poke it with a stick


In n Out has really good burgers, but their fries are weak.

My girl’s Filipino, too, but she’s not big on the Filipino food. I actually do all of the cooking. Her parents always drop food off, but I let her eat most of that (with the exception of the pimento cheese and pandesal, that’s all me haha). Christmas Eve is another story, though. Just shitloads of Filipino food. It’s too vinegar-y for me, most of it. Which is why I always make a few “traditional” Christmas dishes and bring them over to the house haha.

Actually, maybe you want to look into that market for your live vinegars, @FattyRoots. Filipinos put vinegar in everything.


That’s funny because I like the vinegary stuff she makes…chicharron, lichon is good, of course lumpia and pansit are great. That about does it for me lol


Yeah, all the dishes you mentioned are the ones I don’t mind haha. But it’s just so much vinegar. I remember one time, though, there was something that had quail eggs in it. I don’t mind quail eggs at all, I love them, actually, but I thought they were baby potatoes, so when I bit into it, I was more than a little surprised. It was like this one time at a tapas joint I was at, that was extremely dimly-lit. I thought I was about to eat a grape, but it turned out it was a black olive. When you’re expecting one thing and get something that’s like the polar opposite… Not the most pleasant experience haha.


Yeah like when you’re expecting coke but u grab an ice coffee or something… always trips me out


That’s what always gets me man, I look too white! :joy:

Don’t let the pale skin fool you, I can throw down some spicy.

I had to work the waitress over to get truly spicy Mexican food at our favorite place. It came out so hot that I got a head rush with every bite. I finished the whole thing to prove myself. I never really pushed that hard again, but they knew I was legit after that.


I fucking looooooove that, where you can feel it in your head every time you take a bite and you sweat a little bit. Nose starts running and your vision gets a little blurry…

Come out to LA, man. You don’t have to convince anybody to bring you spicy food here. They just assume you know what you’re ordering and bring it to you with a smile. I’d actually be pretty irritated if I had to be like,”Yeah, I know what I’m ordering, I really do actually want that.”


If I ever do make it to LA, I will definitely let you know. You can give me a heads up on the food scene for sure. I hear you know the guy that grows the best stuff around too. :wink:

Edit: I told her to have them make it so hot, they could come make fun of the white boy that couldn’t finish his meal.


I do know a guy that grows pretty good weed, that’s true…

LA is a food mecca, man. So many great restaurants and chefs. Even the cheap places in strip malls, where you wouldn’t expect to find amazing food, it’s there. That’s what happens when you throw a bunch of different cultures together. Great things happen. Kinda like weed, when you cross like an Afghani and a Oaxacan. Or whatever. That hybrid vigor…


@minitiger @Stankonia I’ve never tried Filipino food but would love too, sounds like there’s definitely a Spanish influence.

Let’s be real it’s not amazing food haha but just an iconic place to eat while in Cali and you don’t get that dirty feeling like you just spanked the monkey like you do after eating most fast food :joy:
Also after 6 months on the mountain with basically no outside human interactions other than just my work partner and a few hundred plants the thought alone of being in a social environment eating a double double never got old.

I’m not sure how much of a Filipino community there is here but sounds like it would be a good market.


Haha I was a head chef at a place in Sweden for a while and I rewrote their menu to be half Indian and half Thai food not knowing that probably the whitest people on earth don’t like spicy food… it was a huge success :joy:

Maybe @Swe-can disagrees about Swedes and chili but I definitely had to take the spice out for most customers.


@Badger @minitiger I feel Mexican although definitely spicy it doesn’t leave the head area where as Thai or Indian can have your whole body react. A good lamb vindaloo will have you sweating like a gypsy with a mortgage :rofl:


Speaking of vinegar got a banana one on today

Mango almost done with the alcohol stage


How is it post covid? I heard it got smashed


Your just making Vinigars from the Bannanas as well? My gosh bro. I’d be making Mango/Bannana Smoothys daily to drink. & Composting the skins with worms to make Awesome Worm poop.

Ugh you have access to loads of natural resources. :weary: you lucky bugger.


I honestly don’t know haha. Even though my girl and I got vaccinated, we’re still gonna wait for a month or two to start going out to restaurants. Maybe even longer. I can’t wear those fucking masks for more than about a half-hour before I start feeling like I’m suffocating. Plus, I just wanna go out normal, with no mask. Who knows how long it’ll be til we can do that? So we actually haven’t even been looking at any of our favorite places. I know the Palm’s still open, though haha. That’s the first place we’re going. I want a medium-rare ribeye and some creamed spinach haha!

All of my friends in the restaurant business kept working, though. Their shifts got cut, obviously, and they were only doing take-out for a while, too, but none of the places where they work closed. Or they didn’t close permanently, anyway. Those are all fine dining restaurants, though, that do millions of dollars in business every year, so they had some money in reserve. I’m sure a bunch of the smaller, cheaper restaurants have closed up. But I really haven’t even, like, driven around in over a year (we’ve been quarantining like a motherfucker haha) so I don’t know how many places are boarded up. Probably a lot, though.


@minitiger I had to close my kitchen last year, I don’t how these guys deal with the constant reopening and closing with food wastage, staff etc… super stressful! Hospitality may never be the same again

Saying that though mate us daily burners transitioned in to the hermit life easier than anyone… you need to stay at home, be antisocial, don’t go to a job you hate…

Shiiit I’ve been doing that most of my life already haha


That makes me glad to be living where I am. Since I found out that have the antibodies I haven’t worn a mask once. I haven’t gotten any grief for it either.


Yeah, I was doing a grow report at thcfarmer last year when we first started quarantining, before any of us knew how long we’d have to do it. I posted after we’d been sitting at home for like seventeen days and mentioned that I think growers are uniquely predispositioned to that sort of “hermit life” haha. Most of us just wanna be at home with our plants haha!! So sitting at home for weeks really didn’t bother me. Sitting at home for months, though… It’s starting to get on my nerves for sure. We’ve started having people over again, though, one at a time. I’m really looking forward to the first Official Summer BBQ, with lots of people over. It’s been almost two years since we’ve had a legit party. And our house is for sure the Summer Party House haha, doesn’t feel right to go an entire summer without a bunch of people in the pool and grilling some meat and shit.


Even vaccinated, I’m still gonna wear a mask, both to put myself at ease (people who’ve had COVID have gotten re-infected) and to put the people around me at ease. Out in public, they don’t know if I’m vaccinated or not. They could just think I’m an anti-mask/anti-vax dickhead. Once the numbers get way down and it’s extremely clear that everything’s all good, then I’ll stop wearing a mask. I think it’s gonna be a while until that happens. But we’re definitely gonna start having parties soon. Even before COVID, we really didn’t go out much. It was mostly,”Yeah, come over, let’s party!” haha. I miss that.