Balcony with a view and Fatty's Live Vinegar House

First go at trying these grow bags, I wouldn’t necessarily use them in a dry climate but here in the tropics I’m expecting good things with big improvements in my root mass production

Bruce Banner cutting


You’re not gonna flower in something that small, are you?

I’ve noticed with my grows that the “air pruning” thing is a reality. My roots never really grow much bigger when I transplant them from their plastic half-gallon veg pots to their seven-gallon flowering airpots. When I recycle the soil, the rootballs are pretty much the same size as when I transplanted them. It’s probably just me, doing something “wrong,” but yeah, it seems like the roots stay almost the same size the whole way through. Too small, really. I’m gonna try something new this round to see if I can’t get the roots to spread out a little more.

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No mate this is instead of the plastic party cups, from here they will go into the 3 gallon smart pots.

Again another podcast link but this guy goes deep into why you should trim or ‘score’ your roots prior to transplanting, according to him this will encourage an abundance of new root growth especially laterally he also said if you don’t do this your roots will stay in basically the same zone. The guy is an ag professor, really interesting listen.

I’ve been having similar issues with low root mass but I put it mostly down to lack of direct photosynthesis. The plastic pots I was using wasn’t helping the water uptake either. I’m going to try the scoring method on the next transplant. You grow from seed though so you obviously have a tap root… what size pots are you growing in? I always believed big roots big fruits!


Yep. This is exactly what I’m gonna do. I used to do it for my first few grows and then stopped. I don’t even remember why. And then been sitting here going,”Why aren’t my plants yielding as much as they used to?” It’s because I’m not fucking with the roots. Way back, I’d “score,” or whatever, but the last few years, I’ve just been transplanting from their veg pots into the seven-gallon airpots, right into them. And my yields have been not the greatest. I don’t really care about yields, but if I can up them, I’m all for it. I think that “scoring” method really works.


I agree 100%, I would always break the roots up with my hands and loosen them while banging the dirty off softly then one day I stopped and started delicately placing the plant snug into the hole… it makes no sense to do that it has to be stunting them. Also how does the plant really know it’s in a bigger medium if the roots aren’t spread out. Funny how bad advice travels fast


All plants like being handled a little rough around the roots. I used to be gentle with them. Now im just a jerk lol


I lived in Ecuador for two years at the equator. What an amazing place to grow. In the dry season which didn’t seem dry it was definitely a better time of year for everything. Bugs, Light penetration strength. I hope you get what you want out of these plants. The lack of light will hurt some size but with the love I see coming from you to your plants will them finish great. Good luck. Hope you get your seeds back.


That sounds like an amazing place to live, I’m still yet to visit Ecuador. Some good surf spots around the Montanita area I really want to check out.

Thanks for stopping by and having a look. You are right about the lack of direct sunlight it definitely hinders my yields but this will be one of my last few runs on the balcony, in November I’ll be setting up an outdoor/green house space. It’s been taking too long to set up my greenhouse due to trying to afford something out of my means, I was planning on a walipini style set up but going to just put a clear plastic roof off the side of the house after the wet season ends and keep it simple. I’m actually ok half of the year with humidity, I live in one of the last dry forests left on the planet and lake Nicaragua is just North of me which circulates offshore winds all year around so from December till April humidity levels stay between 40-65%. :v:t4:


“Treat em mean keep em green bro”

That’s my new moto haha


I emailed wallace wow owner off Facebook & been chatting with him about his products. Here is a quote from him…

“The mycorrhizae along with the Starter Paks are the way to go! Then water weekly with the humic acid, I would also suggest my soluble seaweed powder to mix with the humic acid.”

So he’s saying to add Kelp/Seaweed powder with the Humic/Fulvic Acid…

This guy is nice to chat with.


@CADMAN Nice mate, good to hear he’s a genuine guy. Good to read directions straight from the source too, thanks for sharing. Killa that you mentioned what you were actually growing, we’ve come along way.
I hope you guys don’t get too chummy and he starts sending you nudes of giant pumpkins :joy:

I was going to purchase their soluble seaweed too but still have half a jar of Tecnhafloras ss made from 100% Norwegian kelp. The starter packs are mini bags of the mycorrhzial inoculant, is that correct?


Haha Nude pumpkins :jack_o_lantern::yum:

The starter packs have slow release fertilizer 10-3-6 for 5 months & Mycorrhizae in it.

I got wayyyy too much Seaweed here myself lol
Powdered Kelp and a mix of 7 types of organic Seaweed flakes mixture …

Seven Sea Veggies: I’ve been using .
Ingredients: dulse, nori, sea lettuce, wakame, kombu, longicruris, and knotted wrack flakes.
Alot more detailed info about this on my “Organic Adventures” thread, 1st post.


Now that does look like a perfect blend, you think that is enough for just one run or is it super slow releasing. Wifey only gave me $100 to spend so I deliberately didn’t go too deep down the worm hole. Tried to order BioLive too but apparently you can’t bring that on a plane.

Edit: just read 5 months release, perfect for one run


I don’t “Need” this myself, but I’m really drawn to the set & forget feeding lol AND just look at the photos on his website of the vigorous growth on the Veggies, he also has photos of Cannabis plants from his customers on there. Woah.

DAMIT. I just ordered

I’ve already got Lots of Mycorrhizae here also, 3 diff sample packs & what’s already in my soils.

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Ok now we are talking, link me up bruv

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Specifically from the starter packs.


Guess we will see first hand. :crazy_face:
I’m gonna do 1 plant with Wallace wow products & another with my current setup. Both the same strain, same seeds ect… Some side by side and see who wins :wink:

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Please tag me in this when you do

Those pictures are a great selling point, he’s a smart man not excluding the canna community

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hell yeah :sunglasses::ok_hand:

Will tag you for sure.


@CADMAN Hang on, is he stealing my catch phrase, he just tweaked it a little :joy:

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