Balcony with a view and Fatty's Live Vinegar House

I 100% agree :+1: that’s why air pots & hempys work so well.

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@CADMAN You tried Hempie buckets outdoors?

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Nope. Only indoors. But I’m sure it would be great.

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Just got caught up on the thread. Beautiful place to grow. You taking about your kid sitting on your plant made me laugh. Mine liked to pull the seedlings right out if I wasn’t watching. It’s great staying at home with the kids all day. Oldest would walk up to a big budded plant and just sniff it. Mom didn’t like that. I’d always have him smell regular flowers so he just thought it was normal. Same with spices when I would cook.

I ran hempys outside last year but I used coco and synthetic nutes. I put lava rock in the bottoms so they didn’t blow over in the wind when they got big.

Take care.


@MidwestMover Nice to have you stop by, thanks mate. Yeah kids are a trip we call weed coffee in front her but she knows that those plants are a little more special than the rest. I’m not a fan of anything smoke related next my child or anyone else’s but just seeing it as plant is important with the education


Ya people’s perception of it being around kids is really skewed. I’ve had family and others tell me to keep smoking cigarettes and quit the weed. I laughed about that. I quit smoking cigarettes last month. I still only get a night smoke now. Oldest doesn’t take naps anymore, I miss those.


Love that balcony Ian, very bloody nice mate.

I could swear ya were are an Aussie ?

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Ecuador was amazing. I will always hold a special place in my heart for Ecuador and the Ecuadorians. I don’t surf but many do there. I remember being on the north coast and seeing some beautifully formed waves. I know someone near Las Maderas northwest of Managua who grows with a hugle mound and some plastic. Moving air will be your best friend. Let me know how things progress. They only let me reply so many times the first time back I guess. Good Luck.


That makes sense, give up something that can break down cancer cells and stick to the death sticks… great advice :roll_eyes:
The biggest downside of having that outlook in life is when the time comes when they need real medicine their midstate prevents them from getting it… I basically forced my mum to take oil for her Parkinsons and osteoporosis and now she’s an advocate

@MidwestMover forgot to say mate big congrats on giving up the cigs :muscle:t4:


Thanks Gaz, yes cobba true confict blood right here haha

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Wow that’s a gutsy friend of yours, I wish I’d met him when I lived up there… I now live just south of the border where you don’t get locked up for 10 years for 1 joint

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New flavour vinegar on :pineapple:


If you met him. You would find he operates on his own system. He is out here actually and figuratively. That looks amazing btw.

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Make shift germ box is working nicely

Purple Haze crosses already popped :seedling:


Is that pineapple? Mango?


That batch is pineeapple @minitiger, also recently put on a soursop, tomorrow will be watermelon. Just rented a spot for production this week and working with a designer artist for the labelling. Going all in mate, time to make or brake

Might be time to change the name of this thread…

Fatty’s Live Vinegar House :thinking:


Fuck yeah, dude. Why not? I hope one day I see your shit in my grocery store and can buy a bottle for 40 dollars haha.

It all sounds really interesting to me. I don’t know shit about live vinegars, though. Is something like a pineapple or a watermelon live vinegar common? Are people doing that? It sounds super-intriguing.


$10 max mate haha, I don’t know who these people are paying that money and they are not even using whole fruits mostly just juice and concentrates.

It’s an open market and not common at all. Ironically with all the fruit available here looks like I’ll be the sole provider of live organic fruit vinegar nation wide… it’s pretty wild to me that no one has already thought of it.

Little bit of info


This is why I feel it’s an open market, all my fruit is organic so is the unrefined brown sugar…

Today, fruit vinegars and fruit concentrates are a hit with consumers, because not only are they delicious, they are also associated with healthy, whole fruits. How they are marketed by food manufacturers make us think they are healthy. Fruit vinegars with vitamin C claim to boost body immunity, prevent cell aging, and eliminate fatigue. It is also believed that the vitamins and amino acids in fruit vinegar synthesize with the calcium inside our body to form calcium acetate and strengthen calcium absorption.

However, the trouble is, many commercial fruit vinegars are not made of whole fruits but laden with artificial colors, fruity flavoring and highly processed sugars of various forms including corn syrup, maltitol, mannitol, sucralose, sorbitol which are all worse than regular table sugar.


So is apple cider vinegar considered a live fruit vinegar? I know Plato or Aristotle or one of those old Greek philosophers used to swear by it and take a shot twice a day or something. I used to put a shot in my water in the morning, drink it with breakfast, back in my healthy days.

Now I just drink beer in the morning haha!

I’ve got a bottle of it in my cupboard, I really should get back on that train…