Balcony with a view and Fatty's Live Vinegar House

If it has the mother in it like Bragg’s it’s live, that’s where the pro biotics come from.

It’s good for you mate, get back on it

I’m sure it compliments a PBR in the morning too haha


PBR?!? What do you think I am, some hipster fuck with a beard and a silly hat? Haha! Sierra Nevada Pale Ale, always. Except when I get up off of my lazy ass and pick up some Anderson Valley Summer Solstice. Hard to find that one, there’s a little bit of travel involved…


@minitiger Since when did hipsters drink cheap larger?? Don’t tell me they’ve ruined that too.

I’d say Sierra Nevada is more a hipsters dream. I wouldn’t really know though i used to shop at Costco and my boss would load about 10 cases on the cart of all types of beer then it’s straight back to the farm. Only hippies and rednecks out there.

Larginitas is another good drop. Apparently they sold out to Heineken so who knows if it’s even the same beer anymore.


When was the last time you were in the States? PBR was a full-on thing like ten or twelve years ago. I dunno if the hipsters are still all about it or not, but they definitely were a while back. I never got it. That beer sucks haha. I guess it was that whole “ironic” thing. Stupid, for sure.

Yeah, it’s decent. My old neighborhood, there were a lot of liquor stores that specialized in micro-brews and really good beer. But since we’ve moved out to the suburbs, the selections are pretty limited. I switched to Lauganitas for a little bit when we first moved out here, but Sierra Nevada will always be my go-to. Everybody’s sold out to Anheuser-Busch, it’s pretty sad. Corporations just straight-up taking over the world, monopolies rule.


There was a documentary about Dogfish Head, little microbrew based out of the Northeast, I think, on Netflix like twelve years ago. I was really into their IPA’s for a while. And they were saying how they’d get a tiny little space on some grocery store shelves and everything else on the shelves was an Anheuser-Busch product or some subsidiary of Anheuser-Busch. It was pretty fucked-up. Like 99% of everything in the beer aisle of most grocery stores is owned by Anheuser-Busch. They might dress it up and try to make it look like a little independent microbrew, but if you look at the back of the bottle, it’s all an Anheuser-Busch product.

That Dogfish Head is really good beer, just as an aside. I can’t really do IPA’s anymore, they’re too filling haha. But if you ever get a chance to try one, check it out.


The last 2 kitchens I rented were teaming up with micro breweries down here, both arrangements the brewer got to eat what he wanted and I’d drink all I wanted… IPA and stout all day faark, I’ve lost about 15kg since covid killed that… i was getting fat

Sierra Nevada is $5 for one here, enjoy that drop


Dude, you and me both. Except I’ve put on about twenty pounds since the COVID shit. When it first started, I was like,”This is great. I’m just gonna eat chicken and broccoli every day and lift every morning. No distractions from friends coming over all the time. I’m gonna focus.” And I did that for a while. But now I’m like,”Bleeearrgghhhh… What time is it? 9am? Okay, time to get out of bed and crack a beer.”


I ment the search box here on OG.

The conversation is long past all that, I just wanted to clarify what I ment by search, since @minitiger is leery of me, and me asking if he would share some seeds.

Yeah, I knew what you meant. But that doesn’t mean I can’t still Google someone. And when I did, all that came up was a weedmaps dispensary review about some moldy weed you’d gotten from them.

Uhm well I’m lost on that comment?
My company was Cali Gold Genetics, and my name is Myles.
But on another note if you did search for me on here, here being OG, what did you find?
My original question to you was simply asking if you would be down to trade or share some beans.
You replied with who am I, and there’s no way your sharing with someone who just joined 5 days ago, can anyone vouch for me etc… ok fair enough…
So I pointed you in the direction on this forum that I thought would be a credible source of info.
But you instead, proceed again to ignore my suggestion

and post a defamatory reply, one in which you’re choosing to blatantly disregard any affirmative information about me and instead seek to reduce, discount or discredit me. At any rate you keep suggesting that there is no information to be found about my breeding work, Cali Gold Genetics, or my credibility?

When, in fact, there is information out there, you’re just consciously chosing to ignore it.

I’m not claiming to be anyone special…

Im not a superstar in the seed world like Don n Aaron, or Arjan and I’m not trying to be.

My work is in a few books and a few magazines. My Topa Mountain Purple Thai was the cover shot of Skunk mags Sativa issue some years back…
I’m just a nerd on the hunt for some great genetics. As I lost most of mine in a wildfire.
Im here because I want to make some new friends and aquire some new beans.

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@Myles_CaliGold yo homie you know there’s a PM option??

This ain’t the thread…


My apologies


Started to bag up some of the 1 years old compost pile before the rains come

Smells like an old growth forest and is full of UCO’s(unidentified crawling objects)

Whipped up a little extract with some humic and fulvic for the girls and inoculated all the pots with mycorrhizal, cheers for the motivation @Sunvalley


This week’s vinegar ingredients


Yeah man, that’s more of a serious drinkers beer here. I never knew it had become a hipster thing. That’s crazy.


Oh, yeah, big-time. It was annoying as shit.

@FattyRoots Are those plantains in the background? You making vinegar with that, too, or is that just for cooking? I looooove fried plantains with a little crema. So good.


I thought the same mate, breakfast beer and PBR seemed to go together. Pretty good sales tactics on their part to cover all clientele from trailer parks to Portland.


There’s plantains and bananas there mate, has to be one of the most versatile ingredients as it ripens it gets mega sweet and green fried it’s dank as well. With crema is killa too and super ripe with ice cream… I got the munchies haha


Glad I can get the gears grinding bruv :grin::sunglasses: