Balcony with a view and Fatty's Live Vinegar House

She loves the Saturday trips to the nursery

Little green thumbs

She loves her flowers like you @Meesh hope to help her in the garden one day like your pops.

The owners weren’t as stoked with her picking flowers as she was but hey she’s only 2 :man_shrugging:t4:


BADA$$ thread @FattyRoots
Love the Vinegars & Super Compost soil.
Your daughter looks like she’s having fun :wink:


She’s precious! She can come pick pretty flowers in my garden anytime! :purple_heart: :green_heart:


Cherish the time brother, cherish it.


Weather is crossing over seasons from dry to wet which means even less sun for my girls and an extra 20% humidity to deal with. Going to put mesh up on the fence this weekend to block the view and finally move the flowering plants outside off the balcony, my yields aren’t going to be worth the effort otherwise… they are barely worth it already and since the mornings are still sunny… as I’m typing this it just started pissing down, at 10am faaaark… maybe not then. In less than 6 weeks my green house roof will be built, that will be the game changer but I’m getting impatient. Decided to scrap a high cost design and just focus on keeping the rain off, originally I was going to go with a 100ft walipini style design but can’t afford it.

Meanwhile things are growing slower than cacti :cactus:

You are probably wondering why I don’t grow in a tent instead, we dont have the space or money unfortunately.


Saying that though my cacti are growing great


Speaking of financial issues been working hard to try and change that, should be ready to launch my first line of flavours next month. Busy week so far

Watermelon and soursop :watermelon:

Papaya getting lively

Pineapple very active :pineapple:

100litre of mango on the final stage :mango:

Banana also getting close to completion :banana:


Looking great @FattyRoots
I’m excited for your business man, it’s gonna be fantastic :ok_hand: if you need help with anything let me know. I sincerely want this to work out well in your favor, and I’m sure it will…

Your fruits are looking real good :+1:


Thank you bro, bless

Hopefully we can collab on a vinegar run for OG donations soon


Hi @FattyRoots. Your plants and your backyard look beautiful. I will for sure be following. And good luck with your vinegar project I’m sure you will do great you seem like a knowledgeable person!


Nice to have you stop by @ELG


I thought some of you might be interested in how I make my effective microorganisms(EM). This is the base I use for fermenting bokashi bran and other bio ferments using things like moringa, canna leaves, comfrey etc.
Super simple just mix
500ml of LAB
500ml of blackstrap molasses
In a 20litre bucket with 19 litres of dechlorinate water, I used rain water.
Mix well, seal the lid and put in a cool dark place for 1 month and that’s it. It can also be added to your worm bin or compost pile to help speed up the process by adding beneficial bacteria.


Is this hammock taken? Reading your thread, excellent view, laid back presentation, I really like it. I’ll get back atcha when I’m caught up, the wild animals and the river… fantastic. Good luck on your endeavors, can I please get a soursop and pineapple till your next update? :sunglasses: seeyah when I seeyah, be good to yourself

Oh uhhh almost forgot something grow related… ummm when I was reading about how plants finish earlier at local, same thing here. :nerd_face:


It’s all yours:)

Thanks for stopping by, I’ve moved my plants out in to full sun this week so hopefully things start to move a bit faster now… wet season is also in affect so it’s going to be a battle of the elements


kicks flops under the resting spot for a quick siesta
Sunday! Sunday! Sunday, see the OG survival special with guests “The beast from the East and the thunder from down under” rage against the machine in Battle of the Elements! :sunglasses:
Just put mine in the sun today, they are weak and light green… the struggle for survival against the rainy season goes on.


The balcony grow has finally been moved in to the full sun, ironically right at the start of the wet season but there’s still plenty of sun especially in the mornings it just means I have to play a little musical chairs moving the pots through out the day but they can now potentially get the full 12hrs.

Game changer


I’ll soon be putting this thread to bed and starting a new grow log in the new environment so in the meantime I’ll just leave you with…


One of our dogs had puppies last week


Awww man! I just got here!

Awww they’re sooo cute :heart_eyes: congratulations!!! The way they’re cuddling each other :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: so cute


Hey I see what you did there! Lol

You’re lucky I have a huge soft spot for baby animals. I may look tough on the outside, but on the inside I turn to jelly when I see cute little babies :grin:


Hoowee, those dogs are really fucking cute.

The plants are okay, too. I guess… haha.

Tag me when you start the new log.