Balcony with a view and Fatty's Live Vinegar House

Exactly mate


Pura Vida. Saludos.

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Awesome brother! Can’t wait for you to get back to that LOVE again, I know I couldn’t live without it again, not sure how I stopped for those couple years when legalization came to :canada: (Ya I do I was pissed at the world tbh) and THREE words of advice brother. CHERISH EVERY MOMENT. I had my boys very young 18-19 and even though they changed my life for the better 100 fold, I was young, naive, the first of ANYONE in my circle or family to have children. Did it all blind, and it took me a few years to realize just how truly wonderful and special those moments are. She is so blessed to be able to grow up where she is, and with awesome, loving parents. Just don’t let anything go UN cherished, some of these moments are so special, so unique and only happen once, document, enjoy, love every moment of every day , before you know it they are in their late teens and it all seems like a blur. I truly think I did a good job with my boys, and am always pleasantly surprised by their actions, thoughts and the way they live their lives. Much respect :facepunch:t2:


@TopShelfTrees1 Good to hear from you my ghee and thanks for stopping by this neck of the woods, bit of a ghost town here these days haha but hopefully up and running soon… early in the new year.

I’m sure you’re a great dad, I definitely do cherish every moment like you said… there’s no better thing in the world than being a father. I think being in my 40’s with a young child has helped me stay in the present and really appreciate the gifts it brings, I was too all over the place in my 20’s but I’m sure once you transition into father hood like you did priorities shifted hugely no matter what age you were.

I bet you did, you should be proud homie. How old are they now?

Bless Bro


My boys are 17 and 21 now , crazy cuz I still feel 21 myself. No joke.


Nice mate, on the home stretch haha


Yezzir, funny how kids are nowadays. I was out at 15 GONE, never looked back. Nowadays they are home until 25-30 besides college/university :man_facepalming:t2:


Long ago… in a grow far away, there was a grower that traveled the planet in search of grow adventures.

I hope you and family are Happy and Healthy.


As do I my friend, was just thinking about you @FattyRoots and low and behold so was @Heliosphear . Hope all is well brother.


Btw @Heliosphear i really enjoyed that video


Thanks for checking in @Heliosphear and @TopShelfTrees1 good to hear from you both and thanks for sharing the video, Xavier is always paying homage to the Australian indigenous culture and community which is very important especially in this day and age.

I hope you both are well and 2022 is lining up to be a prosperous one for all.

Our 2022 took a full 180 turn from our original plans, we came to Nicaragua for Christmas and were meant to fly out to Mexico January 6th to start a new life but didn’t count on falling back in love with Nicaragua(we lived here for 5 years prior to Costa Rica) so we moved our flight to Mexico to June which will be just a vacation and decided to move back to Nicaragua. Got a house 2 minutes from the surf and been catching up with all our old friends. My wife founded a couple of non profit foundations for underprivileged girls and women over 4 years ago so she’s stoked to get back to being more hands on with that too. Me… I’m just stoked to be surfing twice a day haha. And of course having our daughter growing up in nature right on the beach is the main reason for the move. Unfortunately there will be no growing here as laws are crazy so it’s highly illegal… that’s the biggest bummer about not moving to Mexico but the scene has improved here lot with high grade nug delivered to the door so we are at least smoking good.

Here’s a few pics of beautiful Nicaragua :nicaragua:

la nueva casa

Another hard day at the office

Living on a golf course is very quiet and peaceful

Morning surf check

Blackwater OG delivered to the door, it used to be seeded brick weed(monkey shit) only so you can’t imagine how much of a game changer this is. Even though I’m a one doob a day smoker these days good tree really does make life better haha.

Dale Pues


That’s a good looking place to call home! You should throw up some surf photos on here from time to time. I gotta take a surf trip to Nicaragua someday and take advantage of those all day offshores!


Absolutely gorgeous brother! All good news and I’m very glad! Good tree makes all the difference, to me at least 100% you guys are blessed , and I’m sure the lil one loves it (I mean who wouldn’t love that) keep us updated bro, and I guess you’ll just have to live vicariously through me and the rest of OG as far as cultivation goes! Much love brethren


Hi @FattyRoots VERY nice nugs man !!! Topzera

The problem with Nicaragua Pacific Coast >>> Always Offshore kkk

Kelly or JJF ? Another Banzai day for the finals this weekend

What about an OG League on WSL Fantasy ?

:call_me_hand: :zap: :surfing_man:


damn that sunset looks beautiful


Good to see your livein the good life Brother :+1:


:heart_eyes::star_struck::heart: Stunning place to be! I’m really happy for you @FattyRoots :smiley:

I was wondering what happened. I’m a bit bummed not being able to see you grow again :cry: The family, friends, food and the beautiful view are all worth it.

Don’t have too much fun down there and forget about us though :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: lol


@Greasy you should definitely come visit mate, all day offshores is always a deal sealer for me. You would love it. I hope you’re getting some winter swells up there, feel free to post any surfing pics here too bra

Me and my toys in the old front yard

Surf check in the front yard with my best mate Huey

Little single fin soul arching in the front yard

Secret reef, trying to find shade

View from my old office

Popyo outer reef on the cook

@TopShelfTrees1 thank you ghee, much love to you and yours too. I’ll definitely stay in touch and you do the sane. Living vicariously is exactly what I’m doing with everyone’s grows haha

@Bud_Weiser Aloha hermano, maaan pipe has been absolutely firing. I think the final will run today. Would love to see a Kelly V JJF final. It’s a shame your boy Medina pulled out, I was looking forward to the JJ V Medina rivalry. I’m down for a OG fantasy league, I won last year so just a warning haha.

@CADMAN thanks man good to hear from you. I hope you are having a good winter bro. How are those WOW starter packs working out for you?

@Oldtimerunderground thanks for the kind words big homie. It’s definitely a bummer having to put the growing on hold but it won’t be for ever. Ironically Costa Rica just legalised medical… as soon as we leave, typical haha. Maybe set up a grow at the mother in laws and monitor it from here. Looking forward to your outdoor show again this year.


hangs the hammock up and climbs in for nap
Soooo good to see your doing well, Thank you for the outstanding pictures.



Aloha & glad you’re here

Somethin tells me you a have a special kind of golf course— what about mower noise!? :crazy_face:

I was at a Hilton that adjoined a golf course & 6am… BWAAAAAAAAH!!! :gear: :tractor: & Im thinking F*ck You! :confounded: I paid over 200 a night for this shit!?! :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:
