Balcony with a view and Fatty's Live Vinegar House

I’d love to try that stuff @FattyRoots very intriguing . If you ever make a move into the Canadian scene definitely hmu. I’ve got some connections in the food game and my very good, lifelong friend has TONS and I mean TONS of top tier connections in that industry and happens to own 2 different Sobeys supermarkets and is a primary shareholder as well.


Fuck yes mate, love it

I hope that droid comes with a built in rolling tray and knows how to mix a good white Russian haha.

I think the Dagobah system would look good with the dudes rug… in the words of Yoda “tied the room together that rug did hmmm”


Taking notes I am, rolling tray, White Russian dispenser, Area rug and yoga… got it. :sunglasses:

@TopShelfTrees1 Thank you.


drops a postcard in the mailbox

Just so you know… a picture of the dude on a hover bike with Fr2Og2 on tow cable and jetted surf board could be ready this weekend for first view. :sunglasses: I hope that you and fam are doing well.


Hey dude, you remember that time we went to the beach on hover bikes? Yeeeeah me neither, looks like it was fun… I hope you and fam are doing ok.


Not sure how I missed this mate, looks like a sunset to remember.


Faark I wish I did remember, looks like an epic day out.

R2 just shreddin’ the gnar

Gnar gnar binks :call_me_hand:t4: :call_me_hand:t4:

We are doing good thanks bro. I hope everything is well with you and yours too. Today was the 200th year celebrating Costa Rica’s independence…

My little one did it in style :koala: :heartpulse:


:rofl: :rofl:


Awww, fam doing ok here, my girls love dressing up for celebrations to this day. Happy to know you and fam are doing Ok, I had no idea about the 200 year anniversary. Looked it up on google: Two hundred years ago, Costa Rica, El Salvador, Honduras, Guatemala and Nicaragua declared independence from Spain on Sept. 15, 1821. Stay safe and healthy, be good to yourself.


Keep your head up!!!


School holidays just ended, always a joy to spend time with this little human :koala: :blue_heart:

Pura Vida :call_me_hand:t4:

Since this is a ganja forum I’ll take you back to my old Spanish garden

Again snapped off the lap top screen so I apologise for the weird resolution… I’ll fix the laptop one of these days so I can connect to wifi.


Awwww, man, cute little girl. Sometimes, occasionally, when I’m super-faded, I’ll think,”Maybe we should have a kid…” But then I’m like,”Dude, you are NOT in a position to raise a child…” haha! I’m way too selfish and irresponsible to take on something as serious as that. And I definitely don’t ever wanna change a diaper. I’ll be in bed sometimes at like 2am, lit, watching The Office or There Will Be Blood or something and think,”Man, if you had a kid, you might have to get up and change a diaper right now… Glad I don’t have a kid…” haha!

Sweet girl, though. I love those pics of you and her out looking for ‘shrooms. That’s gotta be the greatest feeling, passing that kind of stuff on down to your daughter. Awesome. I love it.

Do you remember what those plants in the “Spanish Garden” pics were? Looks good, whatever it was. I’m getting the sense that you’re jonesing to get growing again haha. Won’t be too long now…


Sick picks bro. Your little one has the life man… Too dope!! Keep safe bruv


Enjoy the time with your daughter bro, kids grow up in a blink…

I Still remember holding my 1st born out of 5 children, he’s now 21 & my youngest is 12…

Everything you two do together now, she will remember forever & cherish that time you both spent…


Thanks bro, yeah being a parent ain’t for everyone but I can truly say being a dad is personally the best, most enjoyable, rewarding thing I’ve ever done. I think we can all be selfish but once you experience fatherhood that naturally takes a back seat. I’m sure you’d be a great dad.

I do mate but that was when I was working as a tester/pheno hunter for a Spanish seed company and the fuckers still owe me money so I don’t want to promote their gear haha. They were old forum heads and had a bunch of “elite”(wank) cuts like cherry pie, zkittlez, keylime pie, strawberry banana etc… that I know you don’t like haha.

Their mother room was a mess and had basically no labels so the first thing I tried to do was organise it and have clear labelling, map everything out and then get them healthy again… they wouldn’t give clear info but I eventually got a tag on everything and they then clarified it was all correct. So I started to make clones for some cannabis clubs and asked them if the multiple cherry pie mothers were all the same pheno again reluctantly they said yes… so I sent a few trays of clones out. Then I got back to Central America to abusive messages saying I mixed male cuts in with the trays… the mother fuckers never even mentioned having males in the mother room let alone labelled them, they then accused me of ruining their whole line for the coming Spannabis so they never paid me… dumb cunts. I left my heavily pregnant misses in Nicaragua to make money for our coming child so to say I was pissed and still am is an understatement.

Ok rant over haha

Jonesing hard mate, I’ve always said even if I quit smoking(which will never happen haha) I’ll always grow. Can’t wait to do it in a legal environment. A few big equatorial sativas outdoors and some indica leaners in a tent coming up next year in Mexico. Going to make me a happy man. Being on this forum doesn’t help seeing everyone’s grows but I’ve just got be patient which is definitely not my forte.

Thank you my bro, I’m doing my best. I’m trying to teach her what’s important for example last night I taught her how to throw up a shaka :joy::call_me_hand:t4:

Yes brother it’s definitely the times to cherish, everyday is a blessing. I’m sure you have memories that will last a lifetime. I definitely started late(40) but I’m almost ready for another one. Dad is the fun one, I leave the vegetables and discipline up to mum :joy:


Yeah, when I lived in Portland, like ‘97-‘01, I dated a couple girls who had kids. One of them had a little four-year-old daughter, she was super-sweet. I loved her. The other had an eight-year-old son who was a full-on little shit. He’d been raised really bad, never listened to his mom (or me). I was just thinking about that kid the other day. He’d be 28 or so now. Probably in prison haha. That’s the thing with having a kid, I’d just be worried all the time, I think. Especially if I had a daughter. I’d definitely be the dad who answered the door with a shotgun in my hands every time some punk fifteen-year-old tried to take her out on a date haha.

I actually do like Cherry Pie. But yeah, those others… Not so much haha. Sucks about not getting paid. It’s crazy how many shady people are in the weed business. I guess there’s probably shady people in every business (they’re definitely in the restaurant business haha).


That’s going to me too bro haha. Her mum’s done Muay Thai for 9 years too so probably no shotgun needed, I’ll just sit back and watch the beating… they’ll be less inclined to press charges that way haha!

I do too, I actually don’t mind the Key Lime also… no idea how GSC become the one people got so hyped on, very mediocre across the board.

It’s definitely common, similar thing happened in Morocco… got paid but way less than promised, not the place to argue either… you can easily go missing in those mountains without a trace.

Ain’t that the truth, that’s one of the main reasons I work for myself now


I thought Key Lime was a GSC pheno, no?


Yeah, it is. That’s why fatty was saying he doesn’t understand how the “regular” GSC is the one that people went apeshit over. He thinks that Key Lime Pie is better haha.


Ah no doubt. Couldn’t agree more with ya on that.