Balcony with a view and Fatty's Live Vinegar House

Sweet man. Can’t wait to see :heart_eyes: your market stand and the goods ,)

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It’s been around 9 months since I put this on so thought I’d draw off a bit of liquid and check it out. In Costa Rica things break down really fast, for example with the help of some LAB and EM1 I can finish a compost pile in less than 6 months. There’s active bacteria and fungi in abundance.

I unfortunately didn’t have any ganja to pour it on so I diluted it at a rate of 1:1000 and gave it to the mother in laws potted plants… we were visiting for the week.

It smells sweet and a tiny bit fishy but not in a bad way, you can actually use this in Asian dishes as a fish sauce.

I now have years of Nitrogen rich amino acids on tap for next to nothing.

Side note: the container stayed completely smell proof too, I haven’t opened the lid once and I’m not planning on it.

Liquid gold


I found this is true until you spill some on your hands, then suddenly you can’t get the fish smell off if them. :rofl:


@Northern_Loki can I please have this thread moved to my “balcony with a view” thread please mate. Easier for me to have my info in one place


Ahhhhh, I was wondering what the fuck was going on. I started “liking” posts and then saw that they were all from like eight months ago. I was like,”Wut?” haha.

Anyway, that’s pretty cool, I may have to try it. I’m actually more interested in the fact that you got those three fish for seven bucks haha! I’m paying that much for one fucking six-ounce farm-raised salmon filet…


My mates back home in Aus do good work, I gifted the guy who grew this some of @Guitarzan Maui Mango Haze crosses so looking forward to seeing how they go in his environment next season


Missed that last post somehow, DOPE! Miss the days when I could do giants OD like this! I truly do, now …. Around here at least it would be a seedy mess pollinated but only god knows what from all over the neighborhood :man_facepalming:t2:. Hope al is well brother, much love


Checking in to see how you’re doing and request that you post more so I can live vicariously through said posts. Hope you’re bueno bruddah :v:t2:


Vivar la vida…

Don’t know what is happening in Panama…visited the big town today.and found some goodies…finally got the rice husks.


Cheers for the messages lads, good to hear from you. Things are cruising along nicely here on the coast, plenty of surf and good family time. Missing having some girls to water but still smoking good, got some apple fritter at the moment it really does taste and smell like apples, I was surprised.

Already posted this on the sunset thread but it was too nice not share again, what is it the kids say… no filter! Haha

Happy Mother’s Day to all the Ma Dukes out there, especially to mine and my wifey :green_heart:


It’s been over 6 months since I opened the tap and checked out some liquid from the FAA, it’s been 15 months in total. Got about “$1000” worth of liquid gold for around $30(including drink container), I don’t know if you can find a better source of rich amino acids and nitrogen for your plants. Smells now like a teriyaki sauce.

Faaaark I wish I had some ganja plants going to feed this to…:tired_face:

@BeagleZ I saw briefly you had a KNF thread, definitely going to read it when I have some rare spare time. I thought you might be interested in this easy smell proof way of making FAA
Bless :call_me_hand:t4:


Man I saw a beverage cooler just like that last week at a thrift store. It for sure won’t stink if I make it inside?


I have a few of those :wink:
Yeah, the igloos are a real nice vessel. It will only get better with time so it will wait for your ganja. In the meantime , make some stir fry !

Looks like a real nice batch @FattyRoots , congrats! Love seeing more people making their own!!

I really need to get back in there and update. It’s been far too long, life…


If it starts to smell off throw a bit of IMO in and put a new sugar cap on top. It will of course smell fishy, but it should be like a good sushi restaurant not rotting fish.


Yeah, I started reading this and was like,”What the fuck is Fatty gonna do with it? Water his hibiscus plants with it or something?” haha.

Might as well use it for something, though…

You surf twice a day! Haha!

Just fucking around. I forgot that you were even doing this fermented fish thing. Pretty cool. Maybe I should start doing this kinda stuff; my plants are not looking good at all, trying to salvage the few remaining seedlings that haven’t already fried up as we speak.


Do it Mini!! I’ll be your sponsor lol


Hey bro, I definitely don’t recommend making it inside that’s why I did it in the backyard but once you seal the lid tight and scrub the outside of it you can then store it inside. When ever you open the tap I’d do that outside too but like @BeagleZ said the smell is actually really sweet and can be consumed in stir frys and stuff. The IMO is a good addition or as I used LAB and a 2 inch thick sugar cap on top, this should stop any smells and speed up the process. It’s kept in the outside bodega where the cats hang out and they haven’t once shown interest in it so that tells me there’s not even micro smells coming off it. This method of putting the strainer in the base was so the cooler will never need to be opened again, pretty sure it could get a little pungent if it was continuously opened though.

:joy: basically

Exactly bro, time is precious haha. I actually just got a job so might only get one session in a day now


I would ask for some of that nutrient, butt i already got more than i can handle.

Congrats on the new job.




What? I upgrade the FR2-OG2


Yeeew R2 shredding the gnar gnar binks!

Who needs drone footage when you can have droid footage haha love it mate @Heliosphear