Balcony with a view and Fatty's Live Vinegar House

The men in black suits came through again today

Homie eyes off my Headband you have plenty of mangoes

Another day… another monkey photo


Dude, that shit would weird me out hardcore. I don’t even like squirrels, not too sure how I’d handle monkeys haha.


I know you said it is hard to get, but if there is any way you can source some kelp meal, that is the one thing that I would recommend. It is the one amendment I would never want to garden without. Quality castings and kelp and you got it made.
If you absolutely cannot source it, then I just wasted our time. :joy:


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You’d hate it mate I’ve got white squirrels everywhere haha, huge iguanas too my dogs spazz out on the regular.


Waiting on an order of down to earth products to come to my grow store but covid has held it up for months now

I do use this


I’d replace the peat moss with more EWC or compost, you’ll have to water much less. Also some fresh kitchen scraps for the worms, especially bananapeels (potassium & phosphor).

When using peat moss you gotta know you’re destroying one eco system to build another. Also it decomposes very slowly, it exists because it has trouble decomposing, the faster your amendments can decompose the sooner the nutrients are available to your plants.


I disagree, cannabis roots need air and water. Too much castings will make the soil muddy and slow growth IME.

Peat mining isn’t all that bad. The peat bogs regrow fairly rapidly and the ammont that is taken is carefully monitored by the Canadian government. If you want a replacement, you can make leaf mold and use that, bit it takes a year or two to be ready.


I live in the tropics so the mix you are recommending while in dry climates may work fine but here I’m not looking for water retention I want my plants to drink and dry out as fast as possible because the humidity keeps soil moist far too long and can potentially cause lock out.

Although not perfect sphagnum peat moss is harvested a lot more responsibly than regular peat moss but yes it’s not perfect but as far as ag issues go it’s a drop in the ocean of far too many bigger problems.


Thanks @ReikoX I’m glad the government is monitoring it!

Every soil is unique ofcourse, slow is also quite subjective… but you may be right that it’s a bit slower. I’m using mostly compost. For my initial soil mix I guess I used 60% compost and 40% EWC + some cups of dry amendments.

@FattyRoots I forget you have high humidity, it’s dry as fuck here, haha.
Nevermind the EWC, but you can’t really go wrong with a little extra compost I guess.


Re: the un-sustainability of peat moss: I feel like because I recycle my soil and use it for years, I’m okay with it. I think I’ve bought one cubic yard of it in five or so years and still have a lot left. And like 140 gallons of actual soil mix sitting in the garage, too. Buying one cubic yard every ten years or so isn’t gonna destroy the peat bogs, I don’t think.


@Tinytuttle just researched sphagnum peat is actually at a neutral ph it’s the normal peat that’s acidic so good to go :call_me_hand:t4:


Huge storm just missed us last night… thank faaark I just got ‘rid’ of pm

Sun is shining and everyone is happy!


818 Headband

Pineapple Express


Love the tilt on those leaves bro! Looking happy as can be!


Getting there mate, I’m walking the hill everyday now with 5 gallons of river water so no more tap water… no idea why it took me so long to utilize the natural ‘aguaponics’ in my backyard but I think things are about to improve a lot. Hard to explain but they are showing a different type of vigor and a shade of green that looks really healthy. Always learning


Awesome :ok_hand:
I’m so jealous of your backyard :tired_face: and natural surroundings.


Quick finger trim on the chocolope while the misses made some cacao frozen bananas, it’s a bitter chocolate kind of Sunday. Happy Sunday sesh OGers :v:t4:


Girls are happy in their new homes

Nice to see some fungal hyphae in the rhizosphere


Accidentally caught a fish today on the river run, have to put him back tomorrow. There’s a towel over the top now after I found him about 2mtrs from the bucket(alive) haha, sorry dude


Those monkeys are picky eaters, this took me 15min to collect in the land next door… Live Vinegar business prep has begun :call_me_hand:t4: