Baltimore Chapter 2 "The Wire"

you got a chuckle out of me :fire:
threads ha ha ha


That’s cool you have a daughter. No children myself. I turn 40 the 9th. I’m not go na lie to you dude. Using fentanyl for so long I’m still going to the hospital outpatient. Walked away 8 months ago and I’ve never had more clarity.

I hope you’re doing good as well as your family. Baltimore is like anywhere, you just gotta keep your head on a swivel. I’m lucky I live in a small neighborhood right before the trenches. Fucking Kia Boy’s got my car. I’m blessed I’m just waiting to get it back in 1 piece.

It’s always good to hear from you. I gotta check in for sure and see what you’ve been up to. I hear it’s beautiful where you are. The people seem really nice from what I know of there. I always wanted to go to Portugal/Spain, fishing. Anyways, be safe dude. Keep killin it. I’ll be around. :v:


You’re lucky af to go to the Canaries and smoke dope. I lived beachfront on the Atlantic for years but damnit man. That’s cool. I’ve got White Widow fems from DP but I never see solid WW or White Rhino.

I’m all over the board as to what I run. I usually try to grab something from each breeder but I had to stop collecting seed. Lol. I’m lightly adding to my hoard. I’m gonna preserve the strains I have and give em away. I really wanna grow for hash. I love flower but I’d love some Lebanese Hash. I’d like to try one of ‘Frenchie’s Hash Washer’ deals out.

Thanks for coming through. Overgrow is therapy for me. My Church. No puns against any religion, I’m just saying. I hope your grows go good for you. I’d love to get some Heirloom Landrace for the outdoor grow. Next year I’m gonna get some Afghan dope out there.

Be cool, stay safe. :v:


Dudes that look like Jerry Garcia are always packing super puff. The Gandalf Hat and the weird ass clothes. A big ass Shapleigh walking stick. Going to the plot or coming from. Fucking Spider Leg’s Mike had that Sour and this stuff he was calling AZ. Iranian dope. You never see old school Hash or opium. I’m only 40 so I missed 80’s grass. Real original lines.

I believe I was born in the wrong Era. You should be able to use, plant any seed bearing herb legally. As long as you’re not making base. I don’t have kid’s but you should talk with your child about moderation of everything. You need balance in life. Riding that straight edge too hard isn’t me either. There’s definitely levels to this shit.

Honestly the Romulan is pretty good. Got a bunch of seeds to store/gift. Now I gotta get Dj Short’s Blueberry and Newberry back out and make a few thousand. I botched the first attempt. I can easily make seed in my 3x3’s.

Exciting stuff, like watching paint dry then smoking it. :joy:


oh its super exciting haha, try watering when they are thirsty and the leaves already hang down a bit. You can watch em move around and stiffen up again.
If i remember right there were thoughts around to turn that into energy by using the capillary forces that move water upwards, then letting it run down again to drive a turbine or somin.

ive only seen a proper White widow plant on the canaries, and if i remember correctly, thats a pic of its butt

We mostly had Orange Bud and White Widow here in the late 90s, if we even knew what it was. Dealers would promote it like “its really well pressed” and bullshit like that. The Widow was the strong one, Orange the tasty one. OB still reminds me of that 90s hip hop video west coast feeling. GFunk and WuTang (k dats east whatevaa), setting sun, basketball court, wannabe gangsters hanging out :sunny:

But it was mostly moroccan hash back then, weed was rare. “Pollen” or “Ketama” were the good kind, quality was all over, the best was really oozy. came in 100g ~4oz plates that would get cut up with hot knives. Met a dude later who did runs from morocco through france back then. Their method was utterly hillarious, “trop vite”, or “bloody fucking fast”. They would grab a good car, remove all weight, seats and all, put hash in and just drive as fast as they could so blue couldnt catch up. Simple and effective appearantly but i have no clue how that could possibly work lol. The balls, prolly the size of coconuts.

i had to google KIA boys, wtf yo… dats wrong -.- kids need a hobby, 100 hours mandatory plant watering and leaf clipping.

have a good one o/


Reminds me of La Linea. Coming through the straights up to Spain. People on a beautiful beach basically in the mediterranean. Glassy blue waters, just gorgeous. A shitload of speed boats pulls right up and are met by 1000 scooters coming like COD Drones on your ass and get everythibg lickity-split. lol

some wild shit right there. its gonna get done period by someone. I have alot of respect for those type of guys. Our OG’s paid heavily most of the time for trying to bring genetics in and grow dope. Fuck Enslinger and all our early corp giants. nazi supporters and shit. anyways, that looks tasty. I have a love for afghani dope. i need some Black Afghan for the outdoor. Been watching a lot on char smokers. I wanna try bhang as well.


Bhang just means cannabis afaik, as in… Bhangladesh. Its a whole country named after it… those 60s anti drug policies destroyed most of it leading to massive landslides every year during monsoon ever since from what i read.
But it obviously failed, its simply a staple food and medicine item.

i dont think its just one strain, Bhangladesh is mostly medium sized mountains but india has much diversity and down south in tropical Kerala or further north toward the snowy Himalyans, or west towards sandy southern Afghanistan, you have very different climates and probably plants, effects and tastes, just like in food or whatever.

and ye, id like to grow a proper black afghan someday too. Seen some pretty impressive photos from dudes that did tours there. But they didnt bring back any beans sniff.
But just like with Bhang, there are probably completely different plants in each valley, plain or mountain top, interbreeding, inbreeding and getting cultivated criss cross since millenias. Theres not just the one strain that is that exact 70s hash.

That typical black afghan hash was always in those youth anti drug pamphlets they handed out in the 90ties. Yet i only ever got one little piece of it much later, and then lost it during a party, only to find out my sis found it and smoked it all… such sadness… at least it was kept in the fam lol.


Wow that’s pretty cool. I have a ton of general knowledge in my head but I shouldve schooled myself a long time ago. I enjoy learning about heritage and culture. Cannabis bridges the gap in race and ethnicity. fire up some Petrol around a group of multicultural people and see how fast the herb unites mostly everyone and the peace it brings to your head.

I like watching Iraazning?? I may have misspelled it. He’s on Instagram, always in dope land Afghanistan, paki, indi, and every nook and cranny there. I’d love to be able to do that and I respect him for cataloging what he does. When I get the money, I’m gonna grab all the Harry Palms gear I can and some good outdoor dope. Im sure I have some decent outdoor gear. i used to salivate over strains like early girl/pearl, Big Bud, Cindy, Skunk. people act like that stuff is Mids. I doubt it. I’ve seen some exquisite stuff in my youth from Heaven’s stairway and Seeds Direct. I have a bucket list of strains that I feel I need to chexk off. Or try, ya know. The journey and the friends I meet from everywhere is my “hit”.

Be cool and safe over there bud.


lol sry if that sounded like schooling ahhh :stuck_out_tongue:

we all know different weird stuff, i read a book about “useless knowledge” so i could niptpick well,
like, did u know that Marilyn Monroe bleached her pubics? exactly!. :nerd_face:

maybe people are simply united already thou? and weed just puts us in the right mood to see that, like music, dinner, fucking, and so on. Maybe not just people, maybe everything, even rocks. Theyre just slow af and nobody can be arsed to listen that long, except geologists.


What’s going on Dabling’s? I’m on a whole new time schedule nowadays. I fi d myself up at 5@ creeping. After my shit was broken into a couple years ago, and they missed my uncle on a drill, while on his Raptor. I’m glad I missed all of them for real. I’d be in orange watching Maury from a clear TV.

Kia Boys hit my car…shit man, all I can do is keep alert af. Cops been spinning outside way more. You k ow with all this bullshit around me. I manage to try to squeeze some green off. I’m blessed to live in the hood that I do. It can always get worse.

Bubba Kush, Dracary’s, and I got a 4’ Romulan female in the grou d that actually took well.

Out of the strains I’ve been growing In House’s BananaCake for a little bit now and it’s definitely getting selfed along with the Gusher’s. The BananaCake is one of the skunkiest strains I’ve grown in a while. Like deep funky, cheese, skunky. I don’t dare toss that word ever unless it needs to be shouted from the mountain tops. Seriously though. I take hits from the bag like spray paint. That’s probably not good. :rofl: Shhh.

If I said I was dropping seeds, they’ll be in the box on my way out tomorrow. Getting the car back today so I’m sure I’ll be gone all day. They tried to auction it in Deleware that fast. Who’s the thief for real? A stolen car is sent by the tow yard to auction. Not in my fucking world.


I found an envelope last night. Going through every pack and putting everything into centrifuge “Crack Bullets” with a little rice. I found a pack of OGKB, Bananacane, Super Sherb, and a fucking pack of BluNana. In the same bag there’s packs of Sour Sage probably not THseeds S.A.G.E., Duwamish Diesel? You ever heard of Mr. Spliff of Cannabis, not Spliff Seeds but Frost City Gardens? I’m just doing some research while trying to prioritize and catalog everything.

Drop a pic, what are you working on, wtf is up? The outdoor is stretching right now. I got a big ass Bubba female that I’m gonna bring home nice and easy. If nothing yall be safe, be cool, keep a cool head. :peace_symbol:


What’s up folk? Not a ton going on here. We had a microburst fire up last week, over our small neighborhood. You could say we’re in lower terrain than most of the land surrounding it. Partly being this was a superfine dump site and the neighborhood’s center is a small watershed.

Ripped the only plant left out in that freakshow burst. You can see the rootball was starting to tare away. BTW, this is a Romulan clone that was deep into flower when I pulled it and replanted it. It’s the only plant in the soil with no amendments.

Here’s my other 4. One Bubba, 3 of them are Katsu Dracary’s…early morning pushing the plants into the sun. More like chasing full sun around the yard. I lost like 15lbs this summer. Lol.

Hey you! Take deez nuts and bounce. Haha my squirrel buddy, she’s extremely scared of me as you can tell. :joy:


Punk ass hit us and ran on us as we were moving out of traffic. Needless to say he skated on us. The poce took a picture and told us they could find out who did it based on the one missing g letter on the left side of the plate number that hit us.

I’m so fucking angry and sore. The police acted likeI did something wrong. My car was stolen one mo th ago by the Kia Boys. Thank God that my body is physically healing quickly now. I have a job and apprenticeship lined up.

Idk, I think the police are dropping the ball. How can I be heard or felt in this situation? Anyways, I was in the middle of a sweet post when I was hit. My Girl was driving. That’s what makes it worse, she could’ve been hurt…fuck me, ya know?

The tag imprint the police can’t do anything about. They’re pathetic around here.


maybe we all just misunderstand cops because of all those misleading movies and tv shows…

funny that they tried to sell your car thou XD
“hey we still need it as evidence… yo, quick, go sell it!”

regarding your number plate incident,
id assume car model/make, color etc could make the missing letter redundant and still point out the offenders identity.

but ye… i get your experience with them lol… relatable -.-


What’s funny is I was pinging the GPS on the car through this entire experience. I’ll say that putting a club on with if nothing at least slow them down but paying for the lokack shyte is totally worth it. These cars are targeted because their firmware can literally be sidstepped and you can use a Flipper or something to have as you own fob.

Like I was saying though, im putting airchips on everything and just watching the fun ensue. I really can’t complain mate. Even getting rear checked and the car stolen, im a happy guy this morning. The squirrels hammered my :tomato:’s this year. I can’t bring myself to kill them. I even tried paying them off in nuts. :rofl:

It’s tough out here in Baltimore. Got a solod crop coming along. I just threw some Gelato 33 S1’s in the water and some Tropicana CookiesxRace Fuel OG soaking. Be like Gusher’s, Gelato, Banana Cake, Dracary’s, them my crosses im sexing to flower asap. RomulanXBanana Cake. Fingers and toes crossed.

Be safe. Im gonna get some outdoor pics.


Indo 2 Outdo

Big ass Jurassic Park leaves. :slightly_smiling_face:


Yall have a blessed one. I need coffee and grass right Meow! :v:


What’s up? Ive been chillin out, just feeling upbeat about a lot of things. I brought some Thrip’s in, breaking the golden rule. You better bleach if containers if you reuse new shyt. Don’t slow like I am. I will say this, @ReikoX (s) genetic’s are usually painless to grow, fierey, and really stanky. So ill pop another one now everything seems decent.

:ghost: :rose:.

The randomness of my posts is something I need to work on. So iv’e been really just trying to execute each grow as best as I know and l can at the moment. There’s so many guys and girls that are here that are killin it. Anyways I’m aorry to here about brother @JohnnyPotseed . I send my love and goodwishes. I’ve been recouping myself.

I have sealed packs. If there’s gonna be more auctions, I can for sure throw some stuff out there. I’m not the best at reaching out but I love this place and the help from everyone. Here’s what’s cooking.

I was totally striking out popping seeds. Everyone’s help got me tightened up and I’m happy to say we’re cooking again. Lol.

I got a couple fems freebie’s from Mass Medical. I was given some Goji Pupil beans a while back. I’ve been in love with some of the Pupil stuff.

Eeeee! Which is Mr E and 5 Star. We’ll together.

I got a bunch of the '19 Herijuana Preservation popped as well. Looking great. So we’ll get to see those come to fruition as well. Yep, im this happy I got like half a dozen to go. :joy:

I got my indoor girls looking big and green. I got Gusher’s/Banana Cake in the front. 2 Dracary’s in the back. Love Katsu dope.

Got some stuff outdoors coming along. I did make copies of the Romulan Bx from @jinglepot. I grew some out to make sure there are no intersex problems as ive been told to do. So i’ve secretly been cooking some Strains of my own. Happy to report no intersex traits. Friends don’t let friends grow hermed stuff…


Since my Mom is hounding me to rap the post up because she’s addicted to grass. Wtf? These new rookie smoker’s trip me the fuk out. God love her. Be safe. I’m around.