Baltimore Chapter 2 "The Wire"

Howdy! I ran some dracarys a few runs ago indoors. I’m not a huge fan of the gorilla glue flavor (which mine favored) but that plant was a massive producer. Best looking buds in the tent.

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i can dig it. it’s just a Katsu kick I had been on, ya know. I bought some of his gear a few years back. I ended up getting Bubba’s Breathe, Pre98 s1’s, Dracary’s, the one with Band aid Haze in it? Scromba? there’s a few I’m missing. this plant smells like sweet playdough. Definitely has hard GG influence but you see the bubba in the nuggets and the purpling leaves. I may let it go soon because I’ve been on this kick for a bit and I still have some seed of it left.

thanks for chatting with me about it. I figured Katsu would be a good choice for genetics and like you said, some just aren’t my cup of tea. I keep pushing along trying things that appeal to me but then again you don’t know til you see it grow. Be safe dude.


It was a seriously nice plant. I also grew his shromba and bubbas sis. All big plants nice buds.

This was the dracarys.
I’m in the DC suburbs btw and the wire is still my single favorite TV program of all time. I try to tell people…


looks like it should lol. hell yeah. nailing them. im just glad to be doing what im doing here. DC is pretty cool. used to go to the Merikash all the time. its nothing like it was in the late 80’s early 90’s for sure. good stuff for real. be safe out there…sorry i gotta a bunch of trimming still…ill be baaack. hehe

I love the Wire and have been so derelict the used us at the soup kitchen and in some coppin scenes, no face time really. ive been lucky to have been near film sites like Wilmington, NC and extras on The Walkin Dead in ATL. Hell we looked like Zombies already. the only thing you have to fear is getting shot in a corner store. almost got me almost. Like I said be safe keep pumpin em out.


why the how wut lol, such big buds… on an auto? :open_mouth: now im even more stoked for those beans hehe.
Tropicanna Poison Auto, come here, look at your sista! take an example!

that full spec 600 is comparable to 600W or actual 600W LED? cus comparable would be like 100W LED, and im actually thinking of upgrading my 150W LED to a 250W one for my 3x3ft tent, not necessarily for more light but better distribution of it, its larger. could run cooler and cover more canopy area if run at 75% or somin. not sure the small one i have now would be great for 4x4, but if its actual 600W LED id say go sunshine go lol, bring sun cream and shades. and prolly a machete to make way…

heat wise i think my bottleneck would be the lung room the tent is in, i dont want to open the window too often or nasty critters get in. There prolly room for improvement


Sorry to hear that man, sounds like they are spraying you with napalm. I am glad you can see a light at the end of the tunnel with it getting better. Plants are looking great and super frosty as usual man :+1:

Keep yourself hydrated, extra salt on your food, get plenty of foods high in magnesium and potassium which helps in hot weather :melting_face:

I over did it myself today in the sun in the back yard. I am doing a shou sugi bahn style burnt wood effect on the floor boards from the room I am currently renovating in the house. It’s going well, I did our main bedroom and an onsuite bathroom last year. I am really pleased how they came out, especially the bathroom.

I got held up a bit with health problems starting last September, I asked my doc for an MRI to see if the essential tremor was turning into parkinsons. It wasn’t, but they found a tumor in my right temporal lobe, luckily it’s benign, the brain surgeon just wants to monitor it as its not causing problems, but then they also found my kidneys were almost failing. They couldn’t work out why as my only symptoms are a low eGFR and high creatinine from some kind of inflammation.

Well I found the problem that was causing the low eGFR fairly quickly, the kidney specialist is still not sure I am right, but my treatment for Oxalate toxicity has brought me out of the danger zone for needing dialysis, so he said, just keep doing what you are doing. The creatinine has also come down but I now know what’s causing it. My blood glucose is up again, so currently back on a ketogenic diet and fasting to correct that.

Also had a colonoscopy 5 weeks ago, they found a tumor in my transverse colon, only and inch round, so early stage cancer. After speaking with the surgeon and him telling me, he has to remove half my colon and appendix, I told him I am going to get rid of it naturally. He wasn’t pleased lol and said, I was committing suicide, but I love proving doctors wrong.

I am treating it with Artemisinin and Fenbendazole they are both anti parasitic treatments and attack tumors the same way they do parasites. Artemisinin is attracted to iron, both parasites and tumors hold a lot of iron in their cells. The Artemisinin enters the cell and oxidises the iron to rust, killing the cell and allerting the immune system. Fenbendazole enters the tumor cells and stops them growing and spreading by cutting off the blood glucose they use to metabolize and grow. I am doing other things as well to weaken the tumor and boost my immune system with red light therapy and a dye called Methyleen Blue. Methyleen Blue is attracted to low oxygenated areas in the body especially in our mitochondria, and can rev them up by donating oxygen electrons to the mitochondria so they are keeping their cells very healthy and oxygenated.

Also back in the gym now for the last 4 months after a 35 year break from lifting weights lol. Really enjoying putting some muscle back on my body, gained about 12 pounds and dropped an inch off my waist. I am glad my muscles have a long memory, I don’t want to get huge again, 240 pounds in good condition is about all I can afford to get too at the moment, food and supplement wise. Quality food is getting very exspensive in Canada, when I was 280 pounds plus back in my late twenties I was eating 5000 to 6000 calories a day just to maintain mass, which would probably cost about 400 to 500 $ a week now ffs.

Feeling really happy at the moment, which I know is a bit of a strange thing when you have cancer, but it’s going to make me really healthy, as I know I have to be 100% committed to healing my body now, can’t cheat anymore lol.

Not got anything growing this year, still have plenty left over from last year. Probably only using about 3 grams a week at the moment. Some months a bit more, some a lot less, completely off the booze as well since March.

The rest of the fam is good thanks :wink:


during some gruelling summer heat wave, i was doing work for some us army medic, and he was very health consious, like those medics often are, and told me to drink more beer…
it gives electrolytes and fluid to maintain readiness.
And indeed, there is a saying in germany that beer is basicially “liquid bread”. the russian took it further and invented kvass, which is basicially stale bread turned to low power beer.

im no health expert, and dont really ever drink alc, and indeed, alc has the opposite effects and dehydrates. But there is some logic in it in regards to beer and its ability to keep nutrients in balance while dehydrating, i guess.

take it as an anecdote, dont do it at home, beer is an intense drug and should only be taken under medical supervision, or during BBQs.


Man thats so good to hear. My Father was blessed to catch his cancer early he had colon cancer and is constantly getting checkups. I love that man so much dude. i need him around a bit longer. my uncle is going through chemo right now for lung cancer. my Moms Mother died from a brain tumor. Moms boyfriend Tony is dieng from Bone Cancer. I cant watch much more for real. ive been lifting and walking a bit letely. I feel pretty good. just being careful about not hurting myself as im still healing.

Im 6’5’’ 250. my Ideal weight for me is about 225-230. im having to get legs in as best as possible given their shape. it just feels good to feel the pump again. im gonna get in the best shape of my life these next several years but it’s deeper than that with lifting. It makes me feel really alive almost high from a solid session. diabetes runs in my family along with severe anxiety and depression. I need to get back on my benzos. a small dose helps me brave the day. too many will have me on the news. lol

It’s good to hear from you. Be sure to stay up from time to time and I’ll do the same. It’s awesome you’re not drinking and I’m off the street stuff for good. It feels good to have the time for people. well, be safe and take care of yourself. You’re among the few people I’ve always enjoyed chatting with. You’re an artist as am I. I love your work as well. Later bro.


I have no idea honestly. lol I would imagine them dudes can drink like my neighbor. I’m not going to push myself right now as I have injuries I’m dealing with. I could potentially stroke on this medication. I get all my watering done early and late. it was 104 f here yesterday. holy shit it was hot. damn deer’s ate some of the plants. ha-ha.

it’s all good. they’re up earlier apparently. make sure you keep cool out there as well. No need to overdue anything unless your job is in the heat all day. Hmu.


ye, dont do that lol, it was just an story. Beer sure helped europeans to survive before they realized that you could boil water… around 1900… but now we have mountain dew tadaaa \o/ (kidding lol)

i guess my health would jump by 1000% if the darn cars outside would dissappear again. Seems like they rerouted the highway through town and my tiny little old school road is now the main line of traffic. its so noisy, air stinks and gotta clean windows everyday… if i could still be arsed. Just crossing the street on a pedestrian crossing is like playing 80s Froggers. 18 wheelers driving full speed past your house is very exciting. no need for a hitachi.

but i very much agree on sport stuff, be it lifting, running or whatever really. it feels simply better to be somewhat in shape. like it literally feels great to have some muscle, not like a bodybuilder who cant move their arms anymore lol, but enough to make accurate and powerful moves, swiftly, without feeling exhausted, repeatedly.
just gotta keep your body in mind and listen to it so you dont overdo it, tricky but important i believe.
i ruined most of my joints as a teen already tryharding to be some baseballer who wanted to play with the adults… as a pitcher… and ya, they play harder and for a few more innings appearantly. XD
i guess something like swimming is much more body friendly and less prone to injury.

Something i noticed in regards to fitness was the impact of environmental factors, like my anti car rant above lol, but also:
-small apartment versus large house, with short versus long ways to get to the fridge, door and loo
-flat terrain versus mountaineous terrain, and having to balance and adjust to moving up and down alot
and so on.

The deer ate the ganja? O.o good meat then?

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Jesus Christ bro. I can’t stop laughing. we need a podcast. just the 2 of us. you got the common sense down. I have the white aggressive stupid shit down. Mountainous terrain is definitely out of the question. I don’t even like going to WV. I want to buy a rancher for the simple fact that I loathe steps. I sweat harder than anyone known to man. Its fucking crazy. I didn’t play my dad hit the ball at me. He would scream “get under the fucking ball” if it hits you at least your body stopped it from going any further. Yeah, I might some Dutch/Irish/Swedish in me, but mountain climbing seems like spent energy for nothing. I loved baseball but I knew I wasn’t throwing hard enough. I mean the little league world series; these kids are throwing like The Big unit. I was into cards and now I just look through change for die errors…hahaha I’m a closet nerd, 3d printing and shit. shhh don’t tell anyone.

Seriously though, I’m a pretty industrious guy. I enjoy gaming but I belong outside. I was in the chain gang down in GA black and white stripes in 1000f heat. The only reason for the sun is to grow things under. I can run any light inside, which is cool. our electricity and water bill are wrapped up in a monthly maintenance bill. We’ve owned the house so that payment is easy to make a month to run all the electricity your braker can handle at 110. 220 is illegal hook up in my “homes” neighborhood. i live on the east side of Baltimore city. lol we have helicopters, shooting all day long, dirt bikes and cars being driven in the woods behind my house. the Kia Boys got my whip man. I still can’t get it back. they haven’t processed it. I’m mad af. paid in full but the Brightside is it’s in one piece and is ok. Have a good one and be safe. It’s a jungle outside.


ha, your dad sounds like my coach did :smiley:
“u afraid? put on the catchers mask and face the mole hills!” plonk plonk plonk plonk
and ye, US kids throw differently, and cubans even faster imo… i mean i played in germany, so wasnt much competition, but once we played versus US airforce kids, all i could reasonably do was a bunt lol. made it to first yay!

and ye i actually meant like Sweden lol, just by walking around doing the usual shit you build up into somekinda viking raider bod due to all the hills and rocks and all.
But gee, mountaineering and crazy ass hiking and such is a different topic id say, thats more akin to torture and suicidal behavior. its kinda rewarding too but much tough work. “yo dad we got no rope, its the alps, its spring” “ye spring, the avalanches all rolled down already, lets just walk along this razorsharp iceshelf edge, and marvel at the beautiful sight of a long ass drop to where the trees look tiny. you ok with your 60pound bag and the tent on your back boy?” “fuck you dad” “hey cmon, just look at the view!”.

and damn i love 3D stuff, kinda my line of work alot of times. if you ever need help with models or tech lemme know. i got not much clue bout printing but producing 3D stuff is ma thing.

Hey, the sun also grows character… chuckles
But ye, the thread title might have given it away that youre from Baltimore. :wink: Such clickbait. Just here for the gritty stories :smiley:


I decided to walk into the hood today. My bodega is cool af. There’s a police officer at the front door with a FA CMMG Banshee. They have bags of thousands of milligrams of gummies. I’m so glad to have access to everything. Honestly I go for strains I know own are gonna be fire and edible gummies. Ever had them “half bak’d” gummies? Orange Mango.

Yeah I was just saying like Dane Cook said “if you don’t here sirens see flashing lights or gunshots, then you need to worry”. I just played my normal self when I had to buy dope off the block, a retard. I actually talked to myself around gangs of corner boys after I copped. Counting pennies looking up at the sky all dumb like. God kept me safe for sure. I’m lucky to be here. It’s a blessing to see my Mom every day. I grow for our medicine but I’d like to start a co-op. :smirk:

I was so fucked up those first years if you look back you could see I was nuts on that shit. I’m so happy to be back posting again. I’m making my own crosses now. That might sound real cheesy but it’s special to me. All the plants look great indoors and out, so let me leave on that.

Also, I though the Romulan was gonna be some mids. I was very wrong. Lol. I already Have RomulanXBanana Cake growing. Here’s my dinner for the evening, some Rom popcorn. It’s juuust smokeable. The rest is gonna hit the jars. If the outdoor flowers I’m gonna be good for a bit.


When I clean the seeds I’ll throw you a pack for your collection or whatever, if you want?


Banana Cake

Outdoor (1 plant is Romulan. The rest are Dracary’s)


Mimosa (for scientific testing only) :joy:

Be safe Lentilmen. :v:


and thats the stories, assault rifled guards for corner shops? sounds like the middle east with more drugs. or australia lol.

walk in and buy corner style places are rare here, usually dont last long. We had a few underground coffeeshops but they didnt last either. i guess its mostly call n meet.

There are not that many guns being used in crime either. barely anyone is strapped. which doesnt mean there are no fights or people dont shoot each other.
its just rare to hear about actual crimes. like back in the old east, GDR, there were no drugs, serial killers or crime, it was a happy place. just like now.
you just dont run any statistics that collect data on how many people get shot by cops, and nobody got shot.

gotta check some Dane Cook shows, sounds like an entertaining dude. i enjoyed me some doug stanhope and cook might fit.

tried gummis, but only had US ones once, and they were like candy² with candy² additives and some sugar to round the flavour. i cant remember the high, i was so high on sugar i felt like a 4yr old. Tried swiss herbal cbd gummis and those were decent, relaxing and tasty, but nothing to go wild about.

that banana cake looks very well defined!

and hows that Mimosa? im runnin an allegedly red auto one atm and never tried them. one of the new US strains i wanna experience.

Would love to do some seed sharing here but transatlantic regulations are quite harsh still. Had trouble getting stuff from GLG and prolly gonna stay euro side for now until i can figure out a clean way.

i actually found some romulans in spain, but they are described as weak, so im not sure i want those.
Its anyway much nicer to use beans with provenance.
just aint hip to simply buy things in stores, has to be like “i got it from that mysterious dude, at the grateful dead concert”, like all good strains :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


Oh shit. I guess I assume you were from the states. That’s my fault. It’s legal here to grow 5-6 plants. The Smoke shops I deal with have pretty much everything now. I get 1000mg gummies for 10 bucks. They’re the best quality besides my dude who makes small batches of edibles that are extremely strong.

I smoke probably like a quarter a day. My Mom can hang with me but I have to watch her and Sativa dominant don’t get along. Anyways, I believe @SamwellBB can help you out on that side of the pond. Everything I run from Sam is fire. I actually have some seeds in the bag from SeedCity.

I loved SeedCity because you could order single seeds, fems, s1’s. I got some Purple Strawberry Sherbert from “Pheno Finders”. I’ve had my gear seized coming and going from England. They were nice. "We seized it because it could be harmful to our ecosystem. I can dig it.

My Father’s side of the family lives in Holland. I’ve been putting off the trip for years now. Lol. I’m allowed to leave the country now. Hey dude. Be safe out there.

Here’s a shot of the Banana Cake. Couple of Rom/Nana beans…I have three above ground already. We shall see.

Nana Cake


Yeah I like those. Mellow Fellow Introvet ICC disposables. They’re like 4grm. Good shit. I don’t use a disposable that much anymore. I couldn’t sing anymore after smoking so much vape drip. Lol.

Getting ready to take some clones before we flip this mother again. I got the ol Bestva 300w unit. I would need 2 side by side to pull the weight I am now. So I’m gonna go back to running an Eye Full spec 600w bulb. Never pulled more weight than using Eye bulbs.

Anyways, big Blurple glowing/growing. I hear IR and UV helps kill bacteria? Got the Gusher’s back healthy. I’m gonna self it this round. Hang tight…

Yeah gotta clean it out today. I lollipoped the outside plants as best as possible to get ready for August 1st. Outdoor flower show soon. :wink:


nah im from bratwurstland, we can finally grow 3 plants, and prolly some propagation stuff once they figure out what the text they wrote actually says. Import from outside the EU however is still not permitted as i understand it, says nothing about ecosystem thou, prolly cus we have little of that left anyway.

You could get CBD gummies since a few years now as “novel food” or medical, now its a bit more relaxed and regulated.

Thanks for the pointing me towards Baked Beanz, appreciated, gonna keep an eye out for his works.
Ah i guess we got some good stock here in euroland too, hehe, but people are always curious about the other stuff they cant get easily, me too :stuck_out_tongue:

id totally love to get my hands on Fuerteventura Gold for example, strain a buddy bred over years on the Canary islands, sunshine all year. But just when its gets kinda legalized he leaves this plain to venture forth into the everlasting ganja growing grounds.
i never got to try it but must have been pretty dope, man was a magician, looked like gandalf too, without the hat and shorts instead of a robe. Might have been a lemon haze with some wwidow(ice) and colombian gold thrown in.
will always remember sitting on his veranda, eating stew, caressing some stray cat, stoned af, and looking out into the desert while listening to old school rock, blasting from some weird ass self made surround speakers, that echo, just slightly, to fuck with your head.

a quarter a day? holy moly! i guess id max out at an eight and be too chilled to even bother XD


@blackcarp DM me if you are interested in anything :fire:
@Baltimore my daughter is in Baltimore these days visiting a friend - thought of you immediately
hope you are Ok and doing well !


thanks Samwell, much appreciated :slight_smile:

edit: …ohmy you made quite a few, guess i need to roll one and take my time while reading your thread for a few hours XD