1gallon pots are goin hard. Imagine them on a table dialed in. Mmppfhh! Yeah buddy one big ass table in a whole room. Fuck yeah.
Hammer Time!
how I like my women short pretty and loaded with fucking green.
Chicken Nugget bud. Its solid af?
Guys wanna see big Bubba? Katsu Pre 98. I was going for a gal pot. Im gonna drop it in a 3 gal smart pot and go hard. Stop fuckin around and break another NL type run off.
This is what I call a keeper already. Mmm giiiirl!
This 2nd round Goji is being beaten like Mayweather…What can I say? I love this plant. It cures to a strawberry cream. I smoke it through crushed ice. Jesus H Christmas dude.
Little zoom out. Some Gelato, wedding cake n too much for right now.
Man I love all yall. I got clean on here. What a change man. Im getting there. Im learning to try to let go and forgive myself.
Good things come when like Nipsy said you get back what energy you portray. Other people take you a certain. Way. Turn down for what?
25 to life. Ill never sleep on a compound ever again. Craziest thing i’ve ever done. Holy shit. I cant believe im here. Anyways mom got us presents. Bubba is gettin xlones pulled along aith everything. An aero cloner will help speed something ive been wanting to do. Stick around. Im getting there. Thanks Momma! Whis ma dukes does this? For the team for real. For her.
She hit a Easter sale. Dirt Cheap.
Anybody smoke east coast?
I’m coming to terms that I a grass n seed junkie and I’m turning my mom into a weed head Miss seed junkie as well could be worse? Those came in right after I got these these would have died had I not had someone shoot them very quickly and prepare them properly because they’re making 3-day packages sit for two days before they move them because this is going on if no one knows that that’s what’s happening not trying to be smart just dropping from Mail Lady’s talkin noit it.
I was about to flip out on the post office. Cuz I saw a touchdown two days and then two days later they got delivered had it a Ben waited Sunday and delivered Monday they would have died for sure but it came back so I made a little gay ass display sorry I mean fruity display. Trop cookies F1 from Colorado you can get clones but you can’t get toilet paper out here in the fuck is going on? Who cares. Were kickin still right? I ride the bus everyday. Knock on tree wood.
Fuckin with Reiko and the OG crew got me growing real grass. Fuck yeah hammer time all fuckin day. Stop! Do it do it!