Banana slices replacing plugs for germ and clones?

Hello folks,

I was minding my own business, scrolling FB and saw a video where the actors was using banana slices like usual plugs both for seeds and for cloning, anyone know anything about this?

It was like toamto seeds and other plants twigs…


Do an experiment and see how if it works bromigo.


Idk, seems like wishful thinking/meme gardening. Bananas rot faster than clones root haha.


Scientific experiment: I will use 3 banana plugs, one with a 10+years seed, the other two with fresh seeds see what happens.


Just in case it doesn’t work, I would use bag seeds instead of your prized seeds… I’m just saying, bromigo…


It is all right I have older seeds from some smoke many years ago and some I had last year, I’m cool with it. Still have my feminised ones but those aren’t for experiments. :wink:

I will soak the seeds for 4h before placing them in the banana so If I don’t have banana @ home will do it tomorrow and may place another on the paper towel to see if there is any improvement.


I would suggest a 1% Hydrogen Peroxide solution for the soak (2 parts distilled water + 1 part of 3% H2O2), that will rid the outside of the seed clean of any dormant virus.



:thinking:. Interesting idea. Looking forward to seeing this experiment.

Tons of seeds, sadly no banana.


Hmmmmmmmmm! Watching

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No, it is just the banana stump in the soil with the seed in the banana core, there are some videos about this, but didn’t had a banana so today it is.

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Ahead of me, didn’t got the banana yet. Hope it works well.

You can place like a gentle layer of soil over the banana, so as it decomposes the soil fill the gaps.


I am on the game, already soaked the beans, and already in pots.

I have 1 unknown seed in banana, large pot.
2 WW in banana medium and small pots.
I also have 1 WW on wet paper for control.

Let’s see the reaults and if that banana thing is a bull s*** or not.


old folk lore was that having a banana and or banana peel near your seedlings would some how influence them to become females due to the amount of ethylene they release, i have a feeling this is just a continuation of this folk/bro lore.


I saw this video with other plants lile cloning a lemmon tree or orange tree, but also as a medium to grow other plants and vegetables so if ot works well, say clonex goodbye… And we can replace jiffys for banana cuts, looks natural and simple if it works.

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24h and nothing anywhere, maybe tomorrow the seed on the papper have a small tail, the others are quite still.

Fingers crossed.

Yeah those videos can be convincing. Good luck growers


Yesterday nothing on any medium so still waiting.

I don’t think the banana thing is real, the seed I had to make the control may sprout today, the others in bananas no sign of what so ever. I am holding few more days but no faith in it.
And by the way your look like, can’t be good even for clones so…

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