Banquos Basement

Sorry to hear about your foundation I wish I could help more but I am sending good foundation patching vibes ur way but seriously I am thinking about you and I hate basements sometimes the Doc


Hey bud. Sucks about the leak. Too bad I’m not closer. I know a decent mason. :wink: Looks like your plants are looking good. Hopefully things will dry up and get some of that snow melted off. We are warm one day and cold the next. I put seeds in the paper towel yesterday for my next run. They should all cross pretty good with the DZ male. Got 2 purple urkle that are gonna be ready to chop in a few days. Everything else has a couple of weeks. Here’s a little pic since I know you like purple. Happy St. Patrick’s Day! Hope you and the family have a wonderful day!


eh… its on concrete, and eventually concrete sheds.

The correct fix (other than french drains outside or sealing foundation from the outside), wouldn’t be hard assuming you have the tools.

First, chisel the crack into a “V”. maybe 1" deep. Then fill the depths with a spray urethane sealer, let it dry, then get some high PSI hydrologic cement. (sp?) By chiseling out the V you give something for the cement to hold on to. The urethane sealer seals inside, the cement fortifies the wall.

My basement here is dry now 10 years, but growing up it was always getting water. Between properly fixing the cracks, and cutting the floor and adding a second sump pump on the opposite side of the basement as the original sump pump, its become usable! I know you rent, so the sump pump is out, but the chiseling and cement work would be unnoticeable after paint…

Just tossing out some advice that helped me… My house is 1 of 3, in a lake community of over 200 houses, that has a full basement. Theres a REASON the other 197 DONT have basements, ie. the super high water table!


Had 37 seconds for a fast update

No leaks today, finally, and most of the snow is melted from around the house, all gone from the roof and driveway, thankfully.

Plant stuff… Super Silver Sour Diesel Haze F3s are a GO! Found a male and a female today, so at least I know for sure I’ve got 1 of each. If you’re here reading this and you want to get in the front of the line for these seeds, shoot me a DM. I’ll set aside whatever I need for you all with what I keep for myself, then give the rest to the community at large through the official wiki. We’re still months away from seeds in the mail, but we’re on our way!


I gotta start trying to stay up later at night or something. This waking up at 2:30-3:00 most mornings is for the birds. Literally. I enjoy being awake early, like before the sun comes up. But dang if I don’t get bored sitting here sometimes. Wasn’t so bad when I didn’t have a timer going and I could go in and mess around with plants and stuff.

I’m so excited about finding those SSSDH plants last night that had revealed gender. I was just wondering earlier yesterday if I should go ahead and add 30 minutes to the dark cycle, and now I have my answer. At least for now, anyways. There’s still a couple plants showing nothing at all, so they might still need that little extra bump of dark time to flip all the way. Whatever it takes, we’ll get em there.

Over in the auto tent things are starting to wrap up. The Spotted Limes are ready now, but I’m letting them go a bit longer to give the seeds they’re holding a few more days. The 1 I picked out a few days ago was good size, but it was still a shade of dark green that reminded me of a green olive. So I figure they needed at least 2 more weeks. Maybe I’ll start flushing them and see if it draws out any color. They do stink pretty good, like limes and black pepper. Can’t wait to smoke some. The Orange Sherbert Auto by FastBuds is rocking and rolling. She really packed on the density, but didn’t get as big as I hoped based on the description given by FB. Smells kinda middle of the road, strength wise, and not really that orangey. The Pink Panama CBG by Sunnyland is ready too. I might chop her today just to free up some space. I don’t expect much smokable flower from her. She didn’t like how I treated her and did not produce well. The flower that is there is very loose and leafy, but still looks kinda cool. I’ll take a pic before chop. My Puppiccino is doing its thing, but I can’t tell if she’s close or needs another 2 weeks. She’s about 65 days now, so 2 weeks wouldn’t be crazy. The buds look like they want to be big, but haven’t filled out yet. Dark purple towards the middle fading to green on the outer edges. I’m excited to see how it smokes. Space Wiz has turned into a torture test. She’s taking a beating and keeps on ticking. She won’t yield big, but she will finish. And lastly the Northern Lights auto that is going to get some photoperiod pollen sprinkled on a couple branches. She’s the healthiest plant in the auto tent, and she’s all the way into pre-flower now. I may have to strip off some secondary branches, I dunno yet. She really branched hard after I finished moving branches and stuff a couple weeks ago. She will get some Dead Zone pollen, and then I’ll be working “Dead Lights” (I see you Pennywise) to full auto, alongside the auto Mazar x 9# Hammer project, and possibly 1 other photo to auto project by a fellow OG’er.

Gonna be a busy summer over here. At least I hope it is. I want to give away 5,000+ seeds this year, so I really need to keep moving and stay busy. I think I can do it, but only if I stay focused and don’t get sidetracked by switching up the program. Once the SSSDH F3 seed run wraps up, I’ll have a system in place for photos. At least I hope I do by then. It’s mostly the timing of stuff that throws me off. That, and overall plant size, and how quickly they grow when they’re stretching after flip. I’ll get there.

I want to do something with community involvement, so I’m gonna leave it up to y’all which photo fem bean I pop next. I don’t have many to pick from, so it’ll be a short list. 1st is a freebie from Garden of Green, their G13 x Blueberry Headband. I received it from Attitude Seeds when I ordered some Dr. Grinspoon seeds. 2nd is Black Lemon Cake x Peanut Butter Breath by Brothers in Farms Genetics, aka BIF. I’ve seen this grown by several people and it’s always a stunner. Super dark leaves with a very thick coating of silver trichomes. 3rd is Jack Herer, a “local” (as in local to OG) creation that I picked up from Sebrings site, and it’s something I’ve wanted to run since before I started growing. I have also seen this grown by a couple people, from the same seed stock that I have, and it’s never been that impressive. I haven’t done any looking around OG to see how it did for people here, but maybe I will. I still really want to run it though. If it sucks, it sucks. It’s not like I gotta keep it around forever.

That’s what I’m looking at from my fem photo collection. In fact, that’s about all I’ve got for fem photos. I’ve got some Ohelo Berry, also from Sebrings site, plus some Durban Poison I just traded for with IrishRocker. But I’m not really looking to do 2 long flower cycle runs, back to back. If I did that, I’d be running Grinspoon again, and probably doing a reversal for seeds. I am looking to expand my photo options, so if you’re looking to expand your auto options, maybe we can work a trade.

Alright, I think that’s about all I have to say at the moment. Thank you to everyone showing concern, support, and giving advice on the repair work I’ve been attempting. It’s stopped leaking, for now, but I’m nervous about the first big rain storm we get this spring, or the freak snow storm that could dump a foot of snow on us in early April. All I can do is keep an eye on it and wait, I guess. I’m not tearing this wall apart trying to fix it

Blackstrap S1 sprout was moved to the photo tent at 7:00 last night, thus beginning her journey down the 12/12 road. Let’s see what she can do!


Some sad news from the project tent this morning. I was in there last night looking at stuff, and the SSSDH I thought was going to be male is actually female, and there are 2 or 3 others who are also definitely female. This leaves 1 or 2 plants to hopefully get a male from, but at this point it isn’t looking promising. Unless there’s a super slow male hiding in there, this seed run may be canceled.

However, I still plan to cross SSSDH with the Dead Zone pollen, so it isn’t a total wash out. Pairing these 2 strains should knock down the flower time on SSSDH by a couple weeks, and hopefully cut the stretch a little bit too. A couple of the more SSH leaning plants look like they’d really take off and get big if I gave them some space. And then there’s the matter of smells. Everything I’ve read about both strains make me think this combo will result in some really loud, classic, heavy diesel forward smoke, while still keeping that peppery/hazy back-note.

I’m still crossing all of my fingers and toes for even just 1 SSSDH male. I want this to happen so badly, probably more than anything else I’ve wanted since I started growing. The positive side of having so many females is that I’ll have a decent amount and wide spectrum of what this strain provides in the way of effects. I’ve read some really incredible things about this one, and I’d love to experience some of the wilder reported effects. So at least there’s that to look forward to, I guess.

Photo to auto group is looking good. 4 females and 1 male for sure. I paired down the boy last night, hoping to slow him down for a day or two. I’m still gonna have to collect and save pollen from him, but the less time it has to sit the better. I’m still trying to pick the “main” plant to get pollen, which sucks because they all kinda look the same at this point. I will pollinate some part of all 4 females, autoflower style, in case I really like the smoke from 1 over the others. But for this round, with so few to select from, I’m just looking to move it forward. I’ll get picky selecting parents for F3 and F4.


Any way to reverse one? Did u take clones??

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No clones, and I maybe could do a reversal if I order the stuff tomorrow and it arrives fast enough. I’m still waiting on 2 of them to reveal, so I’m hoping for a male. I want to keep this line “open” by making regular seeds, if possible, because of its provenance.

If they both turn up female, I’ll probably order some spray and pay extra for faster shipping. I’ve got a little time since it’s such a long cycle plant, but I still don’t want to press my luck and miss the window to start spraying.


Right on! Good luck! Hope you get a male :crossed_fingers::crossed_fingers:

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Well shoot, the hits just keep on coming I guess. I’ve been harvesting some of the autos over the past couple days. Brought down the 2 Spotted Limes, and the Pink Panama CBG on Sunday, and then the Orange Sherbert from FastBuds came down last night. I’ll talk a little about each below, and save the bad stuff for last.

The PPCBG is not very dense, which is likely from being stressed and underfed, plus suffering lockout for most of her life. She smells tropical and kinda gassy with some black pepper notes. Should make a complex smoke. She is pretty leafy, which I think is genetic, and wouldn’t have been as bad if she’d been allowed to stretch out a little more. I have a few seeds left and will give it another look one day.

The 2 Spotted Limes smell so so so good. Like, OMG, I’ve never grown a plant that I like the smell of this much. Even Peanut Butter Breath takes a backseat to these limey ladies. 1 of the 2 smells like fresh cut Limes and nothing else. I’m so excited to try this one when she’s dry enough. The other smells very strongly of lime, but also has a very faint peppery/herbal hint to it as well. I mean very faint, but it is there because she doesn’t smell as “crisp” as the straight lime smelling lady.

And now to the Orange Sherbert Auto. I was so excited to run this. It was my first FastBuds plant, which I know isn’t really something most people would be excited about, but I was. I also really really want some tasty Orange bud, and I hoped to get it from this one. She smells great, but it’s not orangey or even citrusy smelling. I’m not sure what it is, exactly, other than really loud and really dank. She is also super dense, possibly the most dense plant I’ve grown so far. In fact, she was too dense. I got all the lower 6 branches cut off and cleaned up a little bit, then got to the middle stuff that starts to hug the stalk. I had to trash 4 really nice buds from the middle of the plant that were all touching, and had developed botrytis, aka bud rot. I didn’t bother taking any pics, mostly because I was in a hurry to get it out of my house. I think the rest of the plant is okay, but I will be breaking it down to the smallest size possible when I trim it, and it’s hanging in a segregated area away from the rest of my living and harvested plants. I don’t want to trash the whole plant, but I also won’t use moldy bud. So it is what it is and I’ll pay extra attention when I clean it up.

Still waiting on 2 SSSDH to reveal. 1 looks like it’s a day or so away, and what it’s showing now looks like a little pollen sac. But they always look the same for those first couple days, so I’m not gonna get excited yet. I just need 1 male. I’d have such a good representation of the gene pool in this cultivar if I could just get 1 damn boy to pop up. I’ve got 3 or 4 totally different looking females, which basically runs the gambit of phenotypes that I’ve seen while looking around the older forums. I’ll be crushed if this one slips away…

Hope everyone had a blast this weekend. I’ll be transplanting the Blackstrap S1 to her final home tonight, and I think the AM x 9#H p2a group needs watered, so I’ll probably do some pics for an update while I’m in there. Maybe I’ll get a picture of the Northern Lights Auto too, since she’s about to get some Dead Zone pollen in a couple days. I’m excited for that cross and resulting project. It’ll be some work, but man I think it’ll be worth it. There’s so much stank wrapped up in those genes.


Hopefully you’re right about the SSSDH being male; I’ve usually found that the ones that take longest to sex are male. Pistils are very obvious, little round bumps that look like part of the plant until they start forming into clusters aren’t as obvious. It’s not that they aren’t there, it’s that I keep saying to myself “well, I’m not 100% certain, so I’ll keep saying ‘it’ until I’m more certain.” That certainty ends up coming when they’re about 2 weeks from flip, though. I’d be surprised if they aren’t showing soon. Any chance of some close-ups of those two?

If you like edibles, you could always use it to make RSO. :slight_smile: Soak it in pure alcohol, strain it through a coffee filter and turn a fan on it to make it evaporate… that’s the simple version. The complicated version involves distillation to reclaim the alcohol and/or a double boiler, probably not worth it for just a few moldy buds.


I’ll see if I can get my phones camera to cooperate and focus on the nodes in question. Seems like it always wants to focus on literally anything other than the nodes when I’ve tried in the past. If I can get a couple of good ones, I’ll come back and post shortly


Same plant, different nodes. The first pic, I’ve been watching this node for days. It also had little thin pistil lookin thingies sticking out for the first day or so, and now looks like it does. So I’m hoping this one is a male. It had me fooled at first thinking it was female, now I’m not sure.

This one has been like this for a couple days. It’s like its afraid to show its balls or something because they’re so small. I dunno. But it needs to move forward so I know what I’ve got.

Apologies for the crappy focus and shoddy pictures. Best I can manage with the caffeine shakes :sweat_smile:


I see what you mean, tough to tell even at 2 weeks past flip. I’d be inclined to agree with you, but it’s not entirely obvious yet. Maybe since they were so young when you flipped, it seems they’re only ~5 weeks total; I’ve never tried it myself, but I’ve heard that plants flipped before 3 weeks won’t respond to 12/12 until they’re sexually mature and ready to flower. Maybe I’m just better at identifying 2-4’ tall trees, since that’s what I usually grow, and that’s made me think I actually know what I’m doing. :stuck_out_tongue: Oh well, a few more days or another week and it should show more clearly.


Yeah, I’m at a loss. I can totally handle guessing wrong. It’s just a plant, and I’ll figure out what it really is before the critical moment. But not even bring able to fathom a guess drives me bonkers.

Hurry up and wait, I guess. :man_shrugging:


This is what the last male I grew looked like, they can be a lot more low-key than you’d think before they really start showing… here’s the preflowers, a few weeks before flip, when I started celebrating because it was female:

That turned into this, 3 weeks after flip.

I’m going to be taking clones for sexing from now on, I think. :stuck_out_tongue: Could’ve saved a month or two on this guy, though I did end up doing some pollen-chucking since it was such an easy plant to grow and even the male had a nice funk.


That sucks! I had that happen a few months ago and I was heartbroken! Went and bought a huge dehumidifier so it doesn’t happen again lol

I’m having trouble sexing my regs too. This is my first go at them so I’m blaming it on inexperience but damn, why they so sneaky about it lolol shouldn’t be this hard :triumph:

I’m glad to see your blackstrap is moving along! Can’t wait to see pics! Good luck with your potential male :crossed_fingers:


Standby for picture update tonight. Big news in the project tent.

Smoking some Spotted Limes larfy buds this morning, and OMG it tastes incredible! Very limey tasting, and very stoney. It’s like a punch to the forehead with a marshmallow boxing glove. I love it


My apologies for not doing the pics and update last night. Had a rough evening with our oldest kiddo, and by the time we got her to bed it was past lights out. I might be able to get it done today, I’m dang sure gonna try. Stuff is gonna change up a bit from here going forward. I’ll be numbering each plant and doing single plant pics in upcoming updates, because…


The plant in closeup pic 3 from the other day ended up showing his balls the very next evening. I was, and still am, so happy I could cry. I know it isn’t over til the seeds are in the mail, but gosh dang if we aren’t a HUGE step closer to making that happen, now. I gotta water them today, so I’ll really try to find time for some pics while I’m doing that.


Congrats buddy!! I just had to chop 2 males last night lol glad it worked out for you!!

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