Banquos Basement

That sounds tough man :frowning: I lost mom when I was 27 and dad when I was 34. Dunno what would be harder, not having them, or having just a shell of them. I feel for ya man…

My girl doesn’t smoke, doesn’t even particularly like the smell (of the smoke or the plants), so thats a bummer. At least she accepts it (its my house damnit!) but it would have been more fun with her involved at some level, whether its growing or just consuming, for sure…

cest la vie as they say…

In other news. @Banquo looking good in there. I always enjoy this stage as you can see lots of growth easily and quickly, and they are past that tumultuous seedling stage…

Sounds like me… I am a carnivore thru and thru, don’t eat much in the terms of veggies. But I grow kickass tomatos and peppers :smiley: lol THAT the girl does like and will help (occasionally, its more my responsibility, I think she helps plant, then picks stuff as she eats it). Literally gearing up in the next week to start sprouting tomatoes, peppers and flowers for the beds - pansies, impatiens, coleus, morning glories and these KILLER giant “sunflower bushes” called Mexican Sunflowers (they make 2-3" orange mini sunflowers, hundreds of em). Bought some last year, they did exceptionally well (too well almost, they were giants in the garden), harvested a ton of seed and plan to plant them in various spots around the yard for splotches of color. Gotta wait another 2 months to start planting most outside stuff but next month lettuce, radish, carrots etc will be planted. (I say this as I look outside at the 6" of freshly fallen snow outside)


SSSDH F2, single plant picture is the most vigorous plant in the whole tent right now. I’m afraid it’s gonna be a male, but dang if it isn’t, woooooweeeeeeee.

Auto Mazar x 9# Hammer F1 photo to auto project plants. 2 of the 8 in this group look like they’ll be shooting sex parts in the next day or two, so I’ll be watching them for sure. Otherwise nothing much to talk about with these. A couple are really showing strong Afghani traits in their structure and leaf morphology, so I’ll keep an eye on them as well. I’m hoping to make a heavy hitting, sedative type effect autoflower with this project, so they might be the ticket.

Hope everyone has a fantastic Friday. I’ll be back later today with some mail call pics and appropriate thank you tags. Got a couple things rolling in today that I’m beyond stoked for. :metal:


I love those shelves!!


Home Depot, like $23 out the door. It’s just 1 unit, but I rigged it up so it’s more of a side by side than a 3 level by putting a little plant stand under the far side, then adjusting the shelf holders on the poles to match the height. The 3rd shelf that isn’t in the tent is what I put across the mop sink in The Basement to put pots on to water.


Awesome! I’m going to have to make a trip to the ol Depot! These little shelves from Walmart I’m using have to many legs. I can’t move freely under there.


They were a game changer for my grow in terms of making life easier


I’m out of likes. Got 3 hours left :rage:

I had the right idea. Just didn’t go to the right place lol yours look a lot easier to work around


Blackstrap S1 by @hollyho

She’ll be going straight into a 5 gallon fabric pot, in the photo tent, which means 12/12 from seed. Let’s see what she can do!


Dude, I need some! :fire::joy: Do shashito peppers grow well in tents! What about wasabi?

Ok, so wasabi needs full shade, likes aquaculture and the same ph as cannabis :thinking:

And, you beat me by several hours with the blackstrap…

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They’re expensive, but dewalt makes a nice modular shelving unit

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I lost my mom at 22… after she was diagnosed terminal when I was 17 and given 6-12 months. You think you’re so grown up and have dealt with it, then things hit you, especially once you become a parent.

I was a little relieved and kind of numb when she passed. I felt guilty for that and beat myself up about it for years. She was one of my abusers and her continuing to hang on and me having to give up my dreams to help take care of her was hard, especially considering she had battled severe BPD and depression since she was a young woman, and long before I came around. I was an attempt to save a toxic marriage with two children that were 9 and 12. I had no idea what I was getting myself into… In the end, this long story only means this, you have to grieve however is best for you, there’s no right or wrong way to it.

And @DrGonzo13 Use this time to say goodbye in the best way you can, though I suspect you started saying goodbye some time ago. I hope your dad still has his good days, use them to learn about him and connect with him. If he’s got mostly good days, keep him happy and high and digging through these memories when he can, and cherish those moments. :v:t2:


I promised her I’d get one soaking immediately, and so I did. I don’t even think it was in my house for a full hour before it got wet. My stupid cat knocked over the soaker cup last night, but thankfully the seed was easy to find since it was on the workbench and not the floor.

You’ll need to DM me your info again, but I can get some of each out to you here in the next day or two. I tried starting some to grow indoors, but I put them in ProMix, which as you know is inert, and messed up their feeding really badly, so I killed them. If I try running some indoors this year, like for the duration of their lives, not to be transplanted outdoors, I’ll probably try organic super soil. For those I intend to transplant I want to try mixing some of the native soil from my yard with a little bit of compost, and some EWC, and see how they do early. If they take off I’ll probably mix more of the same and backfill their holes with a few inches of that mix. I’m also thinking about trying my hand at making a hugelkultur bed, but nothing huge, maybe 10’x10’, for the veggies I like to grow and give away.


First I just wanted to say THANKS for the continued support and I hope that you get your growb on…means a lot…what’s your hourly rate for counseling lol second hobby and @Nagel420 I’m just so blessed that I have him around me my whole life so far and @Reefer keep being u and don’t change…Dude that’s not easy to talk about so I thanks for sharing it


Purple Nuggets by Mephisto, chopped at day 62 or 63, or something close to that. I don’t know anymore. I’m horrible at keeping track of day count when it’s just plants for smoke. Anyways, she’s done. I could have let her go a bit longer and got more color, but I really need the space. She smells really good, although not a hint of anything Strawberry, or even sweet. To me she smells really dank and almost meaty, but I swear most of my plants do around harvest, so its probably just my nose. I didn’t do a whole plant pic because it’s such a small plant, it’s embarrassing. I suck at using ProMix, I know that now. So all my plants run in it have been messed up from lockout, and therefore not picture worthy.

There might be seeds in those buds. I was looking at the Spotted Limes F2 ladies yesterday and noticed a really swollen looking calyx, so I poked it and it was rock hard. I know what that means, so I dug out a big ole green seed, and noticed several other spots that are obviously holding seeds. I have NO CLUE if they’re self seeds, or a cross of who knows what, but they’ll be fem auto and probably herm-prone, but if anyone wants some of them let me know and I’ll keep them aside for you. I’m gonna pop a couple, just to see. I have a feeling they might be Spotted Limes x Grape Slurri auto, but I don’t want to say for sure that’s what it is. I know the GS popped a couple nanners, and even seeded herself, although too late for the seeds to mature.

Probably gonna water some project plants tonight and check for any plants starting to reveal gender. A couple of the photo to auto plants looked pretty close to reveal when I was in there a couple days ago, so I gotta take a look at them. I need to find a spot for that 5 gallon fabric pot too, so the Blackstrap S1 can get in there as soon as she sprouts. It’ll be interesting to see how an auto does on 12/12 from sprout.


Are spotted lime a CBD strain? As someone who runs 24/7, 12/12 will be interesting to see.


@Banquo hey bud! That purple nuggets looks yummy!! Did u cross her w anything??


Quick update:

There will be no update today. Hopefully tomorrow I can get some SSSDH pics up for y’all

I’ve had some serious issues over the past couple days, but hopefully I’ve got it fixed now. Discovered a foundation leak and have been cleaning and repairing all day today. My apologies for radio silence and not replying to those who’ve reached out over the past couple days. Hopeful to be back to normal tomorrow, just need to see if this repair work is gonna hold.


I knew something was up! Hopefully u can get that fixed! Good luck bud :blush:


Previously repaired foundation “seam” with a 2" crack, leaking water like a small creek, right into my basement

My attempt at repairing said leak. Flex Seal for the win!

What a nightmare. I went downstairs for something and stepped on a rug near where the leak was, and SQUISH, my foot was instantly soaked. So I start looking around for the water bottle the cats must have spilled, and I see more and more and more water. Too much water to come from a bottle. So I immediately look up, because I’m right under the kitchen sink. Nothing. As I started to scan down the wall, I saw the window, and saw the water splashing outside in the driveway as it melted off the roof and hit the concrete. My face lost all color because I knew right then and there that I probably had a foundation leak.

So after about an hour of moving clothes, empty boxes, and various storage containers, I had the space cleared of stuff. Started sopping up water with old towels and moved the rug. Got all the water cleaned up and put a towel down under the leak to help contain it. Ran to Home Depot and got some Flex Seal paste and some Flex Tape. Shoulda got an actual urethane sealer and shot that into the crack first, but hindsight is always 20/20, and the Flex Seal should hold since it’s an indoor repair and won’t need to stand up to UV damage.

Anyhow… it’s fixed. I think I did a good enough job to keep it together for the rest of the time we live here. We rent, and live in a place where I can’t tell people what I do. So calling in an expert to do the repairs, or even my construction worker of a brother in law, is out of the question. Upstairs is one thing, but nobody comes down into the basement. NOBODY.

I will for sure get some pictures today and get an actual update posted. There should be 1 SSSDH plant that can be sexed, possibly more. And more of the Auto Mazar x 9# Hammer should be ready for a look too. I need to look at the 2 males I’m stress testing, make sure they’re not dead. I all but uprooted them a couple days ago. I’m only using 1 male in that group, so I want him to be tough.


Super Silver Sour Diesel Haze F2s, plus Wedding Cake to the far left. Culled the first from this group today. Also looks like maybe I watered a day too soon. Whoopsie. Still nothing for sure gender wise, but it looks like maybe the first to show is gonna be female. They’re so so slow in this group. :tired_face:

Auto Mazar x 9# Hammer F1s. Looks like it’s gonna be 4 females and 1 male. Finally gave him a big ole drink today, since he looked way better than the other male. Found 1 other male, which was culled for being too slow. I’m working towards full auto here, so slow boys aren’t on my radar in this group.

My foundation repair job didn’t cut it. It slowed down the water coming in by about 75%, but there’s still water coming in. I’m gonna give it one more shot and try patching it all the way up to ground level, since it’s ground water coming in now that stuff is thawing out. If that doesn’t work, I dunno what I’m gonna do. I guess deal with it for now and start looking for somewhere to move. :sweat_smile: