Banquos Basement

Nice plan going forward (numbering system). Congratulations on Male!!! cheers

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I appreciate the kind words, truly. But, sadly, I’m horrible at identifying gender on these plants. That “male” is actually a female. I can’t even say it threw me off because it popped a couple balls. Nope. I either didn’t see pistils that were there, or they weren’t there yet and I jumped the gun on calling it. I was so so sure though. Buuuuut, it sure is female. I had to water the other project plants a couple days ago so I decided to take a look at the “boy” and see if there were any more sacs. That’s when I saw white pistils poking out of the top of all 5 SSSDH. So I pulled each plant out and looked, then looked again. Not a single pollen sac on the whole group. So sad.

And on to other bad news. The Blackstrap S1 got eaten by one of our cats. She literally ate the whole plant, down to the soil line. I don’t know for sure which one it was, but I highly suspect it was Pickle because shes always after any fan leaves I set aside until I’m done with defol. Peppa not so much, but Pickle just can’t help herself. I should have known better than to leave the cup on the work bench, but for whatever reason I did, and one of them got to it. I’m gonna get another seed soaking soon, once I’ve got to the dirt store and picked up a couple more bags of soil. What I’ve got now is barely enough to fill a 5 gallon, and I’m afraid it’ll be too low after I water it a few times.

The photo to auto group is on cruise control. I chopped the male and have a bunch of branches set in a safe place to dry. I’ll collect enough pollen from those to make a few hundred beans so I’ve got a decent number to work with for selections. I’m still gonna hit all 4 females and wait them out to see who looks the best in the end, then I’ll focus on her group of seeds for making the next round. I’ll still get into the stuff from the other 3, but maybe not as much. I know what I want out of this, beyond just full auto, so I’m hoping to be able to work towards some of those traits on the way to full auto. No sense giving 3-4 full rounds to JUST achieving full auto, right?

Probably won’t be updating as much for awhile. I’m dealing with some personal stuff and need to focus on that the most. I’ll work on my inbox, if you’ve tried reaching out, and respond when I can.


Hey friend! Hope you get things sorted quickly. I love seeing your work on here, and will be waiting for your return. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

Good luck buddy.


NP, where here when you return, be well! cheers my friend


Oh no! :cry:

Wish I had that problem! Lol


Super Silver Sour Diesel Haze F2 with some Dead Zone (CSI Humboldt) pollen. This lady is the furthest along of the group, and despite the picture not really showing it that well, has tons of trichomes already. She has a very strong Diesel smell from stem and leaf rubs. I dusted all 10 branches on the lowest 5 nodes with a good amount of pollen. It’s been stored as good as I can manage for about 5 weeks, but I think it held up. Probably mostly due to the awesome packaging job done by the donor, truth be told.

I still have to get pollen on the photo to auto group, but that’s coming in a day or two. I’ve found 3 that I’m going to use, and 1 of those 3 will get the bulk of the pollen if she keeps the smell I got from her yesterday. I swear I smelled fresh garlic after I did a stem rub, but it was gone pretty fast. So I’m gonna check again tomorrow I think and see if it’s still there. :thinking:


Looks like I pollinated pretty much the whole plant, even the top bud. Oh well, more seeds to give away and hunt through. There are a couple buds below the top that aren’t turning orange and showing calyxes swollen with seeds, so maybe I’ll get to smoke a little bit from her.

The photo to auto project is looking like it’s dead in the water. Or soil, I guess, since I don’t run DWC. Whatever. I put on the pollen from the male I clipped sacs from a week or so ago, about 3 days ago. I sprayed her down with water last night so she could go back and most of the pistils on the branches I painted aren’t even shriveled up or turning colors. So that project may never even lift off, or at least without restocking seeds from my buddy out west.

Unless they really take their time bulking up at the end, I don’t see these SSSDH going 12+ weeks. Looking around here and some other sites, most of the SSSDH runs I’ve seen go at least that long, some pushing past 13 weeks. I’m currently at 5 weeks since flip, and I just don’t see them going that long. I might be wrong, photos totally are not my thing. However it shakes out, they’re gonna be some fire smoke, I can already tell. 3 of the 4 are starting to push trichomes from their fan leaves, and way down the blades too. I’m really excited for this harvest, even if there weren’t seeds involved. Speaking of seeds, what am I gonna name this thing? I probably will breed it out to F3 as long as the F1s don’t look horrible. Super Silver Sour Diesel Dead Zone Haze F1? Super Dead Silver Sour Diesel Zone Haze F1? Super Sour Zone F1? Obviously it doesn’t NEED to have every strain name in its name, I’m just lazy and incapable of bring creative at the moment.


The “sour” and the “dead” bring zombie related names to mind? Good luck bud!


I’m prolly bout to have thousands of seeds, y’all. I had everyone out yesterday for watering and top dressing, and really had a chance to look at that SSSDH seed mother. For sure more than half of her nodes are fully pollinated, if not two-thirds. And they look teeny tiny, too. Maybe if they’re small enough I can use a noodle strainer to make things easier, or else maybe I can make something to sift the seeds out of the material. At least she’s just a small-ish 1 gallon plant. I’d hate to spend all that time picking seeds out of a really large 5+ gallon plant, and I enjoy shocking seeds, actually :sweat_smile:

I’m not gonna call it one way or the other anymore with the auto Mazar x 9# Hammer project. The sites I put pollen on definitely look like they’re starting the process of making seeds, they just took forever to do it, and didn’t start looking like they should until 1 full day after I sprayed them with water to wash off the leftover pollen. So I dunno, maybe it was too dry when I put it on? Is that even a thing? Whatever happens, it for sure looks like she’s got a few seeds starting down in a couple sites, so maybe I will have some F2s to look at. Here’s a quick picture of this project group, which is down to the 3 in the picture. The plant in the middle is the seed mom.

The big plant to the right is almost more than I can keep up with, as her drooping leaves show. She is a monster of a plant, and eats like a hog. Keep in mind that she is not trained at all, and that is a 1 gallon pot, and its not even totally full at that. I measured her yesterday and she’s 34" tall from the soil surface. Biggest plant I’ve had in a 1 gallon pot to date, I just hope the yield matches. She was starting to take on a garlicky smell, but it’s faded to new tires instead. The short plant to the left is stacked, and I’m worried about mold already. Hopefully I can manage the RH in there without holding back any seedlings I start before she’s done.

That middle plant is kinda a mix of all the traits I’ve seen in this group of plants as I thin them out. The only thing that’s really stood out with her is the broadness of her fan leaves, which to me always screams “INDICA”, and those are the effects I’m after with this project. I’m aiming for something that will reliably put me down and knock me out if I consume enough. Hence the name I’ve picked out for it already, Afghani Sledgehammer. Yo! :flushed::flushed::flushed: If I ever get it to a point where I want to fem the line, it would be AS S1, aka ASS1 :rofl::stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes::confused::roll_eyes:

I am on the hunt for some “booster” products to add now that we’re in mid flower, and coming up on late flower in a week or two. So far I for sure want to get some Mammoth P and probably some Fish Sh!t as well, if I can find both. I need to get some more soil anyhow, now that I know I like this Great Lakes Water Only stuff, or I think I do. I dunno. I have 1 plant out of 8 that looks like she’s got some issues because her lower and middle fan leaves are, and have been for weeks, clawing slightly. I don’t think it’s anything major because she looks fine otherwise, even her color has maintained a healthy hue. But it still bugs me that this 1 plant is complaining while all the others are happy as can be. Oh, and most importantly, I have yet to see a single fungus gnat from using this soil. The last OSS I used, M3, was horrible. I swear it was like they had a promotion where you get a free family/colony of fungus gnats in every bag, but nobody wanted to take that deal, so the bags just sit until some dummy, (like me) buys them.

That feels like everything. Probably isn’t but it’ll do for now. Y’all be safe and have a wonderful Easter weekend, if you celebrate. I accidentally bought an extra bag of pre-filled plastic eggs for the kiddos, so now I get to find hiding spots for 228 eggs instead of the intended 114. And let’s be honest, me out there by myself, stoned AF, 114 pre-filled eggs would be, like, 97 maybe-filled eggs, and they’d be in piles in the yard. :man_shrugging:


I know what I forgot.

Bag seeds.

Any of you ever run a bag seed and have a story to tell about it, good or bad? If so, please share said story with me. I have some seeds from some Triangle I got awhile back and I’m really thinking about popping a couple


I’ve popped

Grapefruit bagseed, turned out amazing and almost identical to the original plant, no issues

Blueberry Sundae, great bud but it hermied like crazy, not surprising

Rockstar, grew really scrappy and was a super finicky plant, mediocre bud

I’ve done a couple others but they must of not been notable as I can’t peg the names


Some random seeded nodes on the SSSDH. My apologies for the crappy clarity, but you can at least see that those flowers are L-O-A-D-E-D with seeds. And gosh dang they look tiny! I definitely want to pop a few to see what turns up, and I’ll probably take it a generation further, if not two, and see if I can get something consistent.

The photo to auto seed mom is getting some color deep down inside her clusters, and I for sure see some calyxes swelling up with seeds, so maybe I’ve got something here. She isn’t very resinous, which is a bummer since that’s something I was hoping for. I’ll at least see what the F2 plants look like, and if I’m not happy with what I’ve got I’ll let it go to the birds. No biggie I guess :man_shrugging:


Currently outta likes but I am just checking in on the progress after the pollenation and I’m glad to see that you are doing awesome and I’m loving the pics… Keep it up Dude, I’m happy that it’s starting to look good in the auto show as well happy growing The Doc


Looking great bud! Hope all is well!


A couple of the Auto Mazar x 9# Hammer plants caught my attention last night when I peeked in the tent before lights out. So now I’m sitting here waiting for the light to come on so I can go in there and take a better look. I’m not sure if they’re showing issues through their leaves, or if they’re losing chlorophyll and will begin to darken up soon. I think at least 2 of the 3 are gonna have colorful dark flowers, just not sure yet if it’s going to be in the leaves or not.

Gonna be starting some seeds soon, I think. I keep saying that and then never actually get it done. Part of the problem is needing to find things that finish around the same time, since they’ll be in the Auto3 tray. I’m not ready, yet, to pop a bunch of regs, veg them long enough to take clones, flip all the clones, wait 3-4 weeks and then pick 3 winners, AND THEN transplant the respective mothers up to 5 gallon fabric pots for the tray. I’ll get there one day, just not today. It’s easier, and faster, for now to just pop fems and know (with 99.99% certainty) what to expect, transplant up as necessary, and count down the days once they’re flipped.

Happy Easter y’all. Stay safe and have a wonderful day :rabbit::hatching_chick:


Happy 4/20 everybody! I was able to do my shopping early, so I’m here to talk about what I decided to go with. I missed all the deals and sales last year, and couldn’t manage to save as much as I’d have liked for this year, but I’m still very happy with what I ordered, and spent less than I anticipated. I’ve had my eyes on a couple things at a couple different places. The thing I wanted most, and that was the most expensive, was sold out, thankfully. Not gonna lie, a pack of Platinum Kush Breath woulda made my whole year, but it wasn’t meant to be. Decided to skip buying any autos this time, although I might go back and change that later today.

I ordered a pack of Pure Michigan 2.0 S1 by J_A_T over at Brothers In Farms Genetics. He’s the same guy that made all the Peanut Butter Breath projects for them a year or two back. I ran his PBB S1 and absolutely loved it, growing and smoking. So the chance to check out yet another project by him, AND to have it be a cultivar I want to check out anyhow, couldn’t pass on it. Plus, with it being 4/20, I got a BOGO deal and will actually get 2 of the 6-packs. Wooooo!

I’ll be popping 1 of these immediately when they arrive. I’ve got my 3 things picked out to go into the Auto3 tray, and it’s gonna be rockin. Pure Michigan 2.0 S1, Black Lemon Cake x Peanut Butter Breath, and G13 x Blueberry Headband by Emerald Triangle Seeds. Seems like it should run the gambit of smells from fruity and sweet all the way down to sweaty and meaty. I might end up taking 1 of the 3 out of the lineup for space issues, but I might not. I have a net for the 2x4, might as well use it. I’m not planning to clone any of these, but I’m willing to do it if something special turns up. If so, that clone would become a mother plant and get set aside for a run.

Quick update on the seed makers. SSSDH seed mother gave me a scare. I let her go a day too long between watering and she was not happy about it. She was damn near wilting. But she perked right back by the next morning when lights came on. She’s so loaded with seeds, I can’t wait to see what’s there.

The Auto Mazar x 9# Hammer seed mom is showing more and more color every day. It’s all through the flowers and making its way down the sugar leaves. Kinda a middle of the road shade of purple, but it’s still purple. She’s finally putting on some resin too, but still nothing like I hoped to see from something with Mazar in its lineage. None of them are, come to think of it. Oh well :sweat_smile:


Awwww yeaaaaaa


Anyone following along here have interest in running, and possibly cloning, a Dr. Grinspoon plant? I keep seeing pics and posts of people starting long flower cycle plants, so it must be that time of year again. I have 2 Dr. Grinspoon fem seeds from Barney’s Farm. I want to keep 1 for myself, but the other is for someone else who wants to give it a go. If you want to be that someone else, just let me know and I’ll make sure you get the opportunity.

I only mention the possibility of cloning her because of that one legendary phenotype that everyone associates with Dr. G. It’s my personal belief that if the seed stock is from after the “comeback” a few years ago, you probably won’t find it. Barney’s pulled Dr. Grinspoon from their catalogue back in 2014, I think, and kept it off for a number of years. Then in 2018, I think, again, it came back and there was a tiny portion of the description that got changed to include “after some work we’re happy to bring Dr. Grinspoon back to our lineup”. Now, whether “some work” means breeding and out-crossing and back-crossing, as in literal physical work, or if it just means that somebody had to convince someone higher up the food chain to put it back in, is still being discussed in random corners of the back rooms of certain forums. That’s getting away from the point though, so I’ll leave it at that. Just please be prepared to take a million cuts if you get the “bead pheno” :pray:


Awesome! I’m just seeing the updates and glad you’re still at it :muscle: I’m happy that you got to seed the sssdh too :heart_eyes: you ended up pollinating her with dead zone, correct? Either way, congrats!! Now keep her watered so she can ripen those bad boys :sweat_smile:

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I am so excited to run these! I ended up talking myself out of running all 3 slots in the tray, so it’ll be Pure Michigan 2.0 and a “Lemon Carver”, which is Black Lemon Cake x Peanut Butter Breath. I just found out they finally named the strain, and thank goodness for that. Typing out genetic crosses instead of a name always bugs me. Fun little coincidence, both of these strains are by the same breeder, J_A_T from Brothers In Farms Genetics. He’s one heckuva nice guy, and he makes some FIRE strains.

If you think you’d wanna run the Pure Michigan 2.0, and if you can start it soon, let me know. I always enjoy doing a partner grow, especially when it’s the first time I’ve run something :blush: