Bayarealivingsoil making mistakes to build better buds

Hit the girls with a mix of Spinosad Agsil 16h and Cocowet. Watered in Aloe lightly. Topdressed the SSDD CP for a final time. Moved some plants around.

2 days ago watered in some of the stinky weed tea. All waterings are light at this point. Less than a gallon a pot. Containers seem to be rocking. Could prolly go 2-3 weeks without water in a couple and see little to no problems.

The Lemon Runtz and Frankenstein seem to be hitting their stride. Guessing some of these ladies will begin flowering next month. Hoping the Diesel Trees can get at least a foot and a half tall. Really enjoyed her sister last run. They are set up to produce.

There’s really lotsa goodies in the new CP. 3 layers of goodness sandwiched in ROLS with a little gnarly barley and bokashi on the top. Plenty of worms plus all they bring. Seeking balance. Not gonna top water or feed. LABS and Mega Phos will be the only inputs besides water in the res. Top cover will only be peeled to peep soil porn. Water only till harvest. First time trying such a thing.

Also curious which SIP planting time will perform the best. SUNSHINEDAYDREAM
about a month and a half ago BOGBUBBBLE a week or two later and DIESEL TREES last week. All seem happy today.

Here are the youngins:


^^Lemon Runtz

^^Diesel Tree
Moving stuff around:

Last photo is where we are now. Thanks for putting up with the incoherent ramblings. Have a great day and please be well.


Your garden is looking great bro!
By the looks of it, those plants are gonna take off well into flowering.
Wishing you the best for this run and sending you lots of positive vibes…:slightly_smiling_face::v:t3:


Happy New Day OG!!
Put first gallon of RV filtered water in the new CP res this morning. Soil was pretty dry when checked. Soil life needs water. May add wetting agent next time.

Purple Cabbage dancing to the rhythm equals sacred geometry:

Bless Up

'Ganja attack da cataract also mek de pituitary reflect pages of a world movie unda deep Sensi


Looking awesome! I’m in for the ride. Love to see other Bay Area growers rockin Bodhi gear. Bonus points for all the badass organics inputs.

I haven’t ran pure Sunshine Daydream, but I ran the cross of it and cookies years back. Field Trip I think, and the cut I gave to a buddy got tested at 31% cannabinoids way back in 2018, we were floored lol


Hey there @BackyardBoogie420 I haven’t had any SSDD pure either. Iirc @HolyAngel crossed the Bubbashine pheno to Starfighter and then back to Bubbashine. Looking forward to her



The fungal development is happening :thinking:…Was tempted to sprinkle more goodies at first sight and remembered it’s only been a week. Removed the cardboard to increase soil temperature. Tinkering. Total of 2g of RV filtered water Thursday and Friday , still some in res today. DTs are happy.

BT sprayed yesterday. Gonna miss the Frankenstein on the next spray or 2. She’s not quite happy yet. Gonna wait for her to improve before watering again. In fact outside of the other 2 SIPs it’ll be 5-8 days before watering anything again. Well that’s the plan. LITFA man LITFA!



^^BOGBUBBBLE @Cyr_grow

^^LEMON RUNTZ @pirateshipbaba


^^ FRANKENSTEIN f @JohnnyPotseed


Bigger plants are responding well to the disciplining. Both found themselves alone after sharing space with 2 brothers. SSDD did the classic teenager thing, went wild, so her program is a little more strict. BB stayed kinda cool and seems to love the current dynamic.

Frankenstein is suffering from my involvement. Definitely over watered. She has the skinniest leaves and deserves better. Time… Poked some holes in the pot with a stake hoping the added oxygen outweighs the disturbance from poking. Enjoyed the poking so much I poked the other 2 big pots a bit.

Added a couple of cups of DTE Insect Frass to the feed mix. Lotsa goodies in there. Extra Bloom added over the last 2 weeks Flower Girl, Gaia Green Bloom and Langbeinite. Prepping for final top dress.

Beautiful day.


Chem. Never grown it, never smoked it. Remember talk of it 20+ years ago, heard it grew best in hydro hence the name
Anywho I am curious and made my 1st order with @Great_lakes_Genetics:

Chem D BC1/F2 @JAWS
Iraqi Banger @Strayfox and
GSD F6 @CopaGenetics

First two speak to the chem quest the last one just sounds great.

GLG hooked up the freebies

Root Dawg @JAWS and the Sunshine 4 x Bye Ya have chem in em and that Heaven Mountain (Goji x Appy) from Copa sounds good.

Couple Iraqi Banger fems soaking. Got a wide 5 gallon pot just filled yesterday, but considering a 10. Not a lotta time if ready to transplant in 2-3 weeks so don’t wanna do too big a container. Maybe 2 5gs one tall and one wide. Will see we will.

New phone, couldn’t get on discord or access Headies so went with GLG and am pleased. Same $ will get 1 from Lucky Dog and 1 from Dominion. Next time.

Thanks for stopping by
Be well


Edit: Grew the Iraqi Goji last year and found it interesting.


Those look awesome! Bye Ya would be cool to grow just so you can say the name allot.


ya those chem d bc1/f2 should be worth your time, main goal first time around with them was just to get them into seed form so the girls were not all that. but right now i have her in a bigger pot and ya shes a beast.

after wanted to get into the chems for several years and by some prodding from friends i am now forehead deep into the chems. i have the chem 4 bc1 but like the chem d bc1 before her not exciting in this round but next round she will get a bigger pot and i bet we see yet another beast. also just picked up the chem sis cut so ya were fully getting into the chem over here in the lab of jaws.

thanks you for your support means a lot my friend …


lovely work on the bog bubble.:slightly_smiling_face:


Thanks for stopping by. Any word on the Rootdawg freebie? What is your most chem offering? Thanks again.

Apprecilove your work.

1 Like

damn sorry ppl i thought this was a seed baring thread i see now that its BODHI AND BOG thread, so sorry if a mod wants to remove my post please do so.

damn sorry …


@JAWS No apologies needed my friend. Just bought your gear and apprecilove you showing up. While you’re here can you please share a bit on Root Dawg. Thanks


Thinking about this gardening thing. When we do things that’s talking to the plants. Listening is sitting with the plants observing. I talk too much. Listening is a lot more pleasant outside than in a 5x5 tent. Listen In The Future Asshole.

Sprayed with BT this morning. Love seeing those fn butterflies fly around and not land. Haven’t seen a landing yet. Did see a few Aphids, now we know. Regalia will be the next spray Monday or Tuesday. Twice a week IPM and we see Aphids… outside.

There’s fear of dry pockets in the big pots so lotsa Aloe and Cocowet last few waterings. Moved the 20" highwalled drainpansaucer from under the 20g Strawberries to under the Tahoe a few weeks ago and yesterday moved it under the Frankenstein and added a gallon of water+Cocowet. Does bottom watering eliminate dry spots? Here’s a pic of SSDD loving life.IMG20230714125438 She started leaking from another wheel yesterday. Just too heavy. The little Diesel Trees have some wierd ‘burning’ on some tips and some edges. Will grow out of it.

2 Iraqi Banger sprouts in a little pot with some cover crop :crossed_fingers:IMG20230714140920

Thanks for stopping by

May the Force be with you


Nice selections! Kind of partial to @JAWS but Strayfox is killer too! And his Iraqi cut is absolutely unreal! Frost, funk and high itscan absolute powerhouse! Looking forward to both of those and the root Dawg too! DBJ always hooks it up killer, it’s insane at times huh? Awesome! Enjoy


@TopShelfTrees1 apprecilove your presence. Strayfox Iraqi Goji got me interested in that Iraqi cut I think DLA #6 de la Bodhi uses it too. Be well my friend.

2 IRAQI BANGERS fems were not showing amongst a gang of cover crop so went searching, found and gently repositioned em. Put the bag back on :crossed_fingers::

DIESEL TREES received 2 gallons in res a week apart. Seem happy. Some weird leaf tip stuff here and there 🤷soil is full of goodies, will be fine.

The following plants were all lightly top watered with 1 cup weed tea and a tbls Recharge to 4 gallons water except
FRANKENSTEIN, she was bottom watered about a gallon. She’s growing and becoming happier since the switch:

LEMON RUNTZ is happy with the training and just got a heavy cover crop trim

Tahoe Og is mostly stalk with a little love up top

BOGBUBBBLE has the strongest branches not the thickest stalk but the branches are all thicker than Ssdd. She’s drinking 2 gallons in res every 7-10 days:

SUNSHINE DAYDREAM F2 BX has leaks at 2 wheels so res doesn’t stay filled. Still use the res but also top water frequently. Received some heavy retuck training yesterday.

Gonna spray this evening with either Sulfur or Regalia. There’s pest pressure but it’s not a problem. Cover crop that reaches fan leaves now being cut and smashed. Haven’t used any FPJ cuz of the sugar( didn’t weigh mixes). Will probably do a LAB Spirulina mix soon and then to flowering specific inputs like the MegaPhos, Banana Tea or Pineapple FFJ( weighed).

Buying seeds makes no sense rn. Gotta move and reset first. Doesn’t matter how good the price is or how rare the beans. Stop looking at those Guerilla Fume they are over $10 a bean. Had to get a bigger vault for the fridge after the @Great_lakes_Genetics blessing that was $170 for about 30 before freebies, I think there were 55 freebies, so paying $160 for 10-12 is out of the question. Plus when ready we wanna find a verified cut maybe Farmer Joe or gmo house of clones will have the 91 or the D available for a reasonable price.

Gonna do these photo updates at least once a week.

Self talk done. Please have a happy day. Sun is shining the weather is sweet.



I’m down for anything no-till or organic. I have some catching up to do but I’m here following along with ya!
I grew out Holy’s BX last year, your in for a treat :+1: :+1:

Good vibes :sunglasses:


Thanks for hanging with us. Do you have a log for the SSDD f2 Bx you grew?

Learning lots on the Organic Living front, love the concept of human involvement being unnecessary. Thanks again and be well.



Not a dedicated log but it’s in my Bodhi centered thread…
Have to dig a little bit, I’m not nearly as organized as others around here but I’m getting better :crazy_face: