Bayarealivingsoil making mistakes to build better buds

Tahoe, but really it’s all just so good. Sitting here I was just about to grind up a hit. :slight_smile:

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Great. Tahoe is definitely special. :crossed_fingers:Reveg stays healthy and we’ll compare outdoor/indoor around Nov.


Watered yesterday and this morning. 1gallon in EB and both bottom watered pots this am. They’re all drinking a lot. Sprayed BT this morning. Tahoe is still stretching. Diesel Trees seem to be vegging still. Frankenstein and Lemon Runtz look like they’ll need support. SSDD and Bogbubbble are full on in flower like week 4 maybe??

Missed out on the Jews Gold auction :face_with_symbols_over_mouth:. Probably for the best as I’ve bought too many seeds the last month or so.

As the plants biomass increase they become challenging to photograph. Will upload some tomorrow.


In the SIP vs hella soil in a big pot thing it appears the SIP stacking may be a factor. Less root space in the SIPs means more crowded and compact roots. As below so above.?


Bogbubbble ^^

To be fair they are also the oldest and furthest along. Possible that the others will stack nicer as time after time.

Tahoe Og ^^ blowing in the wind after being bent to stay below fence.

Frankenstein ^^ She was also bent and kinda got me eating my words. She seems to be smirking and saying just you wait.

Lemon Runtz ^^

8.5 gallons of FFJ, Soil Blast 0-0-7 and Epsom salt watered in today. Was pretty hot yesterday.
Lemon Runtz is loving the bottom watering. She drank very fast this morning. Happy was able to take care of em today.

Have a great day.



Outta likes.

Your grow is looking so great! thumbs-up

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@hoss8455 the handwritten info is priceless. Many thanks

Do not fear the upside down


$38. Worth every 1

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If memory serves there are 5 tops/stalks on the Bogbubbble and 3 of em have leaves with flowering stems. Wait that can’t be right, 5? Point is she’s flowering. Hi brix banana tea watered in today. EB and new CP filled bottom watered LR and F. Sprayed Dr Zymes and noticed BT last 4 Sundays, Z today and last Tuesday.

Seed issue is perplexing. Very windy area. Could be a neighbor anywhere, probably s. So far only the ‘preflower pistils’ seem to be affected but…



Bogbubbble @Cyr_grow ^^
She has 6 tops and 1 trying. No topping just bent. Happy gal.

SSDD F2 Bx @HolyAngel ^^
8-12 inches above the net many nice flowers forming.

Gonna defoliate these 2 soon. Watered in 6 gallons with 2 tbsp Mega Phos amongst all the girls. One day the photos will improve. Not @syzygy level, but better than this. They almost look hungry in the pics. They are not hungry. They are happy y healthy girls💚

Bless Up

Edit: added 2 more g H2O and 2 tsp MP to EB and CPs.

Can’t really get a good shot of Frankenstein yet


Little sativa leaner right there!!! Looking good


^^Found in SSDD this morning. Placed in EB.:wink:

^^Pulled these while defoliating Bogbubbble this morning. @Cyr_grow have you seen this before? Fan leaf stem flowers.

Here are poor photos of the big pots:

Frankenstein^^ @JohnnyPotseed

Tahoe Og reveg^^

Lemon Runtz^^ pirateshipbaba

Happy Friday



I have not. Must be a mutation showing up from the open pollination. I’m sure @Mithridate has seen it in bogs gear


I’ve never seen this from BOG gear but my raspberry boogie keeper would grow buds on the petioles and on the center of fan leaves if I fed too hard.

Don’t know if this applies here, but it’s my .02 :wink:


Looking really awesome, brother, not to mention unique! It’s a freak! G8PxQ8j


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Thanks for the response. Yeah overfeeding is something I’m familiar with. Seen it on a fan leaf but can’t remember the cultivar. Would love to take all the soil after harvest and cut it with coco and/or HP then send it to a lab. In an ideal world.

Love my overfed mutant.



Doug just informed me his sour grape did the same thing. So i guess bogs gear can do that @Bayarealivingsoil


Uploaded to the Bodhi thread but not here. Arrived maybe a week or 2 ago. Bought 2 packs for the Shakedown Street(Chem D x Wookie)freebie and mentioned the Chem quest to Shoe. He threw in the Supah Fly from Dominion. @Headies is the shit.

^^ coupla pics of a Lemon Runtz fan leaf. She looked sad this morning. May have gone too heavy with the bottom watering. She’ll be ok in a day or 2. Frankenstein has a larger volume of soil and was bottom watered longer. Tahoe Og was bottom watered for awhile before moving the pan to Frankenstein. It helped even out the medium.

Considered top dressing again but decided against it as I’m sure all they need is available in the soil. Hoping to water in stuff to influence funk. Any suggestions?

Found 2 white webby cocoon remnant looking things while defoliating. Both looked interrupted🤷. Gonna spray BT this evening.

^^ SSDD found this anxiety provoking budlet on this branch:

Will keep an eye out but it looks eerily familiar. Something about the leaves curving… Again gonna spray this evening. Frost forming is a beautiful sight.

Have a wonderful weekend



Here’s Lemon Runtz looking sad due to too much water in the medium

Over watered in flower🤬 all droopy and heavy. Note to self: just cause she can doesn’t mean she should.

Happy Sunday y’all



It’s so easy to be cruising along them BAM!! Over watered

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Went too heavy with the bottom watering. She was wicking pretty fast. All of a sudden she looked like this. All in all it’s a cool photo of an overwatered flowering plant🤷. Maybe it can be helpful.
