Bayarealivingsoil making mistakes to build better buds

Haven’t shown the Diesel Trees recently. They’ve finally started flowering. They were planted in CP 6/28.

Already taller than the 1 flowered in the 2x2. Not far from the SSDD in height. 2 plants but looks like 1 pheno.


Frankenstein f from the man himself @JohnnyPotseed thanks cuz :pray:
Really impressive, big plant skinny leaves nostalgic stink and crystally. She is in the biggest pot and she is big for her age, 2 months in the pot. No issues outside of me, early watering stuff that’s been corrected with the pan. Looking forward to her. Great gear sir! Is there a menu somewhere? Thanks again.


Hell yeah, Frankie is some great smoke. Menu! Yes and an amazing sale right now!


Coupla days dry. Little bit of water yesterday and Lemon Runtz is happy again. Maybe we lost 4-5 days. Pot was pretty light on Monday.:thinking: Will keep watching.



Found a few spots of PM on the Bogbubbble. She is dense. Found PM on cover crop in a few pots and heavy in cover crop in the strawberry pot. Ripped all that shit out. Considering Dr. Zymes, Regalia or GFF. Not a fan of any spray this far along but it bes what it bes. And there will be more BT.
Still finding what looks like interrupted coccons. Last year they connected 2 leaves top to bottom. This year finding it on just one leaf at a time and only a little white stuff that’s kinda open. Interrupted. Finding curiously curled leaves and eaten leaves. Haven’t seen any poop. Gotta keep fighting, the goal is a healthy harvest. Ain’t over till jars or Grove bags and even then we stay vigilant. Easy now. Like Sunday morning.


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Keep finding isolated spots of PM on the Bogbubbble. Not cool. I didn’t spray sulfur on the non cannabis cover crop plants and am surrounded by neighbors that grow veggies. Ripped out all infected cover crop. Still finding spots. Can spread quick. No pics cuz it’s killed on sight. Not sure how to save this beautiful young lady. Southern Ag Garden Friendly Fungicide, Regalia, Dr Zymes, or maybe homemade stuff like baking soda or vinegar…
Gonna hit her with Regalia and lightly hit the rest. Outdoors is a beautiful thing.
@JoeCrowe any ideas???

Happy Thursday


Edit: Did y’all know @JohnnyPotseed is having a HUGE sale till Monday? $15 packs buy 1 get 1 free. This Frankenstein fem that he has is the Bees knees. He created Frankenstein. Please get you some. And there’s a bunch of other OG made strains available, over 45 iirc.


You have to coat the cannabis plants in sulfur, unless they are in bloom. In order to break the cycle, you have to spray after planting them, or spray the ground around where they were planted before planting again. Twice. I don’t know of anything that will finish off the mildew once and for all except sulfur. vinegar and baking soda those don’t really do anything to the fungus. You could try hypochlorous acid, but no guarantees it’ll do anything. Definitely wont kill the mildew off once and for all.


Thanks @JoeCrowe. I hit her heavy with the Regalia and everything else was sprayed too. We’re gonna see. She’s thick and we wanna harvest her


Make sure you break the cycle before your next crop.

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Hit em with Sulfur in veg. Twice. Hard. The little ones only once. Only seen on the 1 Cannabis plant. Will check again thoroughly tomorrow morning. Outdoors growing is amazing.

Yes Universe. Thank you :pray::pray:


Please forgive the frighteningly awful photography

Lemon Runtz ^^^

Diesel Trees ^^^

SSDD ^^^

Bogbubbble ^^^

Frankenstein ^^^

Tahoe Og ^^^

Dealing with increased anxiety in the garden. Common wether inside or out. Last month. Still finding bits of PM on the Bogbubbble. She and SSDD are past the time for spraying so we hope for the best and plan to wash immediately after chop. No caterpillar poop is a Prime Time level win at this point. Evidence of pollen in the air but no nanners or male flowers anywhere, yet. Everyone is drinking less except Diesel Trees and I think they’ll slow down this week. There really close to SSDD in height. All except Bogbubbble and SSDD got a bit of Banana tea brix. Other 2 are strictly water from here. Plants overall are healthy. This is why we do it. PM spots, seeds and potential bug damage don’t make this a failure. Last year’s outdoors was full on suffering at this time and still produced. Something about the perfect being the enemy of the good and some words about the nature of organics and balance that @Rogue would appreciate :wink:

Be up. Be kind. Be easy.


Edit: pulled this fan leaf stem flower of the Bogbubbble while defoliating.


Yeah, your living plants photograph so much better than my dead ones! Looks great!

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I apologize. Perspective is a mf. Maybe you can come by next week and get a better idea of how poorly they translate to pics? Great to put some new eyes on em.


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Buhahahahahahaha! The pics look pretty good to me, so if the real thing really looks much better, they must really be fantastic! smell

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Caught this Earthling making more Earthlings?

And this unrelated variegated that we’re super calm about both on Tahoe Og


More beans. DLA6 :drooling_face::drooling_face:


Frankenstein is beautiful and smelly

Big Ups @JohnnyPotseed


Lemon Runtz getting frosty


Glad you like her, cuz.


I do. Was she bred for outdoors? She’s big and flowering fast. COLAS. She may be the heaviest too. Great job brother man.