BC Seeds...up to $5,000 ?!?

BC Seeds pops up for discussion each six months or so. If anything, a reminder about things that are too good to be true


This is like when I see a single straw for sale on eBay for $100. I always wonder “who the hell would actually buy that?”. Well, apparently someone, lol

the funny thing is, they have had that price posted since forever… I lol’d at that same exact price for their euphoria back in the 2k’s


They’re not even feminized.

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People pay way to much for many thing not for the item but for the bragging rights. Look at Iphones going over a grand. People upgrade just so they can say they have the higher number model. Ask those same people what the new phone does that their old one didn’t and you usually get that confused blank stare :flushed: But it’s the newer model, lol.


808 price points?

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Yeah but then they give their old phones to me!

My trusty 6 just died :rofl:


Yes. The fluoride stare. Lol


Kinda unsuspecting searching general strains from Google. Somehow came up in a search for Big Bud, but look deeper at other pages then it becomes apparent, and yea those ridiculous claims made a tip off of a possible spoof site, but back in the day a seed company called Laughing Moon debut the Kong strain purported 2-3lb plant and everyone was mesmerized by the incredible grow facility, and some did spring for the 300+ beans. At the time it was the HIGHEST for beans. I think in the end Kong wasn’t as great as its marketing hype. I won’t lie, I wanted them too, but I felt someone in community will either prove it’s real or hype

@DougDawson You’re absolutely right. Always the latest release everyone’s got to have. It’s herd mentality that causes this

Anyway BCseeds = comic relief :sweat_smile: Hey there’s a new strain name, comic relief. You’ll never stop laughing, you might even turn into the Joker :clown_face:

Those are estimated values for sold out packs. Not actual price points.

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It’s overvaluation IMO, but he seems to have come back to reality now…

Most are 150…better than 250-300+ I saw last year


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Don’t buy via that page, just go on his instagram lives for the good deals. I got Durrr Burger, Pieya, Gorilla Paw, and Broccoli for 200 and shipping total. I have my own thoughts about 808… but he gives packs away and does good deals all the time. Just to be clear.


Ahh so that’s the secret to a better deal. I’ll definitely remember for the future IF the Corn actually pops and proves to be real when I get to starting it. He’ll get his just due if I can connect it to Tampa Crippy.

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What’s his IG Handle, would like to check out what he has to offer? THANKS!! SS/BW…mister :honeybee: :100: :pray: :heart_eyes:


I remember my early growing days! Every breeder description was a promess, all stats were facts and humility was a given. Oh how experience took a dreamers chastity! :grin:

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Yes indeed, the elusive holy grail of genetics will humble after a period of a young cultivator grasshopper. I remember older heads just brushed it off as been there and done that :smirk:

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Pretty sure that’s a satire site. And if they take the money of people with more of it than sense who think they can just buy their way into weed then cool I guess


They seem to have it set up so it’s found and recirculated to keep the clicks coming. I won’t be surprised to see someone else post it in the future, especially if there’s a grower researching BC strains.

What!! only 5,000$??? Wheres the big group buy to make a bunch of beans for the community to fight this obscene headscalping? :smiley:

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If every OG member just contributed $3 each…

:face_vomiting: I hope it’s a joke.

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