BCNL Producer Grow Box with LED upgraded Donny Burger # 5

RDWC system grown with Gen Hydro 3 part and a few additives. 10 week stain Donny Burger #5 . I’m in Cali and space is a luxury so I like to keep small automatic gardens. The box was bought used cheap online and rebuilt to my standards. Those are HLG Fr adjustable LED custom made by them to fit the box. I run new insulated air lines. Chillers are a must with this sort of system. Co2 is injected at ever increasing amounts starting just after clone roots and into Veg. Veg is roughly a week. Basically when they touch the first screen I flip to flower. Just keep them bending under the first screen as long as possible as these GMO strains are a little tall so bending to fit with short veg time.

This is the first 2 weeks after cloning and starting flower

This is thru about half way on flower.

Getting close to the end of flower.

Almost time to harvest.


I remember seeing those units… early 2000’s? They cost a small fortune new.
You are the first person I’ve seen growing in one :+1:
How do you like it?

That’s rather cool, like the Phototrons…



Great setup and really productive icon_e_surprised|nullxnull, thanks for sharing… beer3|nullxnull


This unit was made a year or two before BCNL closed their doors that was 2017 if I remember correctly. The company was bought by Aurora cannabis, and basically shelved. They bought Urban Cultivator at the same time. I believe the downside of the boxes at the time was HPS was too hot. They were working on cob led units with HLG and released a version of the box with LED but they did not stay open too long after that. The boxes work great for micro gardens. I have rebuilt several for myself and some for family and friends that liked the small foot print set up. If you look at the newer tents being released currently the automation ect. To me these automated tents are just cheaper version of these style of units. look at the controls ect. Very similar. Nothing wrong with the automatic tents and I use them to show the boxes are basically the same concept .


Nice setup and grow!

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I’d get that personal info and phone number out of public posts. Just a heads-up.

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I love these boxes. They allow me to run a perpetual micro garden. I have collected a few over the years allowing me to have a separate Veg/ Mother box. I run a slightly modified Urban Culivator grow box for cloning. Allows me to either isolate newly acquired genetics or have clones ready to go when needed. I have collected quite a few different boxes over the years some were modified differently kind of worked out the kinks over the years. Growing perpetual garden is always the way to go for efficiency get the most out of you time and efforts. I should work on posting my complete micro garden set up asap.


Update time… I have been lagging so here is what’s currently going on in my garden. I recently finished rebuilding another BCNL machine out of my accumulated parts and a machine I got super cheap. Thanks if you see this… Any way that machine is rebuilt and cleaned. Brand new adjustable HLG lights will be delivered tomorrow and dropped in to complete the new box. So moving forward we will have 2 flowering Producers #1 and #2.

This is the BCNL Mother Ship. I only keep mothers in here. Right now it’s packed. There is 5 currently in my BCNL mother ship. I normally pick out what I want to run and keep the others trimmed back but making some clones for my brother shortly so right now it’s full in the mother ship.

Current strains in the mother box…
Donny Burger #5 -from Burrning Bush Nursery
GoverMint Oasis -PCG Purple City Genetics
BTY OG Kush -PCG Purple City Genetics
Blue Berry Muffin- pheno #1 and #2 Humbot Seed Co

Next up the Urban Cultivator. I use this as cloning chamber and I can also quarantine new cuts.

Currently in the Urban Cultivator…
BTY OG Kush fro PCG - for next run
Blue Berry Muffin- #1 ,#2 - Humbolt Seed-future mom

Last night I transplanted these to trays of Blue Berry 1 and 2 to Producer #2

Producer #2 just put fresh blue berry muffins pheno 1 and 2 into the machine. It’s half pheno #1 and half #2.

We will veg for less than a week maybe 3 days.

Producer # 1 just finishing another run of Donny Burger #5 . The flavor of garlic and pine with earth gets me happy every time. I run this a lot. This is starting week 8. It’s a 10 week run. I have been very busy during this run so they got a little tall wasn’t there to bend enough and defoliate properly. No harm there will still be some great smoke. I’ll switch to water in a handful of days. When this wraps up and gets put into the drying machine Producer number one will get filled with the BTYOG clones in roughly 2 weeks.


Got the new HLG FR adjustable lights this afternoon and dropped them into the rebuilt producer #2 .

Producer #2 with new HLG FR adjustable lights. The # 2 producer has Blue Berry Muffins pheno #1 and #2 half and half to see what pheno is best. Going to veg this 1 more day max then switch to flower.

Still working on clones rooting of BTY OG for Producer #1 . Should be ready in a week or so to start veg. Cheers everyone!!!


Update… Producer #2 Built the trellis 2 and 1/2” squares for first layer. I will build the second trellis later this week. For the next 2 to 3 weeks we will bend keeping everything under the first trellis. After that the second or upper trellis is for the weight added during end of flower to hold everything in place.

Cloning chamber still has BTY OG still rooting maybe another week. The seem like slow rooters it may take 3 weeks to root. There is also soon to be Blueberry Muffins mothers pheno #1 and #2 well rooted just waiting their turn for veg space.

Producer #1 Donny Burger #5 still finishing up maybe a week 2 max left to go on this run. The BTY OG Will be going into this producer when the Donny is finished.


Close ups of Donny #5 producer #1


Quick update… Producer #2 -Blueberry Muffins pheno 1 and 2 … week 2 of flower. Starting to bend under the trellis and will continue bending for a few weeks.

Producer #1 -Donny Burger #5 is really close to the end. This is end of week 9. 1 more week and off to the dryer!!!

Urban Cultivator - Blueberry Muffins soon to be
mothers pheno 1and 2 . BTY OG still in the dome rooting it’s been just over 2 weeks and seeing roots on half of them. Maybe 1 more week should be rooted rea. The BTY was slow rooting.

Mother Ship -It’s packed in the mother box. 5 moms crammed there right now. I need to get in there and cut everything back create some needed space. In the mother box currently…
Donny Burger #5
Blueberry Muffins 1 and 2
GoverMint Oasis


Update… a lot has happened since last week so here is a quick run down on all the machines…


Above producer number #1- finished up
Donny Butger #5 on end of week 10
Trimmed everything and put into the dryer for a long slow 4 to 5 week dry time.

Cleaned the machine and ready to start agian…

Producer #1- Start veg on the clones of BTY OG from Purple City Genetics. They were well rooted from the urban cultivator and ready to start veg in produce #1

Rooting the BTY OG clones was slow 3 weeks so some yellowing on the clones but no problem the new growth will replace the clone leaf anyway.
Next up will be prodrcer #2 machine I will start on a new post following this one to make it easier to follow along I’ll separate machines by post moving forward Cheers !!!


Producer #2 - Blueberry Muffins from Humbolt seed co. Week 3 flower .

Looks good so far !!! Short flower cycle I’m expecting here… we’ll see !!! Cheers !!!


Urban Cultivator- BTY OG back up clones. Left over from filling producer #1. I keep the best one of the extra clones to replace aging mother. And some BlueBerry Muffins clones made for my bro he wanted to run it. Should be rooted quickly.


Mother Ship- cut back all the mothers. Also put the BlueBerry Muffin clones pheno #1 and #2 into the mother box and removed the aging mothers that were in there. So same Strains in the mother box some were cut way back and others replaced with younger clones.

Looking a little rough after a heavy cut back. They will bounce back quickly. And will be cloned soon to keep mothers fresh.


I have a pretty close set up as yours. 1 mother ship up graded with lead and a cloning chamber under the bottom, used the t5.,
2 producers one led and one hps. Probably going to put less in it. 1 bloom box. Have a mini split to keep cool.


Welcome @bcnlgrower !!! Very cool i would like to see what you have done to your units and what you got growing on lol. I have some mods I’ve done but the units are very productive for me. I do like LED in the units would be cool to see what LEDs you are running ? Cheers !!!

For sure. I will take some pictures and info to post.

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My Mother ship is set up with a shelf. Top half for mother’s. Normal can hold 9 mother’s. I use Mars led 150 light on low and wired into the box. Bottom shelf has room for two clone domes a heat mat. I use the t5 lights for lighting. All wiring is plug into the box’s extra ports and t5 light port.