Make sure to collect their woodchips for your own benefit😉
Unfortunately it’s all brokered timber so it hurts even more with all the trucks in and out hauling it off to god knows where
They used to cut driveways around here and leave all the old growth. Not anymore. They clear cut it all and plant the sickest smallest trees they can find to replace them
Just talked to my buddy that runs a farm. He has a firewood business as well where he has had piles of wood stacked for decades.
The black gold is several feet think.
Going to grab a few buckets full, will make some JMS and try an rice collection with it as well…
Here’s some pics from the visit…
The hole my son has been digging for a few years. Pretty much been full of water all winter. I’m thinking about throwing some potatoes in there
Update on the assorted weed FPJ.
Strained and pressed it this morning.
500mL of goods. If I’m doing my math right that’s 132 gallons of food, is that right? …
I think we’re going to need a bigger boat, I mean sprayer lol
Second JMS batch.
Used the goods from my buddies farm, and the Sea-90 with 2 small taters in 3 gallons…
24 hours later.
I’m liking the looks of this one a bit better, seems a bit more even on the foam production…
48 hours…
Welp, got slammed/preoccupied at work and now my JMS stinks to high heaven. I think that means its dead , right?
Is ok, got plenty of goods left from the farm and will start a new batch this evening.
I have decided on this sprayer for the time being, picking up today…
I have an old wheel barrow that I will be retrofitting with the tank. Hopefully I’ll be spraying some micros by Sunday.
it pretty much means its alive!! hahah
when I made FNJ (fermented nettles juice) man did that stuff smell bad, and it did for ages, the other day, almost 2 years have passed since I made it, it had no smell to it what so ever… funny to think that something that smelled just as bad as raw sewage now has no smell
Not necessarily! That’s anaerobic bacteria, which is what happens in fermentation/decay.
Did the “clear ring” develop like in the previous batch?
It did but started to break so I threw it in my mixing bucket this morning.
I’ll check it out again when I get home with the sprayer and see if it’s still good to go. Just don’t want to kill my grass
Don’t forget to dilute it… it’s supposed to be something like 20:1 20 parts water to 1 part JMS
Is it 20, thought it was 10:1?
(Scrambling for notes)
Check… 20:1 for soil drench, 10:1 for foliar… so, for around the yard(grass,bushes,shrubs, fruit trees) I should use the 20:1 assuming
Try a bit in both concentratios…
Here’s a look at the JMS this morning…
Looks like it’s still doing some things. What do y’all think. I really need a microscope.
Also got the sprayer rigged to the old wheelbarrow…
Ready to do some work! Lookin good bud
So life continues to get in the way.
Still have not used the last batch of JMS so at this point it’s either going to the compost pile or the leaf pile or both.
Hoping things slow down for me by tomorrow afternoon so in anticipation I started a new batch to use this weekend. Another 3 gallons in the works.
@SiliconTrichomes, I measured the salt and indeed it was right around the 12ml mark or about 2tbs. It is quite course so it would prob be better to weigh it but this has been working.
I decided to dangle the goods in the center this time to get some better convection action maybe…
Picked up one of these so I can run the sprayer from the house outlet as I don’t have a ATV…
Quick update but an update nonetheless
Cool after doing some math and checking out a few more web sites I concluded that 10g to 11g should work for my JMS, what I don’t use out of my three gallon batch I will turn into JMF. I’ll post my results over in my grow thread. Thanks for your thoughts…
In the book, Cho says that if your JMS sits too long, that it becomes JLF. So it’s still safe to use in the garden, with the understanding that it’s now a nutrient solution and not a microbial solution.
I thought I had heard him say that , but been too busy to properly look into it.
Is the ratio for diluting it different?