Beans for everyone (Part 3)

Did this horror show happen or not? I’m confused by all this

That’s for sure. Some of the hardest nugs I have ever encountered. I could probably hammer in a nail with them.


So glad they made it safe, I don’t share my “DickCheese” with just anybody. You are part of a select few. :rofl:


@Gho13 @Craig092560 and anyone else not familiar with wikis…best advice I can give, if you are editing and save. If you get a red x… Back out. Wait, try again in a min or 2…there is never a rush to sign up… Unless it is stated.
Welcome to OG growchachos :seedling:


What trainwreck do you have, I’m looking for one thats original.
I’m thinking about getting these but there 100 for only 7 fem seeds

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When in doubt :flushed:, always choose the :x:! :wink::+1::facepunch::sunglasses::peace_symbol:


Ya… This! :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

I’m good only time I messed one up i never got the message, but it deleted people that were there when I started edit.

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Great lakes genetics has 2 types of train wreck from twenty 20 mendocino. Arcata cut is more affordable. I think on sale for 45$ for 6 fems. I grew it last year and was great, and got many seeds from an unknown source.

Thanks @LzBoy for posting that. It is a necessary read for nee members. You certainly don’t want to be a new person here that wipes somebody off a Wiki, not a good way to make new friends. LOL :grimacing:


Isn’t it pronounced “Deck Cheese”? :laughing:

Lucky you @NDNCHILD :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


looks sweet! them performers are gonna love the fine dirt you give them. :seedling: :deciduous_tree: :sun_with_face: :star_struck: :100:

Reminded me of a meme going around this week​:rofl::rofl::rofl:


No, not a typo.

Moby Dick x Cheese =


My deck Cheese is straight Cheese.


What breeder? I’m specifically looking for original trainwreck not crossed.

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I can never answer these “original stock” questions, lol.

Edit train wreck is pretty dominant. She comes through crosses good.

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Thats the only one I have ever found that doesn’t say it’s a cross with something. Iv just been searching for what I used to get. Iv tried a few different breeders with trainwreck but nothing matches up to it. But at that price for 7 seeds id wanna try and make more seeds myself.
So now I’m looking up how to make a feminized plant make seeds, never done that before. Lol


So many breeders iv never heard of before joining this great OG group.

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Amazon, Elite, one spray done. A few of the members have used it on here and say it works great


@TopShelfTrees1 you said rock collection, I picked these up last fall, on my fly in trip to the Albany River. I was amazed with the holes. The power of nature. My buddy asked how I thought that happened? I said with another rock, swirling in the river current.


About 5 minutes later, I find this. WOOHOO