Beans for everyone (Part 4)

I see what you did there. :wink:

On a sombre note my heart to yours @THCeed . Much like @CanuckistanPete describes I faff around to try to keep this from happeninging to my trees with tomato cages, stakes, and continuous feeding of silica to reinforce the growth until later stages of flower.

If anyone on OG can salvage this itā€™s you growmie, and mayhap itā€™s just a meant to be moment saving you from a different heartbreak down the road and the cannagods just want you to run more hash.



There are definitely some getting close. I have been pulling them as I get room in my shop and time to do them. I think the ones that are getting close the sheer weight of the bud just collapsed them with all the water. I am used to it, with big plants come big problems. Usually when the plant hits 12 feet or better they tend to self-destruct this time of year. They are pretty strong, I tend to get angrier once they are damaged a bit. Some branches look like they are Beyond repair though.


Sad to see your work getting challenged more from the elements
I hope your at least finding some time to smile :grinning:
Sending you positive vibes an extra muscle :muscle: from me
If I was close I would be there in a heartbeat to help any way I could


I am so in over my head on the hash making process. My new Tumbler is certainly getting its work out. My press also getting quite the workout I just finished breaking up a couple of jars of Bud from 2019 to make some rosin from. I am working on my picture of the year. I just have to keep that @Thetravler at bay for awhile. As we speak.


You need some tall ass giraffe :giraffe: cages for them gigantic bean stalks. I know you will make the best of this situation, as your resultant and I am sure you got a game plan. Best of luck :crossed_fingers: my friend, you got this! :facepunch::+1::blush::partying_face::wink::crossed_fingers::ok_hand::sunglasses::v:




Same here. Iā€™m gonna work on a movable canopy to cover my few plants I have outside. I did it last year and it definitely helped.


Still looking good though. All the best mate :v:



Fuuuuuuck man what an absolute heartbreakerā€¦is all hope lost or will they finish up with some stakes?


i woke up to a similar scene this morning. hasnā€™t rained much in the last 3 months. last night it rained. HARD.
woke up to a bunch of snapped branches despite the trellisingā€¦ :cry:

my damage pales in comparison to yours. i hope youā€™re able to recover.
looks like itā€™s going to be a duct tape kinda day for us.
good luck!


Man I grew outdoors for years and this is way too common where I was growing at. The wind would come ripping across the field and push the plants against the hill behind them. Think of like a spoiler on a car. Weā€™d have to pack the wounds with aloe and gorilla tape them back together. Then we started using tomato cages, fence posts and chicken wire. We still had snapped colas but not nearly as much loss.


I try and prop up the ones that have fallen completely over. As far as for broken branches, as long as thereā€™s half of it left on the plant, they will usually finish off.


Oh man, now thatā€™s a sight :fearful:

That storm supercropped when it was supposed to be a superb crop!

Good luck with the extra work ma nature just handed to you @THCeed. In the end I know youā€™ll have a sweet reward for all the effort


you do the best landscaping I have ever seen ! But I think you got to cut back on the porn before you trim the hedges !!!


bro !!! why didnt you hit me up ! I would have come asap I got my own roofing gun and tools and best of all I know what end of a tape measur you use !!! You know I owe you big time !!! anytime you need an extra hammer !!! I got all my tools up at the trailer plus my own compressors . I have been framimg since I was 11 so I can even work with little supervision !!! and best of all will work for food and hash !!! and a bottle of coke a cola !!!


Awwwww man, that sucks.


Anyone looking for an amazing hunting camp/family camp. Right on thousand of Acres of Crown Land just north of Perry Sound. The camp has three separate buildings, and can accommodate probably 20 plus people. It used to be a Boy Scouts camp, and my buddy fixed it up. I am from the north and spent most of the life in the bush, this place is incredible in an incredible area.

If there wasnā€™t so much involved we could collectively purchase it as a group from overgrow for our yearly compound it rents out for $1,000 a weekend.


A buddy has a cottage on Wahwashkesh, just up from thereā€¦ been there many times. Last time I did shroomsā€¦ :crazy_face:


Not my bush, just a funny picture I found :face_with_peeking_eye: No corn here


Man, hopefully some duct tape and broom sticks can help! That sucks to see after a summer of growing them



My Condolences on your Lossesā€¦A sad day :cry:

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