Best Anxiety Strains?

Yep, lots of terpenes are shared by many plants. Tons of linalool in lavender, as you probably know. Maybe I should try smoking it - or dry some and mix it in with my joints. I have a shitload of it in my garden.

Wow. I was sort of joking, but wow!

Lavender: Ah yes, good old lavender. Whenever I come across some in a garden (among the bees I have to fight off), I can’t help but smell, smell, smell. I love to smoke this calming herb because it is one of the best ones for de-stressing and leaving behind a wondrous smell. Not only does lavender also help with nervousness and insomnia, it can relieve painful headaches, muscle sores and intestinal gas.

Totally going to try this today!

EDIT: Also, after reading the article I decided to order 300 St. John’s Wort seeds!


On another note; a bit of an update on CBDream. I got a bit “too high” on it last evening (on purpose) and I got that familiar feeling of unease before full on anxiety kicks in. I thought “this is odd - maybe I am wrong about this strain”. I waited about 4 minutes (I like to time these things) and instead of ramping up, this feeling of unease subsided completely and I felt nicely relaxed for the rest of the evening.


Bubbleman talks about vaping lavandar in his Volcano on Hash Church.


Sativas work great for me. Any Diesel genetics tend to create some level of paranoia. If you can smell fuel, you may get some level of paranoia. Any citrus or fruity smelling herb are usually really great for my anxiety. Lemony scent has a load of limonene which has anti-anxiety effects. CBN has anti-psychosis effects and tends to be in closer-to-landrace Sativas like Cherry Bomb.


This is interesting that you have noticed that the sativa dominant “racey” strains are calming to you as a sufferer of anxiety, it might be acting in a similar way that some medications do , for example how amphetamine based medications calm sufferers of ADHD but if someone who doesn’t suffer from ADHD or similar medical ailments takes those medications they will get a speedy effect .
From what I have been told anyway.
But very interesting note for the medicinal side of things

I haven’t read the rest of this thread yet so I hope I haven’t just said something that has already been chewed on


Yeah, something like that. Thankfully I am just old enough to have missed the surge in medication of kids in the 1990s, so I’ve never tried any of that stuff.

But it really does help to make notes, even if mental ones. And to play around with blending varieties to suit your own precision.




Actually, the indica tampers down the extreme raciness of the pure sativa. And Sativa unlike indica focuses your attention outside of yourself instead of the introverted thoughts of the Indica which is much better for us folks with anxiety and depression. Someone broke it down much more succinctly on a different thread, but it made perfect sense, even though at first it seems counter-intuitive


smoking on some monkey balls right now but I love me some Cali ogs


I agree that this all makes sense.

However, I have some bad news (for me, anyway).

Last night I tried the Blue Dream again and I had a completely different experience. I had one toke off the same joint as the other night, and within about 7 minutes I was heading into the hell of anxiety. It didn’t end up being as bad as it sometimes gets, but I had a rough 20-25 minutes and then I started feeling better.

The other night when I tried it, it was later in the evening and I had had a couple drinks and a nice big meal with my family earlier. I guess I was already in a very relaxed state of mind and the 2 tokes of BD were extremely pleasant.

Back to the drawing board - what this all tells me is that everything I thought I knew about weed triggering my anxiety is out the window and I need to look at other factors besides the weed strains.

The only thing I do still know is that I have an extreme sensitivity to THC. I have a high CBD strain that only has 3.4% THC in it and 4 tokes of that stuff can trigger my anxiety - but at least the CBD kicks in after about 10 minutes and reverses the effect.

Sometimes I look at my plants growing in my tent and wonder why I am even doing it, because too often I really hate the way weed makes me feel.

Strangest thing is; in my younger years I could smoke like Cheech and Chong and I was fine. It’s all so confusing. I envy people who can sit and do several huge bong rips and just enjoy it.

EDIT: Note: Anxiety is never an issue when I eat it. Maybe it is time for me to simply start eating all my weed.


Sorry to hear that! I too more and more don’t really like the way I feel on weed too much since I hit my 40’s. It’s very hit or miss with me too. Keep checking strains until you find one that works for you. I use to be able to smoke like Cheech and Chong too. For me the gardening aka growing the plants themselves is much more beneficial to my anxiety than smoking it. I guess I keep trying different strains because I have always loved cannabis and when it’s good it’s good, but I know exactly how you feel.

Yeah! Make edibles! For me that causes even more anxiety because I can’t really control the dosage. Whatever works!


@cogitech I’m not sure it’s even the thc content in strains that make it a problem one way or another. At this point I just think it’s whatever mix works best with our brain chemicals that day. My boyfriend and I split a batch of Neptune OG once and he is a heavy daily smoker (Cheech and Chong) and never has issues like I do, but he got major anxiety attacks from that particular high thc strain and I had hardly any issue… Whereas I smoke some kush with high THC and I’m crawling out of my skin. It’s so random. Hopefully the scientists of the world can figure it out and perfect us the perfect strains.


I am quite fond of Yoda OG


One thing that I think I have figured out is that the stuff I have grown is much less likely to trigger my anxiety than the stuff I buy.

For example, the CBD Dream that I grew is about 6% THC and 6% CBD - With that stuff, I might feel “slightly uneasy” for a few minutes but then I feel really nice shortly afterwards. On the other hand, I bought another high CBD strain with like 3.4% THC and 12% CBD - and it can easily give my my 15-20 minutes of hell if I am not careful. This doesn’t make sense to me and means there is a lot more going on here than I realize.

Furthermore, my home grown White Widow (which has very little CBD, if any) makes me giggle like a school girl and not really give a crap about anything. I don’t think I have ever really felt crappy from it (although, I am careful with it).

I suspect my body chemistry and my life stressors have a lot to do with all this, but I also suspect there is something significantly different about the “store bought” weed. I dunno. But some time in January or early February I will have 4 new home grown strains to try so I will have more data to go on.

One thing I am going to try soon is a pure CBD strain. Something with only trace amounts of THC. If that still puts me in a shitty place then I need to completely start from scratch.

Oh, I forgot to mention that I also tried (store bought) Sensi Star for the first time recently and the anxiety factor on that one was extremely low as well - despite not having much CBD in it at all. I’ll have to try it again and see if it is consistent.

I am wondering how far off topic we can go before someone merges this and other posts with the “Anxiety Strains” thread… :slight_smile:


I know right?! I actually started that thread. lol

They probably should though… @LemonadeJoe

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In my experience, anxiety comes when you have the anticipation of negativity. Cannabis won’t hurt you even if it scares you. Your heart certainly will survive beating fast for the period of time it takes to come down from your negative experience, if it comes. Just follow Cannabis where it takes you @cogitech and don’t resist.

You may not be resisting at all, but in my experience this is why I was never able to fully enjoy it for a long time. The first time I tried it my buddy laced it. So it took me a few years to actually renegotiate my psychological terms with it. Once I did though, any Sativa dominant strain became my anxiety choice over Indica.

I remember reading that Blue Dream has both Indica and Sativa dominant phenotypes. Were your samples from different harvests?


The 2 dramatically different Blue Dream experiences were from the same joint, on two different days. :fearful:

The anxiety issues that I have are not related to my physical response to cannabis, and I have no fear about what the plant will or will not do to me. For me, basically what happens is that every single source of stress in my life, every damned thing on my to-do list, everything about my job, every health worry I have (about myself and my family) EVERYTHING is in my head all at once and I become overwhelmed with anxiety and self-loathing. “Impending doom” is a barely adequate description. This feeling makes me angry. Mostly angry at myself, but also very short with anyone around me. It lasts for 20-25 minutes and then I just feel nice and high/stoned. Totally normal. Also, if I smoke more later, this doesn’t happen. It is only the first tokes of the day that do it, but it doesn’t always happen.

EDIT: One thing that helps is if I put something fast-paced but mindless on the TV, like Brooklyn Nine-Nine. Normally I can’t stand this type of content, but for some reason it is really good at getting me out of my head when I am in an anxiety hole. I even find myself chuckling here and there. Then at some point I ask myself why TF I am watching that stuff and I realize I am OK to go do other things.


I grew some blue dream autos this summer and one expressed Indica dominant, however, I didn’t notice in the effect just in the plant growth.


I totally get it! Sometimes it’s where you are at before you smoke and the initial tokes will just intensify it until it completely kicks in. This happens to me with pure Indicas except I get stuck there inside my head until it wears off all the while white knuckling it, locked to the couch. With the Sativa hybrids the raciness wears down quicker leaving me focused externally instead of inside my head with the anxiety.


It makes me sad to know others, such as yourself, experience this hell as intensely as I do. I guess I should feel lucky that mine typically lasts less than 30 minutes.

I sometimes wonder if I just took a week off and got totally baked all day every day if I would build up a tolerance and make this go away.

EDIT: In the other thread there was discussion of Linalool, and I had planned on trying to smoke some of the lavender in my front yard. I never did get around to that, but recent events have inspired me once again. I’m going to try a few things…


I’m sad for everyone who suffers from depression/anxiety and want everyone to know that they are not alone. If nothing else, I am here at the end of this keyboard. Mental health is so readily dismissed by people as it isn’t an ailment that you can really see like a broken leg or something and is made into such a taboo subject by many and it shouldn’t be.