Best Fertilizer?

Really making me feel like I’ve made good choices so far, I use the GO veg and bloom liquids, humic from Recharge and Nectar, Ful Power, and I just got some Hygrozyme to try out. Had really solid results so far


I get Gia green 4/4/4 and 2/8/4 both I ge bulk from Amazon like 10 kilos and 20 kilos respectively shipping is free and when you breakdown the cost it’s not really that bad


Just ordered the “sample Pack” --Yea ! have a nutrient addiction + seed addiction HELP !!!

have heard good things about that nutrient. seems simple to use, ect

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I learned from my uncle who work for local water plant. He said the chlorine an chloramine are lower in my area but he taught me a trick. Fill up tour 5-50 gallon containers for water. To off gas but if u take your arm or arms and swirl around I. Drums and or bucket for about 3 minutes your skin sucks up 99% of chlorine. That why whe u get out a pool u smell like chlorine cause your skin absorbs or rabidly. So use city water no problem just stick your arm in 5 gallon bucket and count to 200 and it ready to use no 24 of gas times


There is no best fertiliser…just learn to grow better weed…there is no magical thing in fertiliser, most come from the same salts…

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Synthetic fertilizer is basically magic. Thats thats why the person who invented it was awarded a Nobel prize in chemistry. Dude stopped wars. Also inadvertently helped over populate the world.

With all that said. i use a ton of differnt fertilizers. One brand i am particularly fond of is Nectar For The Gods.
If i can only choose one line that would be the one.

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I bought up a bunch of N of T Gs from a place going out of bigness. $1 a bottle mostly foliar spray but I got 15 bottles for $15 thought it was a good deal

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I’ve replaced buying cal mag which is my most used fert. With a diy eggshells and vinegar. Magic.

Seems to be working like usual. Thanks @Dirt_Wizard


Well since I first posted in this thread back in 22, I made a few changes, one change to my organic additives.
I now make and use LAB’s from a simple cup of Jasmin rice wash, then a milk portion, in about 4-5 days, it’s ready to use. If you keep other animals, they will love the whey/curds that is a by product.
It took me years, to get that final piece in place, even tho, I read Gil C’s work more than a decade ago.
What LAB’s brings to the table, * it feasts on organic matter *, Hell, dead roots are now food!
So when I add, kelp, alfalfa, Bio Alive, Fish Meal, oyster shell, Acid mix, langbeinite, without LAB’s, they of course break down, over time.
So I’d mix my preferred medium up, on a tarp, about 6-8 weeks before I use it, so it’s all cooking.
LAB’s comes along, and now, whatever organics you have in your mix, the LAB’s as it’s acidic, feasts on those goodies, like quickly, then what they excrete, feeds the roots, very fast, compared to the normal break down process.
The cool side effect, I water WAY less now. I have not felt the need to add more organics to the plants, at the flip, since more of the mediums additives are being used up, I just do not need them.
I’m now understanding when the ingredients , have LAB’s added, the combination releases far more of the goodies to the roots, then adding more of those dry items will.
My understanding from reading, a Strawberry plant designed food source, is closer to cannabis, than tomato feeds are. Moot point for me now.
With LAB’s right now, I’m reducing my original amount of organic additives, I once thought I needed, to get a grow finished.
Nor do I add all the sugar to stabilize it, I just keep my LAB’s refrigerated, then add a double shot glass to 9-10 gallons of water.
For me, a game changer, and mind blow.
Wish you folks all the best!


He act invented zyclan A hitch has a smell and Zyclan B which had no smell. That has killed Millions so this stopping war lie is nuts. He also invent a way to to a nitrogen from the air to fertilize plants. Yes very smart man but was forced to used it for evil

arn’t we all

I also dont add sugar to my labs.

Honestly, with LABs and vinegar, you can accelerate and chelate any nutrient and mineral.
My last feeding is usually around week 2 of flower. After that, the soil is cycling everything for me and the root exudates dictate what gets cycled.
The best tasting weed barely gets fed.


Good! for all those who strive to fertilize organically without labels. Fertility is not bought, it is built…


I m quite a distance from the Ocean, now I have to do the math to figure out if my carbon burning car, causes less damage than a certfied green supplier…took me 5 years to rationalize the horror of my peatmoss addiction. Is there a pharma pill for organic grower guilt…or should I quit my day job LOL


We have all your pharmaceutical needs met

I don’t have any feelings of guilt, but just in case, I smoke an organic joint with every doubt.:blush:

LOL absolutely nothing better than growin your own as naturally as possible. We always strive to get better, regardless. cheers, mate :grinning: