Best Fertilizer?

@supershitfuck. Have you ever used the Dr. Earth pot of gold liquid fertilizer for maintenance in between top dressing?

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nope, just the bags, and you dont need all 3 either, dont quote me on this but the green bag can probably do the whole trick by itself


Agree, the green bag is 4-6-3 which should do great till the end.


Are you only top dressing or, mixing it into the soil also? Are you brewing teas or just plain water in between?

Coming from mixing raw salts, I just have a hard time not dropping N about half way through flower lol!

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if iā€™m reusing soil and not germination in that soil, iā€™ll mix in a handful of fertilizer per couple gallon of soil, and a week or two later, when the plant is established, top dress, you need to top dress early, so the roots know to grow up to the surface to get the fertilizer.

well, when you top dress the fertilizer early, the plant will have itā€™s roots in there and will be ready to get it when it needs it, if you over fertilize, the plant wonā€™t use it, it wonā€™t really burn your plants unless you really go overboard, itā€™s so easy to overthink

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i use tap water only, i have made teas beforeā€¦ but thatā€™s in case of a deficiency emergency where i couldnt get the fertilizer in time or veged for too long or something

edit: donā€™t use RO water, itā€™s too unnatural and clean for this literal shit to work


Boiled corn on the cob waterā€¦boiled potato waterā€¦boiled carrot waterā€¦give it to the plants?

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Try letting the plant cannibalize its own leaves for N halfway through flower.
My last feeding is week 3-4.


Your not pHing anything then are you?

I am doing an outdoor GG 4 ril container grow right now in a 20 gallon. Easiest most kick ass grow ever so far. I used liquid Agrothrive in veg. When it went to final container for bud I used half and half fox farms happy frog and ocean forest soils and added dry nutes Down to Earth all purpose 4-6-2. Itā€™s been water only all through flower. Hasnā€™t even needed top dressing. So freaking easy!!!


Whatā€™s the NPK on the Agrothrive? Iā€™ve never heard of it before but might have something similar available locally. Have you checked brix on them at all yet?

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Might use this Epsoma brand potting mix I found in place of the Dr Earth Home grown potting soil, that I canā€™t find anywhere except on line. It has all sorts of goodies in it like ewc, alpha meal, kelp meal, plus a bunch of beneficial microbes and bacteriums. Anybody else ever try this stuff before?

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Iā€™ve only used their other products like bone meal and holly tone. I like their stuff

Any reason why you are using distilled water? Distilled water has zero nutrients in it. Make sure you add in cal/mag with every watering. I do not find it necessary in all my years of soil growing to mess with anything other than tap water or mess with the ph. The soil handles this all for you and is a natural buffer. I leave a bucket of water overnight to evap chlorine and thatā€™s it.

My big girls in the ground have no choice but to get the hose and they usually have a few leaves with a slight brown tip from the chlorine, but mostly the plants just adjust and get with the program. My point is fancy water practices in soil usually cause more problems than less.


yeah, indoor i adjust to 6-7 water ph, but outdoor i dont, and everything is all good, i ph only because i heard ā€œrain water is acidicā€ soā€¦ trinna copy nature indoors


I only mixed 2 gallons worth of 50/50 RO/tap and the Dr Earth pot of gold 1-1-1, liquid fertilizer because it said mix with pure water. I thought maybe they meant to use RO or distilled but, the website says just potable water. I have not used the fertilizer yet and will probably just use my tap water for now and maybe brew up a tea later on if needed.


So how is the brix on those plants @Meesh?

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I actually have a tool to check that but havenā€™t used it. So Iā€™m not sure.