Best number of plants for my setup?

I have 2 600w hps in a 5x5x6.5. Have been done two in 5 gal and then 4 in 5 gal pots. Good yields, but plants seemed too big for space. In everyone’s more experienced opinions…what would be the best size pot and ideal number of plants for my setup?


I think a SCROG approach is probably the easiest way to push up your yield.

Personally I like fewer, bigger plants that I can move around.
Right now I have 7 plants in a 4 x 4 and that feels ‘comfortable’ to me.



And I’m at the opposite end of the spectrum. I like more plants more smaller. Less veg time, less canopy, and quicker turnaround, I get thru more beans this way.
To answer your question, I’d go with 1gal pots with as many as you can stuff in there comfortably.


No right or wrong answer, as long as the plants adequately fit the space.

So many ways to skin this cat. You could do 1 very large plant in a 20 gallon trashcan, or 25 small ones in 1 gallon pots.

I like bigger plants but not so big they’re hard to move. Were it me, I’d do 5 hempy style five-gallon buckets in that space.

If your plants are too big, reduce veg time, grow shorter varieties with less stretch, or simply cut them to fit during/after stretch. I have to lop off big branches all the time.


Ok im right in same boat. Tired of 4 plants taking a 4x4 and yielding less than a # . Ive taken 1 plant and trained it in a net to compltetely fill 4x4 what happens is you get popcorn colas. Bunch of smaller colas. Still dont weigh up I want wall of main colas. Solid g per watt like i should be getting so i want 600 g under a 600w not less than a #
Heres my new plot im setting. 5.5" pots in trays with clones and a 10- day veg after out the cloner.(just long enough for new clones to kick roots and want pots) Now i can actually fit like 80 per 4x4 in my current offsized trays i was told around 10 grams per clone ill say 7 cause im new to it so 1/4 oz x 80 = 20 oz out the same room im pulling 10-12 oz from now no idea if itll work ill find out soon


Like your plans! How many 5.5" pots in the 4 X 4?

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At least 8 rows of eight will pack that tent right up. To begin with I’d trim it down to around 50 well rooted clones trained properly you could maybe get close to 14g’s per pot.


At first i was hoping 6 per tray and 16 trays fit on one side of the 4x8 that woul be 96 clones ( have a 64 site ezclone to get rooting ) but now i see my trays will only fit 4 pots and i only got 2 cases of pots to start so im limited to 48 on the first try at it. Ill put em under the 600w side leaving the 1000w side for finishing plants in there now. Probably be mixed strains but all cuts off keepers of mine. No dice rolling.

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Doesn’t genetics/strain come into play as to the yield along with the other variables when you plan a grow?

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Sort of. I mean a solid cola is a solid cola most strains now are crossed so many ways. I just go by what the mother of my clones produced if she had solid colas she should kick my single solid cola for sog style. All the long limby branching other than the main dont matter cause it gets chopped off before it starts.all energy goes to that 1 cola. Technically strain would matter except everything i run is newer hybrids so a lot changes seed to seed there. Thats where it really is is knowing the cuts being run can produce solid colas and knowing the potency of the flower by having harvested that plant before.

Its mainly about having a wall of main colas with no wasted space on popcorns and awkward branches not allowing to evenly fill the space.

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I have enjoyed filling my tents by staggering when the flowering girls go into flower.
I once ran my area, veg, flower out. Huge amounts of time/space were needed for drying. trimming, bud snipping.
I work my flower tent, 3 go in, 3 come out. Works so much better for me and my space, and most important to me, my work time is spread out, space for drying, space to work the bud, all much more relaxed, way less hassle for me.
Good luck however you choose.

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I appreciate everyone’s input but after smoking pretty heavily and thinking pretty hard, I’ve decided I’m just gonna wing it and freestyle. I think I picked an odd number of seed, several different kinds. Just gonna see what happens. :slightly_smiling_face:


Old thread, but i have question
I have 4x4 area
I see that the number of plants is not relevant.
And what about well-developed flowers?
Let’s say that the entire canopy is filled with the main buds and that all the lower growth is removed.
I am planning four plants.
On how many equal buds would you train each plant to fill a 4x4 space?


Best way I’ve seen to use space is a million small plants in grodan cubes on a flood table. Autoflowers even!

Four $68 amazon quantumn boards in a 5x5 tent and last run was over 2000g (four and a half packs!!). 420autoflower on AFN is a legend and inspiration. Under 100 days all-in.

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Thanks, but it is about photoregular plants.
Let’s say that yield is not main goal. It is more about ease and some symmetry. I don’t want push to boundaries. I’m not experienced enough

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I have done as many as six, and find that I prefer four or five in my 4x4. With a net I could easily fill the space but I prefer to do supercropping and I’ll add stakes once stretch ends or later in it to keep them heading upwards, but I can still rotate plants and pull them out easily. I grow in seven gallon cloth pots of dirt, hand watered.

This is my current grow starting stretch with four:


And my last one with five just before harvesting started:

I think rotating the plants if you’re using anything but a perfect wall to wall light grid is really important, it gives different areas light exposure and also a chance to recover from light stress when driving them hard, as they turn in and out of the hot spot(s).