Best way to collect, store, use and mail pollen?

Hey @Tappy . I send pollen in a paper fold, inside a vac seal. Keeps the pollen from clinging to the plastic due to static.



I usually put my males outside as soon as they show. When I see my females starting to produce sizeable flowers I will pollinate them. The way I do it is to first plan on doing it in the morning, hopefully before the sun hits them. I take a black ceramic desert plate and put it under where I think the pods are ready to release then tap on the stalk. Being solid black I can clearly see the pollen I have shaken onto the plate. I then take a small brush I bought at 99 cents store and take the plate in and caress the flowers I want pollinated. It works for me; stays on that plant since I am not waving clouds in the room

If I want to do a seed run I have learned that a male, especially if he is one of those that has full sacs but isn’t releasing it, then place him right in the middle of the girls. Good lord, you will then know what seeded is. I did this to a plant late last year and for every joint I roll I squeeze out at least 20 seeds.

“Mine never grow tags to tell me “female” or 'Male”. How do you determine that?"

From the pre-flowers that develop in the nodes during veg beginning around weeks 4 or 6 or 8; it depends on the strain.

you have to put the tags in manually

Did I quote someone? What did that say?

@grayeyes - I was responding to your post and question from 4 days ago.

For storage I keep my pollen in a latched case with a gasket and small dehumidifier. Then it goes into a closet in my basement. Seems to keep fine. Here is one of my containers.


Any baked flour?

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Nope, I don’t mix anything with my pollen. I know many do, I just don’t bother. I tend to collect a ton of pollen when I do a run. I got 88.9 grams of pollen from my last run on Sweet and Sour Cindy. Collected over 1/4 of pollen from Sour Bubble. If dried and stored correctly there is not need to add anything. Some like to as it stretches out the pollen and is less wasteful but with the amounts I collect it really doesn’t matter to me if more is used than needed. This is over 50 grams of BOG Blue Moon Rocks pollen.


Cool thanks for the input. Thanks for your generosity as-well.


Full disclosure: I tried to use this pollen about 7 or 8 months after putting into the freezer with 0-seeds produced. I’m not sure if the method was faulty, the pollen was faulty, or the chucker (me) was faulty. But it was a bust.