Better Late Than Never


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A great way to repurpose a old lawnmower!


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The new plants I can handle Casey’s are 20 days out. A good spray and 25k predators I should be able to ride it out

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My weapon of choice is JMS Stylet Oil. It’s a technical grade mineral oil.


Gift Of Gab died last month, real shame



He was always one of my favorites.sad news but at least we were able to catch a glimpse of his brilliance.


I’m not a fan of perpetual you never get a break and all that individual feeding equals a lot of extra hard work and time

After babies have true leaves I feed everyone the same. So it’s not like I’m mixing different nutrients. I think the Casey’s were set number 7, and what’s going on at the moment is set 8.

I’m not one of those people that sees a mite and thinks everything is lost. As I said above JMS stylet oil is good stuff. I basically mix up my own lost coast for a fraction of the price.


And here is the kicker. I have always ran HID. This is the first time in ten years I have ran in summer so it’s all a bonus.

I have led fixture half built , but keep putting of finishing it , scared of change lol

I am using grow light science 300s and gavita uva. for real I’m about to order another set. Seriously my yields have increased about 30% just due to the better spread of light

The Spead of light is my main goal , my room has limited hieght so spreading the light evenly is difficult

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If it makes you feel any better my room is short as well. Under the plastic the first thing I did was put pool noodles everywhere it was either that or wear a helmet.

Haha I’m same , bang my head of everything , I don’t know how many times I have taken the skin of the top of my head on the door stop at the top of my room door , my room is only 90-100cm lol with hid in there : ) I can’t get in to far for fear of being burnt

Let me order some new ones and I’ll do more testing.

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Right now the grow light science review.
They may not be the sexiest light on the market, don’t be fooled these things are workhorses. Yields are up as much as 30% flavors have stayed exactly the same. I outfitted a room on the cheap and they lights continue to impress.

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I was the same way. Scared to switch. Now I’m happy I did. Deep winter will be another story.

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