BHODI SEEDS ---- Black Triangle----GET IT

You want something that is as close to the real classic Florida Cripp’ try to find some of Bhodi’s Black Triangle.
Serious Stink!


Or I could grow out my crippy seeds for a seed run.


Or get the 92 Florida crippy clone


it’s a bit different than the Cripp but seriously good shit in those BT’S. BT SUPER STINKS ! hundred yards away from one tiny bud you can smell the BT.


I had a guy try a bud of BT he told me however much of it I can grow he will buy. LOL I grow for non profit butt…


When looking for the best OG Kush in seedform to add to the collection I was pointed towards CSI’s Triangle Kush S1’s and that seemed like the general consensus then. From what I knew it still was. What’s the lineage of the Black Triangle and how would it compare to the Triangle Kush S1’s offered by CSI? Many blessings and much love


Referring to my previous comment, I have been under the assumption that crippy is either slang for “good weed” or that it’s for og kush. I could be mistaken. Anyone know more about the terminology and such I’d enjoy learning more. Many blessings and much love

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BT is 88 G13 HP Male x Triangle K female direct from the man himself. Smokes and smells exactly like the Crippy I remember.


There is a 92 crippy cut, and like elsewhere the name game followed, everything was crippy as a selling point.

The cut was held tight until 2015 and it’s available friends lol


Black triangle is it’s own thing but reminds me of that Crippy from Cocoa Beach I got years ago. NEON GREEN glow in the dark buds with the stink


Bhodi hit a home run on BT I promise you that

Crippy being a triangle hybrid seems plausible and quite sensible in a lot of ways. Thank you for elaborating, it’s helpful in learning and understanding more about these legendary histories. Collecting seeds and researching the genetics of past present and future are some of my favorite things.

@Mithridate do you know more about the lineage of the original 92 cutting or how it came to be? Names becoming selling points seem very likely. Many blessings and much love


KRIPPY glows in the dark that’s the truth

I have grown 1000 weed plants MINIMUM./easily . My opinion from that time is Black Triangle is as close to number 1 strain I have grown as possible. Sowahh and another Bhiodi strain Silver Mountain have been the top plants .Also Duke Diamond’s Dominion strains for most extreme terps but Black Triangle has the traveling stink “in your pocket stink” that shit you want


Would you please elucidate a bit more on the smell? Which sort of scents and such correlate with the original? I’m stoked you found such an awesome variety that brings you the pleasures of enjoyable nostalgia. That’s a beautiful thing! I’m grateful that you also wanted to share your joy and excitement with others and that you let others within the community know too! I’ll be sure to keep an eye out for these genetics and try to add them to the collection sometime. Your review and acclaim is very well received. Many blessings and much love

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let me give you an example… You have a bud of BT in your top shirt pocket… walk into Auro Zone, within 30 seconds of walking in the door the guy at the back of the store starts looking up to the front of the store at you with this weird look in his eyes… You can see all of his pupils from 100 yards away. That is Bhodi’s Black Triangle pure


ddf00ad1e4d09d50684b069c8920e13810871c429902d65d02439f3809db6faf Black triangle and her crosses


Support Bhodi and get some of his work with the BT. I am doing a pure BT run now with 2 males and a female to give a few packs out but def hit Bhodi up for some of this BT fire !


Good call I bought 4 packs of black triangle from bhodi to support him and already went through 1.


I feel you, some funky pungent stuff! The guy working the back of the store at AutoZone, do you happen to notice his facial expression? Is it a puckered lips squinched nose with eyes squinted or is it more of a bright eyed eyebrows up near permagrin smile on his face type of look? I associate the former as being more indicative of certain types where the latter is more indicative of others. A stanky oofh type stink for example compared to a pungent juniper kush smell. Smell is such an interesting thing how we perceived and relate those experiences as individuals so I’m fascinated with others descriptive analysis for things with shared experiences. Many blessings and much love