Biggest growing goof

Lmao @jetdro you’ve done it all!

60 waterfarms?? I bet that was fun in between runs!

Just a dirt farmer these days?

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At least you got something out of it!

Professional plant sitter should be a thing. Or at least a quality one…. $1,000,000 idea? :call_me_hand:

I will watch your plants for you for a reasonable hourly fee. I won’t do anything, just watch them.


You can buy into my plant babysitting franchise for $1 and run it however you want :joy:

Ok but I want a 100% stake.

“Foreigner’s Plant Watching Services.”

For when you’re too busy to give a shit.

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Locked the cat in the grow room after taking domes of new plant and well you can imagine what happened! :confounded:

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Cat piss phenos


Ms.Cal locked one of our cats in a spare room on accident for almost a whole day… judging from what he did to the carpet and everything made out of paper in there I’m guessing you took some more clones that day.

No just got a little snack, it would not have been so bad if he had not thrown up. :face_vomiting:

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Great topic as I can see where this where this one is going :rofl: :joy: :rofl: :joy:

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I left the top 6 inches of my tent flap down for 3 days thinking well it’s so dark I can’t see in there so there’s got to be no light getting in there.I had a grow in veg adjacent to the tent so the light was beaming down in there.Long story short I opens the tent one morning 3 days later and every plant 3 different strains with the exception of the hoodoo skunk was herm sacks from top to bottom.Marc’s Ghost had Hermes from popcorn bottom bud to the top.

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My car broke down and had to stay an hour away so I called my girlfriend at the time and told her to unplug my lights and plug in 12 hours later as my timer had broke a few days before well she unpluged my blower.
I had 1 blower venting my veg and mother room so when I can home everything was dryed out to a crisp.


Partners = bad idea.

I fly solo. No one to blame but me.


Absolutely. If I win, I won. If I lose, I lost.

When I was in high school, I competed in gymnastics for that very reason. I could win a letter and not compete directly with others. Plus I already loved gymnastics.


I still have my leotard. Seriously though, I always liked those pools filled with foam.

Competition is mental and not about the guy beside you.


Pretty recently I majorly fucked up some plants by making them pop bananas like crazy. I was hoping to counteract my rising pH level by feeding the plants at a very low pH so it would work faster (never a good idea lol) I burned the shit out of them with 4.5 pH solution for like a week. On top of that I was using way too much sodium in my res (sodium hypochlorite for algae, some in my tap water already, sodium hydroxide as pH up) so guessing it was a double negative hit.

Had some plants mid flower that weren’t supported by a trellis. I got annoyed with plucking the leave off so ended up moving the plants off the tray so I could move them around easier and they all pretty much just flopped to the ground after that. They were holding each other up and after I took them out they were basically mops. I tried to get them back to the way they were but it never worked out.

Filled up nutrients in the res in the wrong order and had the whole thing go cloudy/ me have to empty the whole thing and restart.


Wasn’t my grow but a friend who’s grow I set up. Was a Blue Cheese grow. 12 600 hps lights with 24 plants in autopots. Grow went perfectly as I was guiding them through the entire grow. Checking ppm and ec for them.
Got to harvest and I said OK you can’t fuck up now. Chop them down and trim them up. They did an excellent job of trimming the plants. They hung them in a room in one of their houses and put a couple of fans in. I thought “hey they got this”.
Left them to it and got a phone call a few days later. There’s these Web things all over the buds. I raced down to check what was going on. His wife was feeling cold so she took it on herself to go into the room and close the windows :rofl: The entire crop had to be binned because of mould.


Turning the bottom of my tent into a swamp was quite interesting.
Ofcourse got hundreds of fungusgnats.
Was hoovering them out of the air. :upside_down_face:


I’ve always grown rockwool/reservoirs, so my biggest dumb*ss moves have always involved water. Thankfully the plants don’t suffer but I’ve dumped so much water …

Just this morning, I blew a cap off of a high pressure manifold inside my tent and proceeded to shoot nutes everywhere during a fertigation event (check my grow thread, no harm no foul).

I’ve also learned, and confirmed several times, that those liner trays that come with your tents to put in the bottom? They can effectively hold gallons and gallons of water for a long period of time. Heck, I have flooded so many tents I’m thinking of raising goldfish down there next time.

I’ve also learned those tent liners have a maximum number of gallons they can hold (no surprise). Since I never seem to really learn my lessons, I try to keep my reservoir gallons limited to what my tent liner will hold :grinning:


I am paranoid as shit about this and move my plants to the tub for their soak.