Have you ever pulled the plug on a grow?

My 4th grow and this one was supposed to be relaxing and mostly undocumented has become a disaster, my own fault and find myself considering pulling the plug and scrapping it all. Lessons learned here, nobody would tell me how often or when soil should be amended and now I know, 4 runs is far too long. I don’t veg to short or specific amount of weeks so I don’t like using Grow Dots as a fertilizer and the fact that those blue pellets don’t break down. Even in a basement, temps an humidity are a nightmare in Missouri in the summer months. The buds are huge and heavy which is great, the branches and main stalks are too limp to support them which is not great. I’ve got most of them tied up to every piece of junk I can find laying around but I feel like I’m plugging a hole in a dam with my pinky here. So have you ever, and why?


I don’t think yours are bad at all, but that wasn’t your question.

I have a number of times. Once, I put like… 20 maybe plants in a tote and they got so tall they were burning on the light and falling all over each other.

I drug them outside.

One was foxtailing like it was her job. I can’t count the number of little solo cups that I’ve said “fuck you” to.

Kill some plants, it makes you a better gardener


I pulled the plug on about 20 grows for my first 2 years indoor, mostly all due to WPM and HLVd. I also pulled the plug on some runts and otherwise not very good looking plants late into veg or short into flower, because in my experience, if you aren’t happy with the looks now, you won’t be later. It’s one reason of many I like to stick to photos from breeders I trust, or new ones to gain their trust, over autos and cheapo or unreputable companies. I really like to take my time and train a plant in an organic soil environment, only flipping when I am satisfied with the structure and morphology.


I’m your total opposite. :joy: I’ll grow whatever bag seed floats my way, in cat litter bucket hydro.


Grabs bag of hydroton and tosses it over should.

Cmon @AppalachianBiscuits let’s take our bubbles and go :joy:

I’ve never pulled a grow, but I have harvested earlier than planned to bring the nightmare to an end.


@PatHealy took my bubbles. He told me I have too many. Makes my pH high. :joy:


Pulled the plug a few times, its unfortunate but sometimes its necessary. I just did a plug pulling last winter. Had too many plots against me, bleached my tents and fogged the house, been ok since but its definitely necessary sometimes or you’ll just stress yourself out.


It’s disappointing because some of these nugs are the largest I’ve ever grown and everything I’ve grown so far are what I’d call “testers”. When this grow is through I’m pulling the room apart and wrapping 3 walls with panda film and rearranging things to be able to incorporate scrog netting in a practical way for a halfsquatch to be able to navigate.


Just flower them as long as you can and they will still be great smoke. Make your changes after and keep trucking!


Bud they look great. We get caught up in the perfect cycle but I’ve honestly never had a run that was what I would consider perfect the entire way through. I’d say like the other said. Do what you can with what you have.

I also grow in a basement where I veg and flower in the same room. Sometime close enough is perfect. I would throw some stakes on those girls and finish her out.

Unless it’s just a shit plant. But from the looks of it just got bigger than you expected. Let it ride. We learn so much more when we work throuh our failers.

Looks fire from my house :wink:


Broad mites made me throw everything away and start over.

Putting some form of screen above your plants to
Tie them to would help
A fan should help stalks become stronger
For sure supercropping the stems and branches
Would stop all that lean.
FoxFarm happy frog would cure the soil problems
Ph adjusted water and the occasional feed
Would do the rest.


10 years ago the law riding back and forth by my home with “The Dog” hanging out the window inspired me to abort. :rofl:


I did this because of health reasons. Have gotten scared a few other times.


Cops chased a dude through my yard in a city. I had 30 or so vegging plants in rows. Cop came to the house and mentioned cut that down, or were coming back. So boom wacked…edit in the 90s


Got ratted out. But at least he told me. One day ahead of the law. Even threw away my personal stash. But this was a long time ago.


“Have you ever pulled a plug on a grow?”

Only once, when Heaven’s Stairway went down.


I can’t remember where. But the cops were after someone on foot. He ran into a barn. They were making meth. Been years ago. It was funny. In a way.


Old heads show up and the shit got real!


Who you calling old :rofl:

It’s sad that a lot of us have lived through an era where LEO would just take your bag, berate you for five minutes and send you on your way, to an era of ridiculous prohibition (Operation Green Merchant, Tommy Chong bust, Heaven’s Stairway, Marc Emery).

It’s still tough to shake, even in a “legal” state.


Darn meth heads they used to be everywhere now it’s phentanyl and we’ll mostly that, he’ll idk. People do somewicked bad drugs. Why can’t people just smoke some weed. I get mushrooms, maybe lsd if your into it but all those hard drugs. Wth is the appeal besides addiction? I don’t see it. All I see is people wasting away on the streets