BigMike55 and MarsHydro Go Crazy

Careful what you put out there bro. Life can have a terrible sense of humor at times. Just look at my post two weeks back.
Of course your not using defective heater either. lol

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I just have not cranked that heater up, yet. It’s for my shed stuff. We are still getting upper 40’s at night 70’s in the day. Next week will be my test. We are going 30’s at night.

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I bought an outlet thermostat that can run my heater. If this heater fails then I have a backup on the line. Redundancy could have saved my SW. I’ll not forget that lesson.


Yeah. Too bad about that SW. Gwendolyn is doing really good and stacking buds. Great plant from clone.


Any plans to reveg?

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No. I still have the mom going out in the shed. And she needs a haircut. Want some clones or are you gonna wait a while?

I’m over my limit by two right now. SHHHHH!
If you still have her going after this then yes. :slight_smile:

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Believe it or not, I am UNDER limit for two people right now. But I only lack a few weeks and it will be harvest. Then I don’t know. Still have Tangie going on my other thread and some Buddahs Cane Clones.


Those BC had a rough go of it man. lol
I haven’t been putting up pictures but they were just limping for a long time. Now I finally have two that look real good (both shorties) and one tall pheno with wacked leaves. They are wavy and misshapen. Even that one is looking better though. I’m letting them all grow though. I don’t know if I’ll keep all three but until I see better leaves and growth on the tall one I’m not going to cull either short pheno.

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I don’t plan to keep all three of mine. After I harvest these and find out which I like best, the other two will more than likely be given away or destroyed. Then the clone of the best example will be cloned for a while. I really like the growth on these girls. And the best one. By looks, is going to be the one I nearly culled. Yep. The wonky one. She is about halfway between the short and the tall example and is to my eye, stacking best.


Dude. You are really getting a handle on this “growing” thing. lol
Truly. I look at a boatload of grows and your work stacks up to ANY I’ve seen around.

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Haha. I don’t know about that. But thanks bruh!
I have a friend here who’s mother is about to die of cancer. I will give her some of my harvest and maybe a plant or two. She’s a really good woman but on the poor side. Nothing wrong with helping her out, right?


Nothing at all. In fact, if you had it to spare, and she needed the medicine it would be a sin not to provide her with some relief.
I helped my buddy Jeff for over a year before he passed and now I help my sister in law. It’s a kindness in my mind.


I make chocolates for my sister in law. She almost depends on them.
So really I don’t grow for just myself. Shhhhh!


You may be a sexual deviant but you grow some nice looking plants!


Appreciatcha, my friend.

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Went in this morning to inspect for bugs and water the BC plants.
I do believe they are starting to fade a bit. The top fan leaves are starting to get that purplish copper looking tinge. I’m excited they should start showing good any time now. I figure another two to three weeks and they will be ready.


This is what I was talking about.

Shows better in real life tho.


It shows. :slight_smile:


Yes, it is starting to that fade.

:green_heart: :seedling: