BigMike55’s DragonBlood HashPlant Run (Signups closed)

Do you think you could have ground it up again and used it? Or you was like naw fuck it and trashed it. I don’t know if it would’ve worked personally, I’m just asking .

Not sure. It was my first go with pollen and everything I had read said that moisture kills it.

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I dig your gnome and that vintage Fender amp.


That is my favorite amp in the room. I have that really nice sounding Marshall DSL that I swapped the speakers out for some beautiful sounding creambacks Celestial. Sounds incredible joined with a nice Les Paul. Don’t ask me how I know. She is just too dam loud for a bedroom amp. And she likes to be cranked at least a little. The Fender sounds nice a clean and takes pedals well at lower volume.


Celestion. I have a DSL 15w head running into a 2x12 with a Celestion Greenback and a Celestion G12H Anniversary. Stupid loud, great range of sound between those speakers. The dirty channel was too dirty (and that’s saying something cause I like dirty) but a single tube swapped out tamed that beast perfectly without cutting off it’s balls. The DSLs are a great sounding amp, and “too dam loud for a bedroom amp” may be the understatement of the year! I’ve never turned up past 4 and that was with earplugs in just curious of how loud she’d go. LOUD.


Mine is the 40 watt. But it has a switch in the back for cutting the wattage in half. Still too loud for home use. I think if you were playing a nightclub or something. I love the sound of the Marshall paired with the Les Paul tho. Just magic!


I’ve got a few of the Laney GH line of amps. They’re very similar to the classic Marshalls but with more gain and much cheaper second hand. That being said I don’t turn them past 4, everything higher is white noise :sweat_smile:

Ah, guitar gear… another endless rabbit hole… :upside_down_face:


Nice set up man! I’ve got the same Marshall amp and bang on 5 different electrics and a few acoustics!


I have a couple acoustics, an Ovation and my beauty, Ibanez.
For electrics I have the Gibson Les Paul Goldtop, a PRS S2 Custom 22 semihollow, an Epiphone Les Paul Joe Bonamassa Signature in the Pelham Blue color. An Epiphone ES-339 hollow body. And an Ibanez bass with Orange Amp that never gets played.


Beauty, bonamassa is so good. I mostly play my Sunburst Les Paul, but I have a Stevie Ray Vaughn gold plated stratocaster, a 1970 Hagstrom v2, a Godin with scalloped frets that plays beatlutifully and an Ibanez rg. For acoustics I have a Norman unfinished, a cheap fender that plays beautifully and and a blue cutout Takamine, I love them all and go through phases, right now the gibsons in the rotation :heart: the hagstrom doesn’t get played these days, put away in a safe place :grin:


Just cut it with the toasted flour. Dry the flour to where its like a solid crust then bust it n mix w razor blade. Mix 2/3 flour to 1*3 pollen. That toasted flour will dry fresh pollen. Store sealed and maybe throw silica or rice as someone else mentioned then freeze. They make a lil pollen seperator box to seperate actual pollen from all green matter. You want no sacs just the pollen. The toasted flour isnt just about making more its also part of keeping it dry


Sunday update. All is looking right to me. Heres a piccaroos to satisfy your lust for bud porn.


Those girls are loaded with seed. Looks like we will all get to enjoy this in a few weeks.


Looks nice, triple stretch?


sweating wiping holy shit forehead omg


Pretty much. Theyre topped out now. Had to supercrop earlier. The tops are about 6 inches from the light. And theres 4” of air space above the lights. In an 80” tall tent.


I wish I had put them into flower about 2 weeks earlier. But we will get there.


Thats the spirit I love about this place! I have seeds going at the moment, and I can’t wait to pull them and spread some love… Strange how the culture here really does change people at a core level…

Before: Ew, a seed! KILL that male, damn that seed ruined a bowl.
After: OH LOOK! A seed! I’m gonna plant that fire! WE GOT BALLS BOYS! I can make pollen! God damnit, I bet that seed I just roasted was REAL fire before I put it in the fire :frowning:


I grew the DBHP out many moons ago. I still have half a pack of the F1, V1 release. I feel like mine was a 10-12 week strain indoors, and the bleeders showed up pretty immediately. Didn’t get a strong sativa high, more of a hybrid high. I dusted a gg4 clone with the pollen and the cross turned out excellent imo. I think you are really gonna like the dbhp. Really great cross. :v:


I pulled a seed this morning to see the progress. Nice hard green beans. Couple weeks and they will look like dragon eggs. Im stoked.

Funeral today for sister in law. Be back tomorrow.