BigMike55’s Ongoing Cannabis Log (Part 1)

I will probly start a new thread when I put these into flower. My other plants will be still here on this thread.


Ok, so for this run I decided to do 5 gallon cloth pots.
I went ahead today and up potted the rest. They are looking really health in my pinion. These were set in the tent on July 15th as seedlings. Thats the day I call start of veg. So for a little over 2 weeks they went from week old seedlings to this here. Other than having to repop seeds a week after first attempt because of me screwing with stuff and I let 3 die from too much sun and no water when it was over 90 degrees in oklahoma.
Anyways I have them all up potted and the beer cups have Lemon Pie auto I got from @Mr.Sparkle they actually just broke ground this morning.

Look at the natural branching. These have not been topped.


This is a first for me

They are already starting to throw 11 point leaves.

Thanks fer stopping by.


Very cool update bro. That one looks like a monster crop! That’s a woolly girl. It’ll be interesting to see how you tame her. :slight_smile:
edit: I had one plant that had that pigment oddity. She did good but always had a few leaves that did that.


We will hafta see. None of these have shown any pubes yet. I am thinking to let them veg for maybe 2 or 3 more weeks and then throw down the gauntlet. I am hoping for 1 boy and 3 girls. Then I could isolate 1 for sinsemilla and have two girls to prduce seeds. Hahaha. The reality of it in my experience is…
I am betting the 3 biggest ones are boys and that lil scrawny thing is a girll.
What say you?


So, An optimist is just a pessimist that hasn’t lived long enough…
Naaa. The little one’s the only boy! That’s where I’m laying my money!


One can only hope!
If it’s like you say that would be perfect. That scrawny one is 1 week behind the next 2 bigger ones and 2 weeks ahead of the biggest, if we are counting time from seed.


ooo what about the third possibility… hermie! I would say there is a pattern forming of the males growing faster and showing sex first. Only time will tell.


No hermies please.
I have just noticed from my own growsthat the males tend to be more pretty and vigorous growers when they are young.


Ok. So why is a frickin black cloud following me?
My beautiful Christmas Tree looking Afghani clone I have been growing outside…… something just was not looking right. I started digging deep into the bud structure. FNCKING CATTERPILLARS HAVE TAKEN UP RESIDENSE They have been munching down on those buds too. And what they were not eating they were shitting on.
I cant get a break man. Had spider mites inside. And outside. Now caterpillars. I have had it!!!


I’ve learned that the hard way, the males are always growing crazy with thick and beautiful leaves till they reveal themselves and we have to chop theirs heads! lol!


Sorry to hear that Mike. Were they in all the buds?? Man I hope the Lebanese cookies doesn’t get em :cry: sending good vibes your way to knock out that black cloud bro


Go plucking and killing them, patiently!! Wish you the best!


Well. I went through the entire plant removing a lot of fan leaves and rinsing the buds and killing the few I found. Then pretty much sprayed the plant down real good with water and st her in front of a fan to dry good. I must not be holding my mouth right.


Could a concoction of garlic, chili pepper and biodegradable detergent be applied!? If not with cinnamon? Pardon, don’t know enough!

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That’s funny, bro. My dad used that phrase a lot when fishing, lol. It’s a southern thang I guess, heh.

Don’t feel like the Lone Ranger. My Purple Poison Cookies from @SamwellBB got hit, too. Three on my first check. Man, they really snuck up on me. I was going to spray today but its supposed to rain for a good day, maybe. Luckily mine haven’t really started flowering good yet. But, they found plenty enough to climb in and start eating.


That sucks like a Kirby man! Here’s hoping you got every one and did a dance on the little munchers!

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Actually, on the first one, yep. Did the dance, lol.

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I spray btk on the caterpillars, and they all die within 3 days.

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Mike I just wanted to say , you deserve an award at how much you got going on here . Good luck on the spider mites and any other bugs and hopefully no more storms to fuck with the outdoor grows

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